Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Adorable and Skinny!

Oooh...do I have a treat for you guys!!!

Want some great holiday photos of the kiddos?

Ever wish you knew how to trick the camera into making you look thinner?

I asked writer/photographer Rachel Schieffellbein to stop by and give us some tips.

Take it away Rachel!

First off, I want to thank Elizabeth for having me on her blog today! I’m super excited to be here.

I know a lot of writers have other artistic endeavors they enjoy. For me it’s photography, because, unlike writing, it’s basically instant gratification. And when I’m writing, or revising, or waiting forever for emails, I need a little instant gratification!

Elizabeth wanted me to share some photography tips for the upcoming holiday season. 

First question! Photographing kiddos....

One: Get down to their level. Kneel, sit, lay down on the floor, whatever you have to do to get the angle you want.

Two: Get up close and personal. They have such perfect little faces, make them the center of attention.

Three: Get them in action. When they’re ripping open those presents, or dancing around in their pjs, take lots of photos! That’s one nice thing about digital, you can just delete the ones that don’t work out anyway.

 Second question! How to appear thinner in photos....

One thing that I think helps is to push your hair back. I know that sounds weird, but often times women with long hair have it hanging in front of them and it hides their neck, making them look rounder. 

Also, stretch out that neck, and pull your shoulders back! Posture helps.

Bonus Tip!!!

PicMonkey. It’s a free photo editing site online. It’s easy and fun to use. Just don’t go crazy with all the different effects! Keep it simple. :)

Have a great holiday everyone! 

Thanks Rachel!

Rachel is a writer, photographer, cover designer, and all-round sweetheart. 

She is celebrating the upcoming ghoulish holiday with a book sale! I love her stories and I've already grabbed this title for myself! Get yours HERE!!!


  1. Great tips!
    (I love the delete button on digital. :P)

    1. That delete button is so much less violent than the old way of ripping up pictures.

  2. I find wearing a lot of black helps as well!

  3. tip 3 and 4...only photograph beautiful people who are thin.

    1. That works. Problem is finding enough beautiful/ skinny people.

  4. Great tips, I've used picmonkey a time or two.

    1. I need to check the site out. I'd love to try my hand at it. Not that I have any time, but still...I want to do it.

  5. These are all great tips! I recently learned that a pic comes out more flattering if the person taking the picture angles the camera from above instead of straight on. Helps to get rid of double chins. :) And yes, PicMonkey is great!

    1. My husband and I got into the biggest fight at Mt Rushmore because he tried to take my picture while lying on the side walk. That's a terrible angle- and he humiliated the kids by laying there on a busy walk.

  6. Great stuff, ladies! I'll need to monkey around with PicMonkey. It sounds like fun!

    1. He he. Monkey around. A monkey might learn it quicker than me!

  7. Useful tips. But no book for me, I do not like zombies.

  8. Funny thing... I've been doing posture exercises recently. I think it's helping...

    1. I have horrible posture. I need to work on those too.

  9. I don't think anything can make me look thinner, but I appreciate all the good tips. It's fun to photograph kids. Some of the best photos I took when I worked at newspapers were of children in school.


    1. I used to tell people to get my best angle, but the older I get I have less good angles and more rolls!

    2. I look more and more like a bullfrog every day. My head is sinking into my shoulder with my neck as a large roll of padding.

    3. A bullfrog. I look like a pug...my nose is going to take over my face.

  10. Awesome tips! I always put my hair forward. I need to try it with it back. Thanks! :)

    1. I do the high pony tail in hopes that if I pull it tight enough, it will work like a face lift.

  11. Yep, I grabbed Rachel's book as well. yay! :)

    I actually totally need a professional haircut right now. I've been cutting it myself since March 2012, and it shows. ;) But I just have been prioritising other things money-wise. Someday soon I'll go to the hairdresser though!

    1. I don't know why I get a pro hair cut. I never do my hair. It's always just pulled back in a pony tail.

  12. I need a magic camera to make me look thinner :)

    1. I like those skinny mirrors. I want one in my house.

  13. I shall definitely be using these tips in future. Thanks gals :)

  14. Great photog tips and wonderful cover of her book! Back in the days of film, I didn't take lots of pics because they never turned out and editing was unheard of, unless you had it done. Now, with digital, I'm a paparazzi! I love the ability to delete and crop and filter and fix! And I look 20 years younger. ;)

    1. I need to try my hand at that editing stuff. I'd love to be 20 pounds lighter- I wouldn't have to delete so often.

  15. A zombie book sale! I'm all over that. :)

  16. Love the tips. I'm always in need of more. My picture taking skills are not the thing of epicness, but they'll get there.

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

    1. I;m really good at forgetting the camera- does that count as a skill?

  17. Nice tips, that little girl looks like an angel. Congrats on your book Rachel.

    1. Isn't she just the cutest? No offense to Rachel's skills, but anyone could make that cute look awesome.

  18. I just reviewed three apps yesterday that have a "thin" filter. One is Looksery. It actually worked when I tried it out and it was the only free one of all of the apps I reviewed:


    1. A thin app? They make such a thing? I'm all over that!!

  19. Pull back hair, stretch neck. . .and think thin ;) Fun tips!

  20. Great photo tips. Thanks! I like taking pictures, but not of myself. Congrats, Rachel!

  21. Thanks for the photo tips. I do have young children, so that'll really help. And I knew the "stick your neck out" suggestion! Woot!

    Grats on the book!

  22. awesome tips!! (says while cleaning up posture and putting hair behind shoulders) hugs Rachel!!

    1. Yo always take good pictures, you hot senorita you!

  23. There are some people who just know how to play up to the camera.
    Kiddies are naturally photogenic...what a cute pic!

    1. My dad always said it's because kids are not yet self-conscious- that we get the awkward pictures because we are too worried about get a good picture.

  24. I love photography, too! I am going to use these tips, especially when I take pictures of my nephews. :)

  25. I enjoy photography, so these are great.

    Happy Halloween. That's a great book choice.

  26. This little girl in the pic is adorable!
    I'm going to try the skinny tips during the upcoming holidays and see if I can manage. I will probably end up looking like a lunatic and peple will ask why I'm sticking my neck out LOL. The camera is not my friend.

    Happy Halloween, ladies! :)
