Hodge Podge and Poop

12:31 PM Elizabeth Seckman 44 Comments

Looking for a profound post?

Then you came to the wrong blog. 

I started my day with this hope that today would be a marvel of accomplishment. I'd write magical words, I'd clean my house in a frenzy that would make the blitzkrieg look slow, and I'd have dinner ready to eat so son #2 could have a nice, home cooked meal before leaving for his TSA trip to Florida. 

Instead, I stepped in dog pooh, and then trailed it from my dining room table to my coffee maker. 

By the time I scrubbed the floor and my slippers, son #1 was awake and wanting breakfast; son #3 wanted me to call Microsoft and see if he could get his gamer account back (seems he got locked out after making one too many attempts to get in with bogus email accounts like jimjimminy and hotman65);  and then comes the text from the hubs reminding me to check on son #4's order with Amazon.

Crapola. Literally.

Son #1...have a bagel; number #3...later, when you get back from football, I promise; and son #4? Seriously...I would  kick his cute little hiney, but it may be partly my fault.

I guess while I'm blogging or writing, I don't pay one-hundred percent attention to questions and comments of the living people in the room. 

According to my kids, Conner (boy #4) got permission to shop and purchase a Nintendo DS 3-D on Amazon while I was busy blogging. Here I thought we were talking about pancakes, but like they say, I get distracted. 

So yesterday, the games (which I guess I also approved and assume he paid for) arrived, but no DS. Conner gets worried and asks, "Mom, my seller has a 100% negative rating, do you think that matters?"

Oy Vey.

New rule. 

No asking Mom questions when she is hypnotized by the glare of the computer screen.

Therefore...due to the many hiccups, distractions, duties and obligations...I have nothing.

You want profound, you want funny?  Might I suggest stopping by Kristin Lamb's  blog?  Her rant on body dysmorphia is as funny as it is tragically true.

Might I also suggest being brave, standing up as a writing contender and entering  WRiTE CLUB?

Can you take a hit? Stick your writing chin out there and see if you can come out on top?

Time is almost up. You have until June 30th to get your entry in for the first round of judging.

I'd also like to take a minute from my busy, exotic life filled with dog crap and kids and say thanks to the truly exotic, living in France, eating steamed veggies, and running in marathons, Ms. Elise Fallson for this award.

It's so pretty and I love the sentiment.

Thanks Elise!
Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves, for sure.
Just ask Aretha and Annie ;)

And I'm passing this award along to Sheena-kay Graham and Livia Peterson. Really, I can't think of a single blogging chick who isn't worthy, but these two gals always take it to the next level!


Let's Talk Sex!!

12:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 79 Comments

Read about it HERE
Tara & Heather are celebrating publication by taking a pause from the writing process to host a fest about thrills.

As a writer of love stories, ask me about the thrill of my stories and my mind instinctively goes to sex.

In my stories, sex goes hand in hand with love. 

No hook ups, no one-nighters...at least not as the way to the land of happily ever after.

And that's by design. 

 I started reading Barbara Cartland and Danielle Steele when I was in training bras. Those stories made me a believer in true love and romance...even if it was the...ahem...dirty parts that lured my inquisitive self to read ;)

Woah, a teen consuming such romantic trash? 


Those books, those stories of true love made me a true believer. As I waded through the dating world, I had all kinds of fluffy headed illusions that made me turn down any offer that started with, "Hey baby, nice...."

See, that sort of behavior doesn't fit the true romance paradigm. 

Photo from Wiki Commons
A real hero won't smack you on the rump, leer below your collar bone, or think a single free drink will get him to the promise land. 

No sir! A hero will walk through the fires of hell to get his true love a glass of ice water because she is thirsty. (And of course, the heroine would never ask that of the one she loves...so it's all good.)

Honestly, I think we need more people thinking this way...to start believing in love and holding out for the real thing.

*Just to be clear- I write romance for the adult market, but I have found at my book signings and from emails that many teens are reading my books. That revelation made me wonder...should I remove the sex? And this post was the answer I came up with.


Nailing Frogs- A Story about Grapes

1:16 AM Elizabeth Seckman 42 Comments

Grapes are on sale this week...which reminds me of a joke.

A joke I used to repeat to my boys as often as a toddler throws a rattle from the stroller.

(Yes, I AM amazingly patient)

It goes like this:

A frog hops into the grocery store and hops on the counter and asks, "Got any grapes?"

The store owner shakes his head and answers, "Nope. Not till Friday."

The frog hops down and leaves. 

The next day the frog returns, hops up on the counter, and asks, "Got any grapes?"

The store owner frowns. "It's only Tuesday frog. I told you not until Friday."

Frog hops down and leaves.

Nest day, the frog returns, hops up on the counter and asks, "Got any grapes?"

