Tick Tock: AN IWSG Post

Depressing thought of the week. I may not have enough time to do everything I want to do in my life. I've always assumed I have time for everything. And that ONE DAY I am going to do everything I want to do. Then of course, I put it all off until tomorrow and as my husband so eloquently puts it, tomorrow literally never comes. By the time today rolls over to tomorrow, it's now today and tomorrow is still the elusive little booger that fools us into thinking we have nothing but time. 

Is that an insecurity? Surely, it counts. But even if it doesn't it still leads me to my insecure answer for this month's IWSG question and a revelation. When most of my books were first published, I had the arrogance of ignorance. I was writing because I liked taking the stories from my head to the page. Once they were out in the world, this weird thing happened. 

People read them. And paid money for them. 

My writer brain went from: 

Ooh, let's tell this story... 

To... Create a story worth the hard-earned money someone is dishing out for it. 

Same with the blog. I used to log on, update with whatever floated through my brain and hit publish. It was fun. Then I started reading about how the blog is marketing and marketing is such a big part of selling. 

This is my Pixabay Free image for 

In summary, creative brain HATES business brain. While they do their little cage-match in my head, I'm staying busy decluttering my closets and cabinets. 

I tip my hat to all of you who manage both the creative and the business side of the writing. You are a rock star.  

 February 5 question! 

Is there a story or book you've written you want to/wish you could go back and change?
Every single one of them. There is something, either major or minor, that if I had nothing but time in this life, I would tinker and tweak, probably until the day I die. But I don't have that kind of time and have to accept well-enough as good and move on. I would LOVE to be perfect, but I just don't have the time or energy for it

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 Thanks to this month's awesome co-hosts!

The awesome co-hosts for the February 5 posting of the IWSG are Joylene Nowell Butler, Louise Barbour, and Tyrean Martinson!

Image by Алекс Бон from Pixabay
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