Headshot Anxiety, An IWSG Post

7:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 39 Comments

Image by Rosy / Bad Homburg / Germany from Pixabay

My birthday was Monday. I turned 55. 
Double nickels. 
On the downhill slide...

Just kidding. I'm honestly okay with getting older. As my father used to say, getting older beats the hell out of the alternative. Or as I often remind myself: getting older is a blessing denied to too many.

So, if I'm fine with being a bit longer in the tooth*, how is this an insecure post? 
The problem is I need a new headshot. My old one is the me of ten or so years ago and it was done by my friend who is a professional photographer and was savvy enough to diagnose my photo problems:

The main one being that I am exceedingly awkward so it's hard to get a natural smile. She solved the problem by NOT saying cheese. Instead, she pretended to be working on the lighting and we talked and joked as she sneakily snapped photos. 

Then there is that issue of me being a double blinker so most photos of me are with my eyes closed. 

The solution might seem obvious: call up my friend and get another headshot.

The problem is my sweet nephew is trying his hand at photography and he asked to be given the opportunity. I agreed. Then I found out he's uses last generation technology with actual film that has to be processed before you see the photo. We took some pictures and now I'm waiting like I'm back in the 1980's to see how many Chandler Bing shots he got of me. 

Which leads me to wonder...why does writing have to be so much more than words??

*Did you know that as we age our teeth look longer because our gums are receding and showing more of the tooth root? That's why the teeth get more sensitive too...that and the eroding enamel. Got to love the aging process!

Thanks to this month's awesome co-hosts! Feather Stone, Kim Lajevardi, Diedre Knight, C. Lee McKenzie, and Sarah - The Faux Fountain Pen!

                                                            To join us, sign up here!

Happy Anniversary to my son and his wife! They're a beautiful couple living their own Happily Ever After! And Happy Birthday to my first niece who was lucky enough to almost share a birthday with her aunt. She's an Elizabeth too, so it's Elizabeth week!


  1. Happy Birthday, Youngster! 🎂💐🎈Receding gums, teeth look longer. So that's where the expression Long in the tooth comes from 🤣

  2. Happy birthday! You're still younger than I am.
    He shoots film? I didn't know that still existed.

    1. I didn't either! I'm not sure where he's buying it.

  3. Happy Birthday! I'm sure the photos will turn out great!

    I didn't need to watch that Friends clip - but I did anyway! :) - because I totally remember it. Too funny. :)

    1. I love that show. I did that clip and ended up watching a few more. :)

  4. Happy birthday to the birthday girls and happy anniversary to the wedded ones. You've a long way to go before you're old - I should know!

  5. Happy Birthday! Good luck with the headshot. I take terrible pictures and would need a pro to take mine.

    1. I may have to default to the headshot pro in the end. We shall see.

  6. Love this post. Ears sag too (I'm almost 82) and gravity takes over on all. You've lots to look forward to. :-)

  7. Sorry I'm the Anonymous .. meant to say Happy Birthday, too.

    1. Not so Anonymous - Jo Castillo, jocastilloart.com

    2. Jo, I think blogging keeps people young and sharp. I would've guessed you were in the 50 range as well!

  8. Happy birthday! My head shot is even older and I need a new one. I'm waiting for that perfect hair and body day.

    1. I was too, but I was beginning to doubt it's going to happen.

  9. Happy birthday, kiddo! Wait till you get to my age! Hugs, Valerie

  10. Happy Birthday! Wow, old school photos. Nice!

  11. Happy birthday! I love that your friend got those sneaky pictures of you. I have a hard time with my eyes looking normal in photos, too. If they're not closed, for some reason it looks like I have a lazy eye sometimes even though I don't!

    1. She is an award winning pro!. I wonder if you're a double blinker too? I get the lazy eye look a lot too. I think it's catching my eyes closing.

  12. Happy birthday. I'll trade you! LOL
    I need a headshot, too. Not looking forward to that...

    1. You're beautiful. Get that headshot...but get a digital photo you can approve immediately. LO L

  13. Hope you had a great birthday. I feel your pain on the photos. I have such a hard time, although recent pictures haven't been too bad, so either I'm feeling more relaxed in my body or I need to wear my reading glasses more often!

    A lot of people are choosing to use film again. I love it for the aesthetics, but not for the waiting around. That scene in Friends is so relatable.

    1. I honestly didn't think anyone used it anymore. Kind of like vinyl records. People liking those surprised me too.

  14. Happy birthday, Photo Twin! I have the exact same issues with getting photos taken. My husband is a decent photographer, but I know he gets frustrated with how awkward and wooden I look. Oh, and I also tend to look away from the camera, so I always look shifty in photos. I need an updated headshot for my new job, and I'm dreading it so much.

    1. I'm glad I'm in good company! I am a tiny bit envious of those people who enjoy pictures. They have so much less stress in their lives. LOL

  15. And may you have even more happy birthdays ahead! Trust me, double nickle is nearly a teenager! And, will you post your favorite 'new' head shot? Hmmm. I wonder if readers (new or continuing) really look at our photos. And what is it that we writers want? To look accessible? Friendly? Creative? Aargh! Nobody has ever commented on my bio pic. So, I guess we just say 'cheese' and hope for the best!

    1. Very good point. What is it readers are looking for? A writer who looks rich so you know they're capable of writing a best seller? LOL

  16. I echo CJ. Happy Birthday, Youngster:) And I guarantee you take better photos than I. I am the least photogenic person i the world.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you!

      We could have a competition on most awkward photo taker.

  17. My official author photo was done nearly 15 years ago by my daughter in law, a professional photographer. She also did the photos for my cookbook, Farm Girl Country Cooking. I have no intention of changing it no matter how old I get!

    1. A perpetual photo. That's something to consider...

  18. Happy Anniversary and Birthday to the rest of the family, as well.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  19. I feel ya! What gets me is the age of my grandkids. I just can't lie to myself anymore. lol

    1. Or when I have to keep scrolling and scrolling to get to the year I was born. LOL


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