The owner growls and says, "Look frog, I said NOT UNTIL FRIDAY. Come in here again and I will nail your little frog feet to the counter!"

The frog hops down and leaves. 

Next day, the frog comes back, hops up on the counter and asks, "Got any nails?"

The store owner loses it and yells, "Look frog! I don't know what your problem is, but this isn't a hardware store it's a grocery store! NO, we don't have nails!"

Frog smiles and asks, "Good then, got any grapes?"

Is there a moral? A lesson? 

I don't know, you tell me. I've been to the grocery four times since Monday...and not once did I remember to get dog food. I love those kind of weeks. 

Have a great weekend! Hope it's relaxing :)

photo credit: Thomas Hawk via photopin cc


A Little Revealing Is a Good Thing

12:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 42 Comments

I'm back! You missed me. right? 

Well, I missed you guys! Pause for hugs?

While I was vacationing...I did do a little work. 

While chilling on the beach, I got to work with the talented Lindsay Anne Kendal on the book cover for "Fate Intended". 

Okay, so it wasn't really work...it was total fun!

Wanna see it?

Of course you do! 

But first...I have some awards people were kind enough to give me and I've been so busy, I've not had the time to share them.

Bad, I know, but at least it's not as smelly as my laundry pile. 
Thanks to Suzy Turner for the Liebster Award. The Liebster has rules, which I will shamelessly bend. 

List 11 Things About Me
1. I just got back from the beach.
2. I hate leaving the beach, but pacify myself by picking up real estate booklets on my way home.
3. I hate that I can't afford a second home at the beach. 
4. I hate unpacking.
5. I hate that the lawn needs mowed.
6. I hate that I am now expected to wear shoes in public. 
7. I hate the closed up smell of my house when I get home.
8. I hate having to set my alarm clock after a week of waking whenever I want.
9. I hate that the pile of accumulated mail that greets me is nothing but bills and catalogs.* 
10. After a day or two (or three),  I'm back to the rhythm of being at home, and I quit whining about the things I hate about no longer being at the beach.

From Deanie Humphrys-Dunne I received the Sweetest Blogger Award!

These questions are a piece of cake!
1. What is my favorite dessert? strawberry shortcake
2. Cake or ice cream? cake...hardly ever eat ice cream.
3. When do you like desserts best? Anytime. I even have the plaque, "Life's short, eat desert first"
4. Which do I prefer- cookies or cake? Cookies. Got to love their portability!
5. Chocolate or vanilla? Sorry vanilla, you ain't got nuthin' on chocolate!

                    From Annalisa Crawford, I got the How to be Happy Meme!

My five things that make me happy?

1. My kids. Even when I want to beat the tar out of them...they make me happy
2. My husband. For an anal retentive, obsessive compulsive comic book fanatic...he's pretty fun to hang out with.
3. Writing. I may not be the best; I may never sell out of the thousands, but it's my therapy and my bliss.
4. Friends. Online and offline...friends are my life line. 
5. Faith. Belief in a higher power who I have full trust in keeps me balanced in an off-kilter world. 

Now to pass these gems on...
The Liebster...how about my long time buddy, Jay Mims
The Sweetest Blogger...Celeste Holloway
The How to be Happy...Tammy Theriault

Now, about that cover...

I give them a total squee!!!

*On a bright note...amongst the trash and requests for cash was an autographed copy of Lisa Regan's new book, "Abberation". Now that's something to be happy about :)


Irish Green :)

12:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 30 Comments

Hey there Elizabeth, thanks for inviting me over. I'm having such a good time visiting some great blogs that I might never go back to my own.

Now, Elizabeth mentioned a few weeks back that she liked Irish Green, so that's the one I'm going to tell you about. 

It started as an experiment. I'd been watching Notting Hill - have you ever seen it? Well, there's a scene where Hugh Grant's character is walking along a street as the seasons change to denote the passing of time. It's very effective, and I wondered how easy that would be to do in a short story. 

Ta-da! Irish Green was born. Sometimes my brain is stupidly simple.

Gypsy is the person I could have turned into if I hadn't had some wonderful friends in my life. She's a loner, she likes to be alone because she's not keen on the way other people treat each other, but she also recognises she's missing out. She goes to the student union bar just to have contact with people and she lives in hope that the next kind word will be genuine.

Fun fact: I haven't given the other character in this story a name. This happens quite a lot, I've noticed - I either have the name straight away, or they don't get one at all. Names can be quite cumbersome sometimes.

SPOILER ALERT: This is probably one of my most traditional love stories, because everyone is still alive at the end of the story.

Another fun fact: I only realised when I was taking this photo of the original story, that it started life as a flash piece... Those two pages, with the very generous margins, were the entire story!

