IWSG Make-Up Post

1:09 PM Elizabeth Seckman 18 Comments

Where were you when you realized it was Thursday and you missed the first Wednesday of the month?? 
I was sitting on  beach in North Carolina doing real important stuff. 

Like deciding my spirit animal is a seagull. 
If you've ever read Jonathon Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach (highly recommend it if you haven't!) you'll know that to some, gulls are symbolic of dreamers who understand that setting goals and overcoming personal challenges is a form of self-discovery and spiritual actualization. 

Of course, to others, they are the "rats" of the sky because they are loud little beggars, scavenging for scraps in colonies of like-minded beasts. Kind of author-like. Also, it shows resilience and adaptability. 

A sea gull is a good writer spirit animal. Calm and serene. Flustered and chaotic. Socially limited. Willing to work/beg for scraps. Probably insecure when they're away from the water....

CaCaw my fellow fliers. Until next month. 
Hopefully I remember to post on time or get shoved out of the colony —

just like Jonathon. 

Since it's back to school time, let's talk English class. What's a writing rule you learned in school that messed you up as a writer?

Not starting sentences with a conjunction. Stephen King does it and seems to be doing just fine in his career. But every time I do it, I feel this little cringe in my studious soul. 

Thanks to this month's awesome cohosts! The awesome co-hosts for the September 4 posting of the IWSG are Beth Camp, Jean Davis, Yvonne Ventresca, and PJ Colando!


  1. It was a nice place to be. Everyone needs time off.

  2. Wow, where in North Carolina? At least it's a cool spell right now. Just enjoy!

    1. I said North, but was in South Carolina. I always go to North Carolina...consider it my second home, but we were in North Myrtle Beach. Also a beautiful beach!

  3. The beach sounds wonderful. And I notice some well-known authors breaking rules we're told not to break.

    1. The more awesome the writer, the more they can make their own rules.

  4. I hope you enjoyed your beach time and the seagulls didn't pester too much. Another good author spirit bird would be a magpie, always hunting for gems among the dirt.

    1. I love the seagulls. They never annoy me.

      A magpie. That's an idea. I'll have to do some research. I don't know much about magpies.

  5. NC - where? Wish I'd known.

    My spirit animal is Godzilla.

    1. North Myrtle, Cherry Grove area. I don't know why I said NC. I was typing as fast as I could and my default happy place is the Outer Banks, so NC is always on my mind.

      Godzilla! Love it!

  6. Replies
    1. It's nice to get away and have a reason for a fresh start when you get back home.

  7. The seagull sounds like the purrfect spirit animal. Love the pic;)
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Later in the day, a pigeon showed up. I may be a pigeon. LOL

  8. LOL. Being a vegetarian, I guess the seagull wouldn't work for me after all.

  9. Sounds like you were doing something fun when you missed the 1st Wednesday. =D


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