Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Independent IWSG

It's Independence Day. The time to celebrate those intrepid souls who revolted against tyranny and struck out on their own to build an independent nation. 

The same can be said for the indie writers. They're bold. They have a story to tell and they tell it. They don't wait for permission to dream.They're entrepreneurs. Rebels and pioneers. 

Indies should be proud, but in a world where peer pressure and comparisons can reach sophomoric levels, insecurity can be a problem. Indies start to question the value of their dream, the usefulness of their work. 

That's no good!

Imagine if the revolutionaries approached every battle and skirmish with insecurity. What if they lacked faith in their ragtag battalions? Questioned the skills of their non-commissioned generals? 

Without bold, defiant spirits and faith in the dream, they'd never had the gumption to commit treason so freedom could ring.  

What are your ultimate writing goals, and how have they changed over time (if at all)? My goals change daily, heck, hourly. Sometimes I'm shooting for the traditional dream, then the next minute I'm planning to stuff stories in envelopes and let my kids deal with them when I kick the bucket.
Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh and this month's co-Hosts: Nicki Elson, Juneta Key, Tamara Narayan, and Patricia Lynne!

Insecure Writer's Support Group

A database resource site and support group for writers and authors. Featuring weekly guests and tips, a monthly blogfest gathering, a Facebook group, a book club, and thousands of links – all to benefit writers! #IWSG


  1. So true indeed. Have to keep pushing on. lol do you have enough envelopes?

  2. So true, Elizabeth. And my goals change frequently too depending on how inspired I am.

    1. Same here. Some days the skies the limit, other days, I can't even think of a facebook post.

  3. The part about stuffing stories in envelopes cracked me up :-) Have a wonderful 4th of July!

  4. Great post, Elizabeth! The part about the envelopes is too funny. :)

  5. WOW Elizabeth. You really motivate me to move :) I hope your kids make great things happen to your stories too. Happy IWSG day :)

  6. Go Indies! LOL. I think amazing things come out of freedom and the ability to choose.

  7. Indie publishing has come such a long way. It annoys me when people who aren't involved in the writing community or world still say "self-published" like it's a bad thing, or automatic signal of poor quality and egotism.

    1. I'm going to mark it up to being worried about their own status.

  8. I like your flexibility in goals, Elizabeth.

  9. Happy Independence Day to you too! :)

  10. Well said! And I cracked up about putting your stories in envelopes for your kids to find when you are dead. LOL don't do that!
    Happy 4th to you and your family!

    1. They'd probably think they were old piles of bills and toss them. LOL

  11. Hey, Elizabeth, I can relate to goals being a moving target. I haven't even written my long-term, overall goals down anywhere. I say we're meant to enjoy the journey, rather than confining ourselves to lists and hard-and-fast deadlines.

    1. You are the wisest lady. My constant focus on the shoulds of writing stop me from enjoying the process.

  12. Great post. Happy Independence Day! Yay Indie Writers!

  13. I loved what you wrote "to stuff stories in envelopes and let my kids deal with them when I kick the bucket." I wish we could all do this ;)

  14. I just recently saw Hamilton for the first time - the strength of spirit of our forefathers could only lead to victory. Great post & tie-in with the holiday. Happy 4th!

  15. Don't do that Liz, I wouldn't be able to read them. Love your picking the Independence Day theme to illustrate a writer's problems. Way to go.
