Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Me and My Shelfie*

How could you ever look any more prettier* than when standing in front of your fancy book shelf? And how could you ever get any more connecteder* to blog buddies than by snapping a selfie...or a SHLEFIE and sharing them with each other? 

Hops are cool. All the popular bloggers are doing it. At that lady of hipsterness, Tara Tyler, is the kooool kid in charge of this one. Come one. You know you want to do it...

Dates: Now thru Monday, Oct 6
Entries: Take a picture of you and your book(s) - your favorites or your own novels. Or you can just arrange the books in a special way and take the picture - but you do get extra points for being in the photo.
Formats: Tweet, Facebook, Blog - just make sure to include a link(s) to each.

The lovely co-hosts, co-conspirators and contributors: Heather M. Gardner,Christine RainsVikki BiramCD CoffeltM.J. FifieldElizabeth Seckman, and Rena Rocford

But that's not all - check out the fabulous prizes! It's easy and profitable! I hope you'll join us and spread the word =)

*All grammar errors were made in earnest. Just because I wanted to and I am the boss of this place. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. Does he have his own mini library? That would be pretty cool.

  2. Mine is in front of movies, that count? lol

  3. Uh... Most of my books are digital. But I'll see if my husband can build me an interesting set of shelves to fill a head shot.

    1. I am adapting quickly to digital. Now I only keep my faves on a shelf.
      (To save your hubby some work, you could snap a shot of you with your Kindle library!)

  4. I've seen this bloghop advertised on quite a few blogs...
    I've never tried a selfie never mind a shelfie... I'm just about getting into a little photography... trying to polish my non-existent photography skillz... LOL

    1. I have a confession...I've tried to do the selfie and end up with a whole bunch of odd pictures of my eyeball. Not sure what I;m doing wrong.

  5. Sounds fun! It would be lovely following on twitter and seeing everyone's' selfies!

    1. I have to figure out my twitter password. I keep forgetting to go there!

  6. Weill enjoy it when it happens.

  7. Sounds like fun! Do I need to take a pic of my books in a bookstore or at home?

    1. I'd say either...or both! I prefer the "no rules" rule of blogging.

  8. So much fun! If I was moved into my house with all my books out on a shelf, I would totally be playing along. Unfortunately everything is in storage until the 11th of September, and then I'm hosting a boatload of family on a week later until the end of the month, and then I've got a book release. I need a clone, please?

    1. We need to have a talk with that Alex about sharing the clone machine.

  9. What a great idea. I'm going to be non-commital for now, so I don't have to flake like I did for your bloghop, Elizabeth. =( But I'm making a note to self about this one shelfie.

    Hope you're well, girlfriend.

    1. I am slowly emerging from my summer daze. Now worries about my hop. Flaking out is fine. Flakey people are my favorite sort. You keep my life interesting. Hugs!

  10. Fun idea! I wouldn't dare take a photo of myself at the moment. I'm pretty sure I scared the Fed Ex man the other day. lol

    1. Oh my goodness Mary, I thought the same thing! I haven't even had time for a haircut...I've been cutting it myself. (Good thing my hair dresser is good at what she does, I've created her a nightmare to fix!)
      Perhaps I could put a Barbie on the shelf and fool people into thinking it's me?

  11. I've tried to do a selfie but somehow ended up blocking my face. Not sure how that happened! A shelfie sounds like fun, but like someone else mentioned here, most of my books are electronic. When my husband and I moved across the country I actually had to leave all my books behind and you talk about having a broken heart! But my Kindle has helped me heal a bit, lol.

    1. I buy more books on kindle now than I do in print. It's just so much easier to deal with. Now, I only keep my autographed books and my favorites.

  12. I just took my first selfie this month as part of a scavenger hunt! I'll have to do this one :-) Love Tara!

    1. I still haven't mastered the selfie. There is some secret to it, I think.

  13. My arms are never long enough for Selfies!

    1. Maybe that's my problem! Imagine poor old T-rex trying to take one.

  14. I need a good bookshelf! I'm a Kindle junkie. Although I probably could take a picture of me with my Kindle bookshelf if I could figure out an attractive way to arrange it besides the carousel view...

    1. You could do a vlog post and spin us through the carousel. But that's a lot of work.

  15. Yay for hops and typos!
    thanks again for helping host sweetie!

    1. whew. In my haste to post- there are so many unintentional typos to go along with the planned ones. Just a reminder that edits are never done!

  16. Cool hop. I will consider it. :)
