End of the Trail Check-in

11:44 AM Elizabeth Seckman 6 Comments

With our kiddos grown, my husband and I are in a new chapter of our lives. A strange new chapter that includes some free time. Initially, there was the thought, what do we do with our time and energy? Like so many empty-nesters with extra time, my husband decided to take community service to the next level and filed to run for sheriff. 😐
Half the pay and twice the commitment? Why not? He's supported all of my dreams. I'd be an ass not to support his. 

Between the day job, the farm, and campaigning, writing took the backburner. Thankfully, we've come to the end of that trail and I'm back here to share what I learned:
My husband is still my hero. From the first toe-dip in the world of politics, I decided politics are a lot like mean-girl games and my husband doesn't play games. No schmoozing. No gratuitous bragging. My husband is an amazing human, but a horrible politician. 
For example, while out campaigning, he helped a lady change her flat tire. Every night, after work, he only had a two-hour window for knocking on doors. That night, he spent half his time helping this woman with her flat. I asked him, "Did you give her a campaign flyer? Take a photo with her you could post on your Facebook page?"
Of course not. He did it because it was the right thing to do, not as a publicity stunt to gain votes. 

A good politician would've called me (his campaign manager) to run up there and snap pictures and brag about his heroism. But no. My sweetie isn't that kind of guy.  

As the results on election night came in and they weren't in his favor, I had to be honest with him. That while I fully supported him during the campaign, I honestly felt a huge wave of relief by the results. If he'd have won, our lives would've been absorbed by the office because my husband never does anything by halves. He would've been committed to making his vision for the county a reality and that would have required grant money and quite honestly, his in-house grant writer is missing her blog and her books. 

But I'd have done it. For him. And only him because he has supported every hope and dream of every person in his life. I assured him that if he wanted to try again, I'd be right there with him. Thankfully, he said no. While campaigning, he learned a lot and met a lot of wonderful people, so it wasn't time wasted. But just as we've always told our boys, God has a path for each of us in this life. If you try your best and the door doesn't open, that wasn't the path you were meant to travel. 
You don't beat on closed doors; you move onto the next one. 

Then we went out and bought a new car. The rational solution to a midlife crisis. 😆

As you fly through life, be sure to pause and count your blessings.


  1. Sorry he didn't win, but it was a noble effort on both of your parts.
    I couldn't be a politician. I couldn't lie, cheat, and steal like the Dems or want to be stupid like the Republicans.

    1. Your political comment made me smile in this world of crazies.

  2. I'm pleased for you both that your husband didn't win - the time for honest politicians hasn't yet arrived.

  3. Good to support your husband and I like your new car. I'm Anonymous that commented to Alex above. Happy retirement.

  4. Sometimes it's the effort not the outcome that matters. And that effort will lead to something even better.

    Is that a Hyundai?

  5. I've been wondering what happened. I was about to put that I'm sorry he didn't win, but you both seem quietly content with the outcome. Doing something new and learning from it is great, and maybe it's an idea he could return to in the future, when politics turns back to being for the people, not the benefit of the few.


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