Dealing with Fall

10:15 AM Elizabeth Seckman 23 Comments

Fine. It's fall. I accept it, mostly because I can no longer deny it. The night air is cool, football is in full swing, and I'm seeing more and more dead leaves on the trees. Sure, fall is beautiful and all that, but it's not my favorite season. It always leaves me feeling a little bummed. No matter how pretty the colors, I know gray skies are coming. No amount of pumpkin flavored spice will ever make that fine in my book.
But I am a firm believer in accepting the inevitable, mostly because I'm pragmatic and never choose to fight battles I know I cannot win, partly because I hate to waste energy. So, instead of complaining (overly much) about the change in the calendar, I have made myself a new to-do list in one of the fresh new notebooks I bought during the back to school sales. That way I have something positive to focus on. I'm like a toddler, distraction is the best behavioral tool.

So, what are some of my goals for this month? 

1. Fifteen minutes of writing a day until this story is finished.  (Check out Elizabeth Spann Craig's post on the the idea!)

2. Update my author photo. It's twelve years and twelve pounds old. 

3. Paint the foundation around my house. 

4. Complete a sit up without looking like I'm being tortured. 

5. Breathe more often, AKA taking fun breaks and dragging Mr. Seckman along with me. 

So, are you one of those people who drag their feet into fall or one of those annoying charming people who start looking for pumpkins in August? 

Image by Agata from Pixabay


  1. I like the fall as it means cooler weather. Summers are too hot here. And this is Alex - sorry, Google won't let me sign in!

    1. What is it with google??? I'd quickly change my tune if my AC went out.

  2. Fall used to make me sad, too. But it leads to winter and Christmas and that's a good thing.

    1. Yes! Christmas! I do love Christmas. I'll deal with fall to get to Christmas.

  3. I used to be a foot dragger just like you. Now after all the heat this summer, I'm looking forward to cool days...except for the leaf raking and blowing which will replace weed pulling and watering. Sigh. Gripe. Gripe. Gripe:) Sandra

    1. Summer is more work. There is the mowing to do, but then I don't have many trees in my yard anymore. We had a bunch of aging pines and they had to be cut down.

    2. I could use an updated author pic too. Maybe next year:) Though, the one you have is awfully cute.

  4. My favorite season is Summer. This year, the weather was pretty crummy. We had rain pretty much from May- August especially on the weekends. It was hot and humid perfect beach weather except for all the rain. We did have a few nice days and the weather was fine when I went away, but Summer didn't last long. Up here in the Northeast, Winter can begin at the end of October all the way through April. To help, I have a countdown to the Summer Solstice. Because up here, Spring is a lot like Winter. Cold, wet, just not as much snow. 265 days until the Summer Solstice

    1. Our summer started out crummy too. It was also cool and rainy. Fall here is very pretty. Weather is warm during the day and cool at night. There's a lot to like about fall, but it's still the end of summer, but you're right, the next summer is only 265 days away- with Christmas in between!

  5. I trundle through the seasons and enjoy each one for what it offers. I like making lists, though - don't do anything on them, mind!

    1. That's a wise way to approach the seasons. Sometimes I mark a few things off my lists. Sometimes I mark things off my list. Sometimes. LOL

  6. Here the fall means cooler weather so I'm all for it.

    #2 on your list sounds very familiar . . . as does #4 . . . :o

    1. You sound like my husband. He's all about the cooler weather. The good thing about it being hot is that it motivates you to jump in the water and swim.

  7. I feel the same about fall. It is beautiful, but it also means snow is coming and I am just so over snow at this point in my life.

    1. Snow is beautiful but I hate shoveling it and am terrified to drive in it, so yeah, it's less exciting to me than when I was a kid.

  8. I think of it being fall when the temperature is no longer unbearable. Fortunately, it is now fall in Florida. Our nights are cool, and most days, we only need air conditioning part of the day. I'm not interested in pumpkin spice everything, but I'm thrilled by cool, fresh air. We'll have more heat, but temps are better for now.


  9. Oh I feel the same. I'm always sorry to see summer end and the colder months ahead. Roll on spring is what I say.

    1. I'll pause the roll for Christmas and then keep rolling on to spring!

  10. Anonymous Esther, East of the Sun, in Westmorland, UK, and apart from one weirdly torrid week in early September, summer vanished on Fathers' Day, June 18th, since when the rain has barely stopped but bugs carried on biting, one very good reason to loathe summer. Bugs ! . Love cool , less keen on mud, and all outdoor white paint turning green. Sometimes, meaning daily, my IT department needs to rescue me from my far too smart computer. Intelligence, he says, nothing artificial about it.

  11. I'm one of those who loves fall. 😁

  12. Ah, a wonderful breath of fresh air about fall. :) Thank you. I love some aspects of fall, but my allergies kick again because I'm allergic to maple leaves and they are everywhere, creeping along sidewalks just to attack my sinuses. Well, probably not in sentient way. The real problem is I like the crackly sound of leaves under my feet when I walk, but I shouldn't go crunch-walking in them, given said allergies. Love your goals, especially #1 and #5!

  13. We're having a hot spell in parts of the UK. Yesterday I watched a rugby match in a t-shirt! In October. And today I've just seen people walking past my house in shorts.


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