The Age of Insecurity: IWSG July 2023

7:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 41 Comments

Last month, while I was on vacation, I thought I had entered into instant old age. Every joint in my body ached and I felt slow and sluggish. I texted a friend and swore...when I get home from vacay, I am changing my lifestyle. Vacation was wearing me out and that's insane! 

On our way home from the beach, the right side of my face started to tingle. I'd been using a lot of muscle rubs and figured I'd gotten some on my face. But then my ear and face started to hurt and I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to properly yawn, which was a bother because I was plenty tired and full of yawns. 

This was entirely not normal, so I went to the doctor for a quick check and an antibiotic. Within days, I was back to regular-me fighting shape.  

All of this made me realize that time isn't unlimited. 

Goal-oriented me was quick to call for better focus. At the current rate, I wouldn't even be able to knock all the books off my reading list much less my writing list. 

Then the slacker in me chimes in with...goals, schmoals, stop and smell the roses.  Life is short. Why spend all your time working? 

That's this month's conundrum and top insecurity. To be or not to be busy. That is the question and the answer depends on my energy level at any given moment. 

 August 2 question: Have you ever written something that afterwards you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it?

All the time. I worry about everything. Will I offend someone? Will I bore everyone? Most times, I play it safe. One savvy reader once told me that was one of the flaws in my books. That it's the books that take risks that pull in readers. In my heart, I feel that's true, but also probably not something I will ever change. 

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Thank you to our co-hosts for this month! Kate Larkindale, Diane Burton, Janet Alcorn, and Shannon guys rock!


  1. Glad antibiotics helped! There is no upside to getting older.
    You just have to decide what is going to satisfy you the most and do that.

  2. Face tingling would scare me.

    My priorities have changed as I've aged. I find I'm getting away from my computer more now and enjoy time with family and friends.

    1. It did. Once I knew it wasn't a fluke, I was making an appointment! Time with friends and family is always a good use of time.

  3. Glad you realized you were feeling crummy and got some help!

    I don't think playing it safe is a bad way to write, actually. Especially when it comes to following genre guidelines. You're doing just fine!

    1. If you say playing it safe is the way to go, then I will relax and stick with my personality and method of writing.

  4. That had to be scary. Good thing you went to the doctor. We have to accept that we can't please every reader. Remember who your target audience is.

    1. VERY good point! My target audience doesn't need to be shocked. Thank you!

  5. I'm glad you're feeling better. Above all things, your writing should please you and if you're not happy with it, then it's not right.

    1. Life is too short not to enjoy it, right? Good advice. :)

  6. Some of the challenge anymore is there always seems to be some person or group looking to be offended. My philosophy is to research and be fair. Glad you're feeling better!

    1. Dealing with people lately can be like driving home from vacation with a carload of sun burned people. Ugh

  7. I'm glad you're feeling better.
    This year, due to the unexpected family death, I feel in the same boat as you. Hit in the face with how limited time can be and trying to balance getting writing and stuff done but also enjoying life.

    1. Things like that do make you reevaluate your life goals and choices. Hugs!

  8. Oof! Health scares are the worst. I hope you find balance. Right now, my life is so packed, I think the roses might’ve gotten run over by the awn mower.

    1. I'm always looking for balance. I never find it, but always looking for it. You have young kids. Do you even have time to mow the roses??

  9. My siblings have warned me that I've reached the age where my health has reached maintenance mode. Everything is hitting all at once!

    1. I miss the days when I could abuse my body and still feel fine. I feel like I'm a late model car that has to be pampered to get it to go up hill.

  10. Glad you're okay after taking the antibiotic. I struggle too with being busy vs. slowing down and enjoying life as I get older. I don't know the answer yet on what's the right balance.

  11. Face tingling and pain in the side of your face would freak me out. As I was reading, I got worried for you. Glad an antibiotic was the answer. I'm old, and feel every body ache. I totally understand how you feel. I like the "take it day by day" motto. Take Care.

    1. I'd have freaked out more if my son hadn't had Lyme a few years ago and face tingling and numbness went along with the joint pain and lethargy.

  12. So glad antibiotics fixed the problem! I'm starting to really reckon with the idea that time isn't unlimited. Aging scares me, and I already have a fraction of the stamina I had even 20 years ago. My inner slacker is getting louder and louder. Rest! Enjoy the moment! Stop working so dang much!

    1. And I have so many plans and so much energy, in theory. I just need the IRL energy.

  13. Glad you checked in with your doctor! And I agree. Nearly every day now feels like a gift to cherish. And maybe that question . . . to be or not to be . . . is at the heart of learning what balance means for each of us. For me, the balance comes with writing nearly every day, even for a short amount of time, as it keeps me connected to my stories. So far, I have energy for all else. May it be so for you.

    1. And making what we enjoy the priority. I always put writing on the back burner like it's the treat I earn in life.

  14. We need to retire so we can write full-time. :)

  15. Hey Bud, How the heck are you? Sorry to hear about the health issue and glad it's in the rear view mirror. There's always a writing conundrum isn't there?

  16. Glad the antibiotics was a quick fix on something that sounds a little scary. I'm still trying to find the happy middle between goals and smelling those roses.

    1. My son once pointed out that writing is a job that is never, ever done. There is always a next thing and a next thing after that.

  17. I hear ya - about aging and rewriting. Do I ever write something and leave it alone for all time? Hardly.ever. Sorry about the scares regarding your energy and specific symptoms. It sounds as though you're using it all productively - a good wake up call to keep a balance in life. Keep positive, nurturing joy flowing, while you continue to be the multi-talented, multi-tasking rockstar that you are.

    1. Multi-talented. Not sure I concur, but love you for saying it.

  18. Oh wow, Elizabeth, that vacation really messed you up Glad the antibiotics helped. In response to your answer to the question, yes, I was told that you must empty yourself and be super honest as readers know when you're tippy toeing around the story. Not easy.

    1. It did mess me up, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat! I'm trying to be bolder in all things. Fear never propelled anyone to greatness.

  19. I am also a complete worry-wart
    Several times my puppies have eaten things they shouldn’t and I worry until it comes out the other end!! (like a big chunk of a pink bra) hahaha
    Glad you are doing better, and thanks for reminding me of Carrie Butler for my cover. It’s been too long!
    Let me know if you decide to do a book thing. I need to get out, whether I sell books or not!
    Miss you, lady!
    Tara Tyler Talks


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