June Highlights!

7:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 16 Comments

Smile! It's summer time!

I recently read that young people's systems are saturated with dopamine, unlike more mature people. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that sends the brain its "rush". I'm no neurologist, but I'm assuming a system revved up on the stuff is like an engine in fifth gear. Always looking for adventure and ready to go. As we age, we are no longer the lackeys of the pleasure principle, so we can relax and enjoy the little things in life. 

That's my biological justification for buying my first bird feeder. When I was a teen, my grandparents would sit at their kitchen table, sip their coffee, and watch the birds in their yard. Sitting still that long made me feel twitchy, like I was wasting valuable time that should be spent on living. 
Now, I get it. I was a slave to my dopamine. Now, my brain is calmer and I am free. 

Come feathered friends, entertain me. 

And for the highlight of June...Miss Violet!
June was my granddaughter's first birthday. One year gone by already! She's walking, climbing, chattering...such a big girl already! 

Because of her birthday, we were able to get 3 of the 4 C sons together. 

Carter, Conner, Caleb (Violet's dad) and Violet!

Then there was a quick trip to the beach. We were already two hours closer after the party, so why not? 

And time for some plant rescues. Blackberry bushes are unwelcome in hay and pasture fields on the farm, so my husband was on a killing spree. I dug a few up and brought them home. They aren't looking real healthy, so wish them luck! I may not have gotten enough root system. Dang. I'm still learning!

How was your June? Any highlights? 


  1. I first got birdfeeders to entertain Ink. They entertained me as well, and now are entertaining Calli and Quill. It's always exciting to see new visitors. January during a thaw, we had a bluebird stop by! Enjoy your feeder. Your granddaughter is very cute.

    1. We got ours for Psylocke! We felt bad because she's an only-cat and when we leave, she's home alone. I was leaving the tv on for her, but she loves sitting and looking out the screen door, so we got her a window seat and a bird feeder.

  2. That's an interesting commentary on the dopamine distribution. Sure makes sense! I remember that feeling of excitement, adventure and discovery about life when I was young. It's diminishing in me now by the day, I think.

    1. Same here. I just thought I was getting wiser. :)

  3. Your granddaughter is so cute. And the picture of the beach is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you! I have to agree with you. She is adorable. :)

  4. Happy birthday to Miss Violet - she's a lucky girl to have three doting uncles as well as her - naturally - doting father.
    Beautiful sunset - heart-stopping.
    Good luck with the blackberries - sometimes transplanted plants take a long time to get their feet down.

  5. Blackberries usually take over everything, so hope yours makes it.

    We love watching our birds at the feeders.

    Violet is a great name. That was my best friend in high school's name.

    1. You're right. If even one of the transplants lives, we will have plenty in no time.

      Our cat is loving watching the feeder. We got her a seat for the window. It's her new favorite spot.

  6. Oh my gosh. A year old. How did that happen? Happy BDay, Violet. Sweet Girl.
    Good luck with the blackberry bushes.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  7. Your comment about bird feeders and your grandparents cracked me up. When I was a teenager, my mom and grandpa used to talk about gardening for what felt like hours. Zzzzzzz

    Now I'm an obsessive gardener who will bore the pants off anyone in the vicinity by talking about my plants: where I got each one, how it's been performing, why it's great, what pests are eating it... zzzzzzz.

    I hope you enjoy the feeder. As for blackberries, I highly recommend growing thornless domestic ones. The wild ones will eat your house.

  8. Love your bird feeder. Have a grand weekend, Elizabeth.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  9. I got bird feeders for our new house and it was nice seeing the birds at first. Until the stupid grackles took over and scared everyone away so I had to declare war aka I took the food down while I looked into how to deter them from taking over my feeders.

  10. Violet is absolutely precious!

  11. What a beautiful family, Elizabeth! And I hope those berry bushes survived and thrived!


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