IWSG 2024 Post #1: Positively Positive

6:00 AM Elizabeth Seckman 39 Comments


Did you hear about the author who got her book contract yanked after she was accused of trolling fellow authors with horrible reviews from multiple fake accounts? If you haven't, you can read about the story here
If the allegations are true, I have just one question to add to the debate...who in the hell has the time to be so mean? One of the reasons I've never adopted a pen name is because I rarely have enough time to be me, much less be me and a fake me. That would just be two personas. To review-bomb, you'd need multiple accounts. Imagine how much effort it took to make all those phony accounts? You'd need multiple usernames, passwords...and you'd have to write all of those fake, horrible reviews. 
That took some time and energy, if it's true!
Now, imagine if she'd have spent that same amount of time and energy on her next story, her marketing, or some positive networking...what could she have accomplished?! 
Instead she sucked on the sour grapes of insecurity and envy and lost her agent and her publisher. 

But here's the thing...
Writers are dreamers of big dreams. And sometimes those dreams feel impossible and so far out of reach that other people's success can feel like our own failure. Insecurity raises its nasty little head and starts to whisper that we aren't good enough, talented enough to do it on our own...that for us to succeed, others must fail.  
But those are lies. Ignore them and think on these:
1. More than one writer can succeed at a time. They're called best seller LISTS, plural, for a reason. 
2. Helping a fellow writer creates good karma, not competitors. 
3. Building YOUR writing career is a more productive than wasting time trying to destroy (or complaining about) someone else's. 
4. Newton's law of the conservation of energy says the total energy in an isolated system remains constant over time. It's been a LONG time since I took physics, but I think that means your energy is finite. If you waste it all on negative thinking, you'll have less energy to be productive. 
5. Even if  I read Newton all wrong, I still contend that being negative sucks, so stop it. 

I know you all agree with me. You're part of the IWSG—a group that has helping each other at the very core of its beliefs. But if that monster of insecurity begins to nibble at your brain, feel free to say...

This post was brought to you by the letters, I, W, S, and G! A monthly blog hop where writers share their worries, concerns, and insecurities.
If you're tired of going it alone, feel free to join us! Sign up HERE
Thanks to this month's awesome co-hosts: 
         Joylene Nowell Butler, Olga Godim, Diedre Knight, and Natalie Aguirre!

Now for The Question....
Do you follow back your readers on BookBub or do you only follow back other authors?
I've only followed authors. I didn't even know following readers was a thing...

Speaking of authors I follow....

C. Lee McKenzie! Lee is a wonderful writer and her books are always full of heart and angst. She has a new book out. I've already bought it and moved it to the top of my to-read list. 

What the book called Rattlesnake is about: 

The desert town of Rattlesnake isn’t a destination. It’s a last resort. Seventeen-year-old Jonah Guthrie’s aunt sold their home in New England and fled to this place to escape the humiliation of his dad’s indictment for embezzlement and subsequent disappearance. 

While their late uncle left them a house and a silver mine, the house is a shambles and the mine is defunct. They’re almost out of money, so they have no choice but to stay in Rattlesnake. And then Jonah discovers they’ve inherited something else. Her name is Catherine, and she’s been dead for over a hundred year. Now, she needs his help.


For a moment, the sun balanced on the tip of the tallest peak, then slipped behind the mountains, turning them black against the sky. They were out of options all except for going back to Old Cemetery Road and dealing with the property. From somewhere far out in the desert came the loneliest sound Jonah had ever heard. That high-pitched yowl caught him at the center of his stomach. Suddenly, he felt eyes on him from every direction, and the shadows grew teeth.

Trailer for Rattlesnake

You can mark as Want To Read on Goodreads today.

Rattlesnake is now available to buy.

 Amazon . Smashwords . Kobo . Barnes & NobelConnect with

Connect with C. Lee McKenzie @ Substack . Goodreads . Facebook . Instagram . YouTube . LinkedIn


  1. Number five says it best. It does take energy to be negative, more than being positive, so why waste that time?

    1. Absolutely! Life is too short to dwell on negative things.

  2. Some people take perverse pleasure in belittling others - a not very subtle form of bullying, easy to do anonymously but wasting so much effort.

