Friday, August 29, 2014


Some problems are bigger than others.
Absentmindedness can come naturally to me. In my frenzy to do too many things at once, I sometimes drop balls all over (the juggling sort, I assure you). Two weeks ago, I cleaned out my mom's freezer (remember, she got married and ran away to Alaska?) because I promised her I would get her house shut down for the winter. 

Anyhow, while separating frozen food into bags (fruits & vegies and meats don't mingle until they are in the pan, right?) I set a package of steaks on the pantry shelf. 

Then I left.

A week later, I cam back to mow and there was a funky smell in the house. I checked the freezer and assumed the melted water was going bad. So, I scrubbed it out and left. 

This week when I went to mow, the house smelled worse. I searched the pantry, and there I found the culprit. A package of steaks rotting on the shelf. By the time I got that scrubbed up, it was getting dark, but I came to mow, so I mowed.

It was a cloudy evening, so darkness was thick quickly. As I mowed, I couldn't really tell if I was keeping my lines straight, so I imagine there are plenty of missed strips of grass. 

With that, I can officially say- I gave my mother's yard its first mowhawk.

Why am I telling you this? 

Because I also forgot to give the fabulous Rachel Schieffelbein  some cover lovin' on her new book coming out in September. Rachel's stories are always good reads, so I look forward to this one.

So without further ado, here it is!

Erwin is in hell--- Locked in his high school with his ex-girlfriend, her new pain-in-the-ass boyfriend, and a handful of others while zombies claw at the doors trying to fight their way in.

The bright light in the dark is Sylvia, whose strength helps hold Erwin together
when everything is falling apart.

When they realize the school is no longer safe,
Erwin is determined to keep the group together and get them all to safety.
But he can’t save everyone.

Release day is September 17th.
Don't forget to add it to your Goodreads list!

And don't forget this. It's never too late to remember a friend. Join the blogosphere on September 8th in a cyber memorial for Tina. 

In memory of Tina Downey, the A to Z Team is hosting a sunflower tribute on September 8, 2014 – Remembering Tina Downey.

Prior to that date, purchase or plant a sunflower in her honor. (If you have to resort to plastic, that’s cool.) Take a photo of your sunflower and post in in her memory on Monday, September 8. Tina loved her sunflowers, and we want to splash the blogging world with sunflowers that day and honor a truly amazing woman who was friend and family to so many.

You can sign up now or add your link when you post your sunflower.

Please help us spread the word! Let’s brighten the Internet with sunflowers the way Tina brightened the lives of so many.

photo credit: JD Hancock via photopin cc


  1. Love the sound of Rachel's story! Must add it to the never-ending TBR ;)

    That is pretty gross about the steaks. I'm glad you found it eventually. haha. and that lawn is a badass!

    1. Some days you do what you can do, when you can do it. Lawns and TBR lists included!

  2. I'm sure Rachel doesn't mind it's late.
    I can only imagine the bugs that rotting meat attracted.
    When you go back, if you did indeed give her lawn a mowhawk, take a picture.

    1. A friend drove by the house. Evidently I'm pretty good at holding straight lines in the dark. And yeah, bugs. Gross.

  3. A little late isn't such a bad fate, blah to the rotting meat though

    1. That's what I always say- there are bigger issues in life!

  4. Yikes, I did the same thing with hamburger I took out of the basement freezer and after throwing clothes in the laundry I forget the meat. Nice tribute for Tina!!!!

  5. I cannot imagine the smell. Must have been awful. I wonder how the lawn does look.

    1. By the time I made it out to mow again, it just looked overgrown and weedy. The smell was awful. Just awful.

  6. *sigh* Stories like these always make me feel SO much better. Poor steak, though.
    Yay to Rachael's book. It looks so creepy.

    1. It was a big waste of steak. They're expensive, as I'm sure you know!

  7. I don't know what's creepier, the zombie book or the zombie steaks. IT'S ALIVE!!!

    1. Zombie steaks!!! Ugh. They did look alive.

      No need for lunch now!

  8. You're a real person. Elizabeth, and a busy mom. I'm amazed you do everything you do. Just don't ever clean out my freezer for me. Or mow-hawk my yard. :P

    1. Hugs Melissa! That gave me a good chuckle.

      (I keep telling people I try to get fired from "helping" but they keep calling me!)

  9. It coulda been worse. Something could have died in the house, and you would have been responsible for disposing of it. I like a mowhawked lawn. I think I'll ask my yard guy to do that for me.


    1. That is true! Part of a dead animal was plenty. Maybe a mowhawked yard could become a trend.

  10. I like the mohawked lawn too. Having never mowed a lawn, I'm impressed. Sorry about the meat. Ugh. Sounds worse than rotting fish - which I've smelled the place up with many times.

    Hugs, girlfriend.

    1. You have never mowed a lawn? I am most impressed with your powers of dodging manual labor. Here I didn't think I could love you any more!

  11. You have no idea how much better you've made me feel with this post. I'm more "out-to-lunch" these days than not, so reading how you forgot something eased my mind. Thank you. Thank you.

    Also thanks for signing up for @WeWrite4U_Lit. I'll be posting some tweets starting 9/1. Easy for others to RT that way. Everybody's plate is spilling over.

    1. There are so many aspects to this whole books as a career thing- it's no wonder we are all going a little nuts. I'm a horrible twitterer, but will be sure to do something to promote literacy!

  12. I mohawked our lawn once too! I used to have such a keen mind and never forgot anything until I had a kid. You have four. Steak misplacements happen! Have a lovely long weekend. :)

    1. I am a firm believer that children suck brain cells from our head while in utero.

  13. I lost an important piece of jewelry this week and found it in the strangest place. I don't even remember putting it there.

    Congrats to Rachel.

  14. Debating if I want to also be crushed by a Hershey bar.

    mowhawk---omg lol.

    Tina will be deeply missed by all. She was great.

    1. I could eat my way out of the Hershey bar dilemma. Trust me on that :)

  15. Ha! I love the title of this one. So funny! I've heard of people losing their cell phones and finding them in the freezer later, so it could be worse!

    1. True. When I had four kids under the age of six, I once put a stack of towels in the fridge. And there are still large gaps in my memory from those years.

  16. Leaving out the meat - so gross!

    I'm not allowed to mow our lawn as I give it a mowhawk every time.

  17. Oh, oh, oh, I could smell that meat! That's must have been nauseating.

  18. So mohawks are back in style. Your mother will thank you. LOL!

  19. Ha ha like that the first mowhawk.

  20. Luckily, I asked Faith to put that release date on my calendar for me, otherwise, I would have blown it for sure. I don't know what I would do without my girls. They are like my little secretaries, keeping my life on track. I certainly wouldn't remember to buy anything that I need at the supermarket if it weren't for them. Thank God someone in my house has the ability to remember things because it sure as heck isn't me!

  21. Rachel's cover looks so deliciously dark. I love it. Also, giving your yard a mow-hawk is better than giving it a mullet?

  22. I keep thinking there must be a metaphor for life somewhere in the steak left on the shelf. When I figure it out, I will let you know.

    Tina Downey touched a great many people that she never met. Would that we all might be so lucky. I am so glad to see these remembrances though I can't say that I knew her.
