Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Pacing: IWSG Post

The next IWSG Day will be August 1.
Sign up here.

IWSG Day Question: What pitfalls would you warn other writers to avoid on their publication journey?

When my first couple of books were published, I was quickly feeling the strain of balancing the creative side of writing with the business side of publication. I wanted to master all things yesterday. Another, more seasoned, wiser writer told me to remember that publication is a marathon, not a sprint. 

Over the years, I've watched plenty of writers grow weary and walk away. Very seldom was their problem a lack of talent. They just all tuckered out and lost faith in the dream. 

They tried to make a mad dash to the finish and lost their oomph. 

My advice to a new writer? Pace yourself. It's a long journey. Grab some snacks, a few friends and Most times, the journey is long. Grab some snacks, take along a few friends and enjoy the process. 

Thanks to Ninja Alex and this month's co-Hosts: Erika Beebe, Sandra Hoover, Susan Gourley, and Lee Lowery!


  1. Hi,
    I like your advice because I needed it. Publication is a marathon and not a sprint. I'm learning to pace myself too. A slow jog is better than a sprint.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  2. I love this line - "I wanted to master all things yesterday" - because I felt that way, too. Now, I know better. Pacing, marathon. Great advice, Elizabeth!

  3. Everything in writing and publishing and marketing seems slow. I guess it's better to be the tortoise than the hare.

  4. Such good advice! Pacing is so important. I can see how one could get burnt out really quickly.

  5. I think this is the best advice I've heard. I was one who almost walked away because I just felt drained by the whole process. I'm glad I didn't as now I'm so happy to be back to writing.

  6. Such a smartie! We've all heard the old saw about how anything worthwhile is worth waiting for, but some of us don't have a whole lotta time left to wait, doggone it! You're right about writing being a marathon rather than a sprint, and for me, it's a walking marathon... with lots of rests. :)

  7. Oh yes, it is a long journey, and I've gotten tuckered out too. But at least I was able to get started again after a bit of rest. Excellent advice about pacing yourself.

  8. I think that long journey burned me out for a while too. I'm still trying to get back into it.

  9. A steady pace sure is the way. Seen many go away too.

  10. More excellent bits of advice for authors. There's nothing worse than burnout.

  11. Yes to snacks and friends. Friends keep us all going strong. Happy IWSG day :)

  12. Pacing yourself is excellent advice. You have to be in it for the long haul.

  13. It's a long, and sometimes lonely, roller-coaster ride. The roar you receive one day is drowned by the silence you receive on another. And the twists and turns are unpredictable.

  14. This is such great advice. Thank you!

  15. I'm going to say that's some of the best advice out there. It's too easy to get excited and burn out.

  16. Good advice. It's an endurance run, not a sprint:)

  17. Very true. It's also difficult if you have a 'real job' taking up your time.
