Friday, November 3, 2017

Kick My Fanny, Thank You

Who knew googling "butt kick" could be sexy? 
This week's good thing is...
a kick in the fanny!! 

Life moves so rapidly, sometimes it's necessary to take a deep breath and pull back a little.
Last year, our holiday season was not one I want to repeat. My brother-in-law passed away the week of Thanksgiving.
By Christmas, my mother's health started to fail. Most of the holiday was spent in hospital rooms and the ER. To keep with the holidays of trauma 2016 tradition, New Year's Eve was a life flight for Mom for emergency surgery. Sadly, she passed away over spring break.

This year, I family will have a happy holiday if I have to choke someone to make it happen. First step in that was walking away from football. It's my son's senior year and I've put in my share of hours. I told our booster VP that after the last fund raiser, I was signing off. It's November and I have deadlines I will have finished before my kids come home for the holidays.

Unfortunately, what I say and what I do are often completely different beasts.

By Monday, I was agreeing to set up a banquet the people, secure the site, verify the time. I texted our treasurer, Mary, to find out when she could meet, etc.

She texted back...why are you setting this up? It's November. 

And sometimes...not so sexy
I texted back, I don't know. Because I was asked?
I texted her back, What days and times are good for you? 
More silence.
So, I called.
And got my fanny kick.
Why do I agree to do things I don't have time to do? Things I say I am NOT doing?

Hmm...good point.

So, my good thing for the week is having a friend who cares enough to kick me in the fanny and tell me to stop.

Oh! And these...
I picked some up for trick or treaters and ate a few myself.

That's my small things check-in. Thanks to our hosts LexaL  .G, and Tonja Drecker for this weekly reminder to look for the good things in life! What good things are new with you? 

Are you the type who sticks to your guns, or are you a foolish plate filler? 

*Photos from Pixabay


  1. It's good to have friends who look out for you!

    However, a kick in the fanny (I'm blushing to type that!!) would be a VERY different thing in the UK...

  2. Know when to say no! And stick to it. Good thing your friend had some sense. Now, stick to your resolve.

    1. I am. I have pages to finish and dust bunnies to banish.

  3. If you'll strangle someone, I'll strangle someone. We could be an evil pack together.

  4. That's good you have a friend to help you say no. But it's hard when your kid is in school to not volunteer. My daughter was swim captain senior year which meant I was swim mom captain with two other women that year. Hope your holidays are happier this year. I have a lot of sad memories around the holidays due to losses of those I love but do the best that I can.

    1. I do a lot of volunteering and I find it important. If everyone chipped in just a little...imagine how nice that would be.

  5. What a year it was for you. A good friend is priceless no doubt and good of you to have one to count on. Greetings.

    1. It is time for a break...a pause to count some blessings.

  6. Having a friend to kick you in the fanny is a win. I have no trouble saying no. I find it even easier to say no when they come around and pretend it would be to my benefit to say yes, when really it is theirs, or if they want you to do all the work. Pffffft.

  7. I volunteered to do a ton of stuff at my kid's Montessori preschool and stopped when they moved on to grade school. I volunteered there quite a bit too until my kids got older and told me my presence was embarrassing. Fine. I quit that too. Now I volunteer in the costume department at the middle school. My girls have three more years to be involved in that. It's easier to drop things when no one you know is calling and asking though.

    1. I'm not opposed to helping out. There are just times when it's wise to take a break and I often forget that.

  8. My reaction to your headline was the same being from England originally. But yes and had I known, I too would have kicked your butt, hard. Keep telling yourself you haven't got time to volunteer.

    1. I really need to find out what dirty thing I'm spouting here. Maybe I better change the headline!!
      I know you'd kick my butt. You're pretty darned awesome at keeping me on track.

  9. Caramel Tootsie Pops? Yum! Watch out with the word "fanny." To British readers, it doesn't mean your bottom.


    1. I learned that this week. I'm still shocked. I asked Jo Wake if I should change the title and she said no and I always do what Jo tells me.

  10. My hubby used to tell me over and over, "You have to learn to say No!" I understand how hard it is. I got a call yesterday from my church where I volunteered way too much. After asking me to be on a new committee, the wonderful office lady said, "I'll not letting you take this on. You have too much on your plate." I said I'd come to the meeting, and she helped me to say another time... We all need good friends to help us!!! Good Luck Elizabeth. And praying your Holidays this year are top notch!!!!

    1. my grandma always said...if you want something done, ask the busiest person in town.

  11. Good that you have a friend who's willing to do that! My kids get on my case-great fanny-kickers, btw. And those pops look yummy.

    1. I'm learning that about my kids too. They are very perceptive. Who knew when we changing diapers and wiping noses that they'd be such helpers later.

  12. I think friends who are honest are so important. I am hoping you have Happy Holidays this year.

    1. As long as they don't point out my weight gain, honesty is appreciated.

  13. It's absolutely fine to say no. You can only do so much. Sounds like you have a great friend!

  14. You owe it to yourself and your family to politely decline whatever interferes with you making time for other things. It's time other parents stepped up!

    1. I'm finding time with my adult kids is rarer and rarer. I don't want to ruin that window of time with them because i have stretched myself too thin.

      And other parents will step up. Someone always does. There are always good people just waiting for the cue to take over.

  15. I know about those hospital holidays. They are wearing. Here's to a healthy and happy end of 2017. I support saying no. You have to once in a while.

  16. I would scold you, but I do the exact same thing. I just can't ever say no, even when I'm overwhelmed and don't have enough time to take care of myself and someone still asks me for something and I just instinctually say yes like some kind of idiot.

    I'll take one butt kick, too, please.

    1. It's like an illness. I suppose I am a people pleaser at heart. LOL

  17. Aww...we all fall in the same category. Hard to say no or let anyone down.

    1. It is hard to care how things go and not help. But I have hit the point where I am stretched so thin, I am forgetting to do things and that doesn't help anyone.

  18. Where's that Mary when I need a good tuchas whooping? She sounds like the perfect friend to have.

    I'm glad you've had caramel tootsie pops to get you through, Elizabeth. Say "yes" to those or mai tais, "no!" to everything and everyone else. =)


    1. One day, Robyn, we'll say yes to mai tais together!!

  19. I don't think we understand just how much stress we add to our lives by agreeing to do things we know we don't have time for, and will add to our burden.

    1. And when I'm stretched too thin, I never do a good job and that frustrates me even more.

  20. It's tough to say no. Me, I've just presented myself as a social hermit so much that people no longer ask me for help. :D

  21. I’m sorry your holidays last year were tough. I hope this year is different.

  22. LOL! YES. We often need a good fanny kicking. Not me though. I need a maid. ;)
