Let's Keep Hopping!

11:10 PM Elizabeth Seckman 40 Comments

Kyra Lennon is hosting the Game On Bloghop to celebrate some awesome new covers!!

Sweet, aren't they?

Anyhow, Kyra wants to know...who is my sporting crush?

Well now that's easy...cause no girl forgets her first crush, right?

And that crush would easily be...Howie Long.

Oh my. He even had this die-hard Steeler fan cheering on the Raiders.

Isn't that a perfect jawline? Aren't those sensitive eyes?

He has that mix of studly and sweet. I imagine he's a bit on the quiet, intellectual side. I mean those glasses say he'd enjoy a quiet night reading by the fire, right?


Oh Howie. You were perfect in the 1980's and you're still perfect now.

Now, let's keep hopping!!!

TaraAngelaGwen, and Roland are hosting the...cue the spooky music...
From the Great Beyond blog hop!
 What writer would I contact in a seance?

Hmm. Tough decision!

My first thought would be Margaret Mitchell.

But, I've read her biography and she was a little serious to the point of stuffy.

Ooh, but what about Mark Twain? 

Educational and funny. But then he was super ornery in life...imagine the chicanery he could pull in death?!
I want an author photog like that!
Would I look cool with a smoke?

I know...John Steinbeck!

He could teach me a thing or two, or a thousand!

Wonderful sense of humor. Saw some amazing history...

And I wouldn't have to worry about getting a wedgie from a ghost!!


  1. Greetings Elizabeth,

    One moment, please....Argggghhhhh...blog hops, blogfests, alphabet challenges, make them STOP!

    Phew...sorry about that....

    Interesting sporting crush. And those dudes can crush!

    John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath are heading your way.

    I'd seance Dr.Seuss. Dr. Seuss.floating around. Floating around above the ground without a sound not even a hound was found above the ground floating around...

    Gary :)

    1. I can't wait until someone hosts a Gray fest! Then you will have to take part :)
      Dr. Suess!!! Why didn't I think of him? Because I'm nowhere near as clever as Gary!

  2. Ooh yes he is rather nice, isn't he?

  3. Howie Long! I take it you watch the pre-game show with Howie every week then?

    1. My boys make me watch football...what else is a girl supposed to admire, I mean do?

  4. It was a hard decision to make, regarding who to choose for the seance, you came up with a good one though. Interesting character.

  5. Love Kyra's new covers. :) I don't have a sports crush, though. I don't watch enough sports! Lol.
    Yeah, he could teach us all a thing or two! And you could totally rock a photo like that. ;)

    1. No sport's crush? Really? Wow. I think I have more sport crushes than actor crushes. Something totally unsexy about a guy who obsesses over looks for a living.

  6. Howie Long is a great choice. Nice jaw line and other stuff.

    Steinbeck was way cool. Somehow black and white goes along with smoking. Ever watch Casablanca? It was the thing, back in the day.

    1. Doesn't he have the perfect jaw? And yes, those smokes were a def sign of those times. It was sexier before they knew it was linked to cancer and wrinkles and all that stuff.

  7. I'd love to have a conversation with Mark Twain. He was such an interesting character, with a mind of his own.

    1. As long as I knew he wouldn't play pranks on me that wouldn't give me a heart attack, I'd be all for seancing him in!

  8. Long as he doesn't come in my home smoking Steinbeck is welcome. Twain is another great choice and you definitely went into deep thought on which spirit you'd choose Liz. Nice choice of sport stud, he's definitely sturdy for his sport.

    1. I hate the smell of smoke, but for Steinbeck, I would bend that rule. ;)

  9. Nice sports choice. I like the quiet, intellectual guys myself. I think Twain or Steinbeck would be fascinating. I would like to meet either Poe or Lovecraft, but I just hope they're not insane after death!

    1. Poe was a little crazy before death, so you might have your hands full with that one!

  10. Okay, Elizabeth…
    That's a lot of ghostly choices.. LOL.. You certainly are hopping around for the perfect author ghost. I hope Steinbeck will be the perfect choice for you…. LOL

    1. Yes I am. I could bring them all in...that'd be quite a party!

  11. Steinbeck? Yes. Definitely.
    But my no#1 would be Dr. Seuss!!!
    Off to do more blog-hopping!
    Happy Halloween!
    Writer In Transit

    1. You will have to fight Gary for Dr. Suesse...or maybe you guys could split the medium costs and share him.

  12. We are all conjuring up some literary heavyweights. He wrote a wonderful, moody novel.

    1. Yes we have. Quite the who's who in the blogosphere!

  13. A wedgie from a ghost. Hmm, I wonder what that would feel like. O_O Great post for the hop. :)

    1. Any wedgie is a bad wedgie. That I can assure you :)

  14. sweet howie! a hunka man!
    and great choices! i picked twain too!
    a great seance group!

    1. Definitely a hunk! Loved your post, excellent ambience.

  15. Wait, I'm still trying to see which would be better to go with. Although, if you could have an author photo of you that said, "I make this look darned good," then go for it

  16. I like the look of sportsmen, but would have little to say them. Part because I'd be salivating too much, part because my brain would close down. :) But gimmi the rest of those guest, and I'd chatter like a nutter. :) X


    1. I don't think they'd mind if you just drooled and stared ;)
      It would be great to get advice from any of those greats!

  17. Mmm, your crush is cute :-) I love a man with glasses, super sexy!

  18. The pose that Steinbeck is sporting? I think it's an era thing. I can picture the women of that time pulling it off as well - Katherine Hepburn, for instance. Us? I don't think we could these days. It would seem stuffy instead of mysterious.
    (This is Laura, btw. My new pen name.) ;)

    1. A pen name hmm, that seems very mysterious, you could probably pull of the pose.

  19. Ooh, I do like me a big, beefy hunk! He's lovely!

    Thanks for joining in with the bloghop!

  20. How is handsome.

    I love Kyra's covers.

    John Steinbeck is an interesting choice. I'm intrigued by the era he lived in and wrote about.

    1. It would be a neat era to check out. If I had a time machine, it would be a definite stop!


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