  3. Haha See, that's me. I didn't know it was a thing either.

    As for this, I completely agree: I still contend that being negative sucks, so stop it.

    1. Who has time to write and add a bunch of fake reviews??

  4. Some days I barely have enough energy to get my stuff done, let alone use that energy to bash others.

    Just thinking about physics class makes me shudder. Although, I did better in physics than chemistry. But not by much. :)

    1. I did better at chemistry. Physics was a nightmare for me. So much math and so many equations to remember. I suppose chemistry had that too, but blowing things up was a lot of fun, so it held my attention.

  5. With a few exceptions - like that author - most authors are very supportive and understand there is room for all.

    1. Most of the ones I know are very supportive, but then I tend to weed out the negative people from my life as a habit.

  6. I heard about that author. I agree with you that it's better to support each other and that being negative is a waste of time.

    1. When I first heard, I was more than a bit shocked.

  7. Happy New Year Elizabeth! I didn't hear about this author, but she or he sounds like a mean spirited, negative type of person. I Love that quote!!!

    1. Happy New Year to you too! Mean spirited is right. I wonder if she's rough on waiters and such as well?

  8. Thanks so much for putting the word out about Rattlesnake. I really appreciate it. As to that author who seems to have a real kink in her moral code...she deserves to have her contract yanked. I loved your comment btw: "who in the hell has the time to be so mean?

    My new address: https://substack.com/@cleemckenzie

  9. I'm all about#5. I don't have time to do anything with garbage other than take it out to the curb and hope the garbage man takes it away pronto.

    1. That's a quotable quote- the only thing to do with garbage is to take it to the curb!

  10. I heard about that author! That just sounds like way too much time and energy that could have been spent on more positive ways of promoting her book.

    1. Exactly! How much energy does it take to be that negative??

  11. I heard about that author drama and it was crazy.

    1. Too bad she didn't have enough faith in herself. Obviously, she had talent and had accomplished something many don't...yet still felt the need to level the competition.

  12. But but what if I'm positive it's negative. Would I then be neutral-ive? Lol True, don't feed the trolls. Been down that road. Focus on you and forget the nonsense.

    1. It is positively negative, but that still doesn't make it neutral. LOL. I agree 100% ...never feed the trolls.

  13. I can't imagine doing something like that. We all know how hard writing is. Why would one of us cut down another? And what a coward to do it behind those aliases. Only proves she know how wrong it was.

    1. Excellent point. If you have to hide behind an alias, then you di know it's wrong.

  14. I hadn't heard about the review bombing and the loss of the contract. I don't know what she thought she was going to accomplish. I used to have a persona write my blog. It was fun. She was hilarious and wild, but she wasn't me and, ultimately, I had to give her up. She wore me out. I couldn't possibly create multiple accounts and write all those reviews and try to coordinate so many lies. Besides, I have no desire to do so. I wouldn't get any pleasure or satisfaction out of being nasty like that.


    1. There were times when I wished I had made a persona. But I know I am too scattered and too busy to be more than one person.

  15. Definitely a self-esteem problem. She had everything most writers dream of having and lost it.

  16. Lee's book is great isn't it?
    I love how you zeroed in on the positive. It takes a village to grow a writer. I can't imagine purposefully going around and leaving bad reviews. Anyhoo, let's hope that is few and far between.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. It does take a village. The job is brutal trying to go it alone! Glad I have friends. :)

  17. I hadn't heard of the review things -- wow! I'll check out the article. That's just weird.

  18. I love your list. More than one author can hit the best seller lists:) And I'm very thankful that writer buds are so supportive.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. I am blessed with good writer friends, like yourself!

  19. BookBub? Never heard of it, so the answer is "no."
    "Not today Satan" <--that's my favorite, in addition to your words of wisdom. Thank you.

    1. You've never heard of BookBub? I think you're joshing me.

  20. Great post. I think taking the high road applies to most situations.

    1. It's a bit of a climb, the the view is better from there.

  21. Hope you're having a great one. Did you get any of the rain?
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com


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