My List of Writer Truths

7:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 25 Comments


1. Fortitude trumps talent. Hard work pays off, even in writing. I've watched writers become successful because they worked and they worked and they worked some more. They relentlessly practiced their craft and studied marketing. They hit on all cylinders and until they finally got "lucky". I've seen so many very talented writers quit because the work wore them down.

2. Luck helps. I met a lady at a conference who made a decent amount of money selling a book that got immediately shelved because her story was very similar to another the house was getting ready to launch. If only she'd submitted her story one year sooner, she might have written the next "Big Thing".  

3. Quitters never make it. If you quit, you will never succeed. 

4. The good ones keep learning. Trust me, as soon as I think I know what I am doing, things change and there is something new to learn. Even the craft of writing changes. Don't believe me? Hand modern-day readers War and Peace and see how many read it. 

5. The happiest writers enjoy the process. If sales are your only barometer for success, you're robbing yourself of the journey. 

I'm still creating my list...anything I should add? 


  1. Replies
    1. I hope it's helpful. It's a list of things I remind myself of as I write.

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by. I read constantly. Not just winter when I can't get out for my walks, but year round. My mother started me off in the '50's reading Golden books and I have never stopped. It is nice to meet an author! Lynn and Precious

    1. I enjoyed my time at your blog! I made a note of the books you mentioned for my daughter-in-law for Christmas. I think she will love them!

      Readers are the best people on the planet! My own mother was a voracious reader. She could finish a book in a day. She is also the one who encouraged me to write.

  3. These are great writer truths, especially the ones about working hard and enjoying the process.

    1. The one great thing about being a writer is that you are never bored. There is so much to do and so much to learn, it's a process that could keep you busy 24-7.

  4. Those are great. I'd add that one should treasure those who get what we write, no matter how small a number that may be.

  5. Those are inspiring words to remind us all to keep going and always pursue our dreams!

  6. Yeah, it tends to all circle back to perseverance. We keep on keeping on.
    Love ya.

  7. Good list, Elizabeth. I especially like the first one.

  8. Good ones. Another writer truth - you are never truly done editing. (Well, sometimes, but we just don't want to stop!)

    1. I HAVE to add that to the list. That's one of the reasons I never reread the books I have out. I always find something I want to change. I will revise this list and reshare when I am in need of a blog post :)

  9. I couldn't agree more with luck! That's definitely a big component. I guess we can game it a little by continuing to submit, which gives us more opportunity. :)

    1. That is the saying luck is when opportunity meets hard work!

  10. Truthy Truths! Luck and timing go hand in hand. One I’m learning is that it will never be perfect. It’s like a painting. You can keep adding and subtracting, but at some point you have to see the finished work or no one else will.

    1. That is a very good point. I've over-polished a work until I made it boring, according to my beta readers.

  11. AND #4 is also great. We should never stop learning, no matter what our craft is. Hope you're finding some writing time in that busy schedule of yours. Hugs,

    1. Thank you! I haven't gotten to write much this week, but I've gotten to think a lot about writing.

  12. Yes to 5.


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