About Annalisa
I live in Cornwall, with a good supply of beaches and moorland right on my doorstep. I live with my husband, two boys, a dog and a cat. Despite my location. I neither surf nor sail, and have never had any inclination to try. I much prefer walking along the beach and listening to the waves crashing over rocks. For this reason, I really love the beach in the winter!

Buy That Sadie Thing here (this link should take you direct to your local Amazon)
Follow Annalisa here, or Like her here
Read her blog here

photo credit: f_shields via photopin cc


Secondary Characters

12:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 22 Comments


When Mabel's best friend, Amber, drags her along on a double date she finds herself falling for Lance, the obnoxious class clown whom she swore she'd have no interest in. 

The only problem is, she's not sure if she's really the girl Lance is into, or if, like every other guy she knows, it's really Amber he's after. One thing is clear,
if Mabel wants to be the lead in her own love story, she needs to start acting like it.

This is the blurb for Rachel's  novella, "Secondary Characters".

I just finished reading the story...and I really fell for it.

And it's not because it's well written with wonderful characters and a super intriguing premise.

Nope, none of that.

I have a very special reason for loving this story.

Lance (the MC) is a tackle. (for the non-American footballers, a tackle is a lineman...a dude in the trench who takes the hits and abuse and very rarely gets any glory) 

And I'm partial to lineman.

Are you shocked?

You've probably seen this before, but I never miss an
an opportunity to show off my works of art!
My babies: Cole, Conner, and Carter...all have done their line time.

Nuff said?

Go buy the book...go read the book...give the man from the trench his moment in the sun while he seeks his HEA!!

Find Rachel
*On a personal note~ I'm leaving today for vacation. I know you'll miss me, but I'm leaving you in good hands. The ever lovely and talented Ms. Annalisa Crawford will be here as a guest poster. Until then, I'll be soaking up some salt water and hiding from the sun's rays. 

I'll bring back pics, unless I look fat in them...then I'll burn them and make up some story about my memory card going bad or something. Heck with memories when you have vanity to consider, right?



12:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 15 Comments

Welcome to the Aberration Blog Hop!
In celebration of the release of her second novel, Aberration, Lisa Regan is hosting The Aberration Blog Hop:  Finding the Most Aberrant Characters.  The Hop runs June 6th and 7th so it’s not too late to sign up!
In Aberration, FBI profiler, Kassidy Bishop is on the hunt for serial killer who is an aberration—a freak—even among serial killers.  For this blog hop, list your top 5 choices for the most aberrant (freakish or abnormal) characters in fiction, TV and movies!
Before we get started, let’s take a look at the definition of aberration:
Definition of ABERRATION
1 : the fact or an instance of deviating or being aberrant especially from a moral standard or normal state
2 : unsoundness or disorder of the mind
3 : an aberrant individual
— ab·er·ra·tion·al  adjective
From the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary

1. The Joker... this guy's only purpose is to create chaos...that's just weird. He burned the money?! Who does that?

2. Hannibal Lector... when you blend the manners of a gentleman and eating habits of the Donner party...you have the bizarre.

3. Keyser Soze... rumor has it Keyser killed his whole family so no one could use them against him. This dude mixed evil intent with cool calculations and that raised the bar on chilling.

4. Freddy Krueger...this dude is a freak...kid killer...dream stalker...what is there about him to love? Nothing. I know.

5. Lex Luthor...but only if you consider the desire for world domination crazy.

All participants will be entered to win prizes (Amazon gift cards; signed copies of Aberration in paperback and e-book versions of the book). 


Rejecting the Bible...An IWSG Post

12:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 39 Comments

Find Other Posts Here!

I'm suffering severe insecurities. 

It's bathing suit season and yesterday was the day to face the three way mirror...you know the one...the one that works like a  magnifying glass when paired with the glare of the florescent lights. I keep suggesting skinny mirrors to store managers, but none see the genius of my proposal!

So, we deal with the fat mirrors.

Sigh. See? Not a happy day. 


We will not despair...I bring you a funny.

I found this a long time ago on QueryShark. Readers were asked to take a stab at writing queries and the subsequent rejections. This gem was in the comments. It has become one of my favorite pick-me-ups. It's hilarious. I wish  knew what author to credit, but alas, I do not. 


Dear Agent,

When God created the world, He knew the people He made would eventually get themselves into trouble - and His own son would end up paying the price.

In THE BIBLE, a 775,000-word historical fiction/religious memoir, God is the Creator – He from whom all things flow. His creations are uppity things: some of them turn His name into a curse word, some set up false idols in His place, and some eat food He specifically told them was His. One thing’s for sure, God isn’t letting these ungrateful bastards into Heaven until they're redeemed in His eyes.

