A Grand Update

9:47 AM Elizabeth Seckman 11 Comments

For the first time ever since I joined the IWSG, I forgot all about doing it. I'm not saying I've never missed a day, but I always knew I was going to miss and would message Alex to let him know I was going to be busy. But last month, IWSG fell during a crazy, busy summer.

One day after my last post, life interrupted work with a huge woo-hoo, life is great and getting better momentous occasion that made me think of nothing but real-world stuff.

Meet Violet, my very first grandbaby. She is a heart-stealing bundle of wonder.

Violet meeting her uncles. 
Boy #4 Conner
Boy #3 Carter
Boy #1 Caleb (the daddy) with Violet
and Boy #2 Cole 

Summer started with a bang and then blew by like a crazy roller coaster, but more on that in later posts.

I just wanted to pop in and say hey, I'm still here!


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