Friday, October 24, 2014


Thanks for stopping in on this leg of the Island Adventure Romance tour and many thanks to Elizabeth for hosting me.

Contraband holds a special place in my heart because although it wasn’t the first book I wrote, it was the first one to be published. The novel came out of listening to a news item and thinking ‘what if?’ A short story took on a life of its own and became a novel about a good man living on the edge because of his fear of poverty.

What makes the book special, you might ask. When we read about people who do bad things, they are in it for the money and not much else. Paul, my main character, sells marijuana and won’t lay off because he doesn’t want to even think about returning to the most unpleasant part of his life, which was his childhood.

Contraband isn’t just a regular tale. It’s a story about one man’s struggle to give up old habits and take on a new way of living with the help of a good woman by his side. Another interesting thing about this book is that it has spawned several others. The island of Xantrope became almost a living creature and has played host to the characters in Taming Celeste and well as Grudge, which will be released in December.

Sign up on the Rafflecopter if you’d like a chance to read the books in this series or win a gift card. Also, feel free to download Anya’s Wish, which is a complimentary novella from the Island Adventure Romance series.

J.L. Campbell lives in Jamaica and writes romantic suspense, women's fiction and young adult novels. She also writes non-fiction and is a certified editor. Visit her on the web at or at her Amazon page. She's enjoys good company, so feel free to follow her on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. That first book is always special.
    Congratulations and good luck, Joy!

  2. Thanks guys! Hoping for a successful tour.
    Elizabeth thanks ever so much for hosting me and my baby. :)

  3. That first book will always hold that place, congrats!

  4. I saw it in a bookstore once. The first book will always be special. All the best with your latest Joy.

  5. Very cool that a news story inspired your novel. Fear of poverty is a very believable reason for temptation.

    1. Isn't it just, Susan. Many have been led down the wrong road because of fear.

  6. One book leads to many. My first fiction book spawned four more.

    Congrats, Joy!

    1. Your story sounds like Alex's. I guess that's how you know the writing bug has come to stay. :)

  7. I enjoyed this post, JL! And your books sound intriguing. I have no clue what a rafflecopter is! But I will check you out on Amazon! Good luck with your books!

  8. Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for your good wishes.

  9. It sounds like a very inspirational story. I love to read about people who achieve great things despite the odds.

    1. Thanks, Stephanie. Along with giving up the not-so-good stuff is the bad things along the way to getting there.

  10. Awesome post. Hello Joy, and Elizabeth. Contraband is on my TBR list. Still. Sorry, haven't had much time for reading in the last year or so.

    1. Thanks, Dolorah. I know. So many books, so little time.

  11. " man’s struggle to give up old habits and take on a new way of living with the help of a good woman by his side."
    Note - good woman by his side. They can't do without us, hey? Had to emphasise it. Couldn't resist.
    Hi Elizabeth! *waving*

  12. Elizabeth, thanks again for hosting me. You rock!

  13. In addition to being extremely nice women and excellent writers, you and Elizabeth manage to find beautiful people to pose for your book covers Smiles.

    Congratulations, JL, and congrats to you too, Elizabeth, on your newest babies!!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Robyn. Trolling through hundreds of photos turns up the good-looking folks. :)

  14. Congrats on the release! I love how a small "what if?" can become a thought that won't leave our heads, then it turns into a short story, and then a novel. What an adventure in itself. That's awesome.

  15. Congratulations J.L. I love 'what ifs' too :-)

  16. Yay, Joy! I have a hard time with contemporary books. Too real, but this one sounds awesome and I'm wishing you epic success.

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  17. Contraband is totally on my To-Read list. :-D

  18. Those first borns are always close to us, aren't they? Here's to Contraband's success.

  19. I love those what if moments and I've had a few in the past. Hopefully one day I'll manage to turn one of them into something.

  20. I love Joy's writing and hope to read this.