That’s where His son comes in. J.C. was created to die for the sins of man and open the gates to Heaven, but nobody asked him first. Thrust into existence with doom hanging over his head, he’s just trying to live his life: hanging with religious rebels, The Apostles; doing stand-up in the temple; mixing it up with moneylenders; chatting up feisty “former” prostitute Mary Magdalene. 

J.C. knows his buddy is about to turn him in to the authorities on a trumped-up charge, and pretty soon he’s going to end up nailed to a tree – but first he’s going to party.

I am that I am.Thanks be to Me for your time and consideration.


The Lord

(Best Response posted by Philangelus posing as an editor)

Dear Lord God:

Thank you for your submission. The editorial board was very much intrigued with your concept for The Bible and would be interested in seeing the complete manuscript.

We ordinarily do not publish anthologies, but we may make an exception if you can get signed releases from the authors of all the books. As we do not publish poetry at all, we will not be including any of the psalms, but some of them certainly showed promise. You may feel free to submit those elsewhere.

Your working title isn't "sexy" enough to sell, so we've retitled it "Assassination: A Murdered God Speaks." We feel this will draw the eye among bookshelves crowded with competing sacred scriptures.

Some of the material in your sample chapters appears inflammatory and exclusivist, and those parts would doubtless offend our readers who worship Ashera and Zeus. This material would have to be removed or reworked before we would consider publishing your book. Although doubtless the negative publicity would generate sales, we have to protect our global reputation. A boycott of our entire nonfiction line by Zoroastrians would cause some agitation among our shareholders.

The editorial board was concerned about the length of your manuscript. Its marketability would be enhanced by trimming approximately 200,000 words and dividing it into a trilogy. Much of the material appears redundant, so you will have to remove Chronicles and three of the Gospel accounts. The concluding chapter, Revelation, seems to have no relation to the rest of the manuscript. We would prefer you to rewrite a conclusion that is more within of the spirit of the piece.

The scenes of violence were rather disturbing, and we would urge you to tone them down before resubmitting.

One of the editors appreciated the strong female characters but felt that because most sacred scriptures involve male deities, perhaps changing Jesus into God's Daughter would help your work stand out from the crowd. We also lamented that God does not have any peers with whom to interact, as this builds character. It worked rather well for the Greeks and the Romans, so you should consider expanding your pantheon.

Jesus needs a love interest.

Your marketing plan concerns us, as you only intend to advertise by word of mouth. We regard your claim to speak every earthly language as far-fetched. Writing the different books in different languages makes it difficult for readers, although it does add to the air of verisimilitude. Please submit a revised marketing strategy along with any credentials you may have and lists of future speaking engagements. Perhaps you could work a sign such as a free fish giveaway with each copy sold, or a water-into-wine tour.

Our marketing director believes there are franchise opportunities if your work catches fire with readers. She outlined the possibilities of calendars with quotations, mugs, children's book spin-offs, plush figures, and Happy Meal toys.

Please send us any thoughts you may have as to a sequel. Does God have any other Sons? Would Jesus consider returning and dying again in a small Midwestern town?

We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript. Thank you for your attention.


The Editor

See? rejections happen to everyone!


Before you go-

Want a chance to have your work looked over by industry pros?

Of course you do!

And all you have to do is put your dukes up and knock out the competition.

Easy peasy, right?

GO HERE for info and sign ups! 

photo credit: DUCKMARX via photopin cc


Sebastian Falls

12:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 53 Comments

Special celebration here today!

One of my best writer buddies and honestly, one of the best friends I have never met is launching her first book!

Celeste and I first “met” like, oh my… four or five years ago? We were both *stalking* the same agent’s Facebook page and doing the awesome “full” dance together.

Well, said agent hit major personal crisis and dropped out of the publishing biz. So, Celeste and I collected our mannies and realizing there is safety in numbers, we traveled the submission road together.

And since that time, Celeste has supported me through rejection, dejection, and even the death of my father. She is always just an email and a prayer away. I would never have made it to where I am without this little lady pushing (sometimes dragging!) me along.

Publication has been a long journey, but it's so much better with a friend!

Meme courtesy of "I Can Has Cheezburger"

Here's what the hub-bub is about!

I loved this book on so many levels! (And so did my boys who were excited to get to be betas!)
The characters are good; the story is unique; and the setting makes the imagination hum. All that goodness aside, this book touched me at a spiritual level also. I won't give away the plot. But I will say this is the kind of story that keeps you actively discussing and considering the what-ifs from the central theme of the story. If our maker gives us talents, but also trusts us with free will, what path would we choose? What if Hitler's charisma was used for good and not evil? Ted Bundy's genius used to save lives rather than end them. Meadow is one of the chosen. She is gifted beyond normal human levels, so now good and evil battle to win her soul...though ultimately, the choice is hers.

Buy Sebastian Falls    Follow   Celeste

But before you go...let's give some stuff away!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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