Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Write That Crap: IWSG September

Am I feeling insecure? Always! Writing is hard. What gets me through the insecure times? I give myself permission to write crap.

It's like this: no one plants a garden and expects to see blooms the first day. Okay, so maybe you can cheat and buy ready grown flowers, but technically, those aren't your flowers. Someone else grew them and you're transplanting them.

But if you're writing a story, you are starting with seeds. You are going to have to get your hands dirty and dig some holes. Throw some crap on them. Weed them. Water them. Go get help if pests arrive. And wait. Eventually, you're going to get flowers.

This month's optional question:

If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why? The beach! Not that I need to go anywhere to write and would probably write more if I had nothing but a blank wall to stare at, but I'll take any opportunity to go to the beach- once the hurricane has passed. 

Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh and this month's awesome co-hosts for the September 4 posting of the IWSG are Gwen Gardner, Doreen McGettigan, Tyrean Martinson, Chemist Ken, and Cathrina Constantine!

Sign Up Here

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay


  1. Writing is hard! I like the revision and editing process. Like replanting flowers someone else grew, with revision the story is already started, the concepts and scenes, crappy or not, are already there to work with. And I'd love to go somewhere exotic to write - but I doubt I'd get much actual writing done with all the beautiful scenery to explore and new things to try. Yep, home and a blank wall to look at would work best for me.

    1. The only thing I don't like about transplanting other people's flowers is getting it wrong and killing them. Put me in a exotic place and I will want to explore!

  2. Sometimes you have to write crap! When I'm feeling blocked, I'll switch for a bit from my main WIP to another project since that one's a first draft and I don't have the pressure of trying to make it perfect.

    1. That is another bonus to being surrounded by crap- you're never bored!

  3. Great analogy! Part of the reason my writing is so darned slow is I insist on weeding and reseeding as I go along. I KNOW it'd be best to let myself write crap and keep on moving, but I can't resist dead-heading the things I've already written.

    May your weeds all be wildflowers. :)

    1. If that's the way that works for you, then do it. Never fix what isn't broken!

  4. Agreed, Elizabeth, the blank wall would help, but far too many distractions, been extra busy being nurse, cook and bottle washer to my invalid husband this week, the writing has sadly taken a back seat 😊

    1. You're the best wife. Hugs. Those days when life interrupts, use that time to allow the stories to ferment in your mind. That's the beauty of writing, even when we can't be actively writing, we can be plotting.

  5. I laughed out loud when I read the title of your blog post - write that crap! Yes, I need to remind myself that crap is just fine.

  6. Yeah, don't come to our beach right now. Although it might be rather empty at the moment.

    1. Yeah, I'm a bit of a storm wuss. I'll stay here where it's dry for a bit.

  7. I love this - "Go get help if pests arrive." All I could think of is IWSG in a spray bottle getting rid of those nasty self doubt etc bugs. :)

  8. Hi,
    I love your statement, I give myself permission to write crap. That's exactly what I do. Your article has encouraged me today and I needed it. No one plants a garden and expects it to bloom overnight. I needed to hear that. Thank you.
    And the one about insecurity...well the insecurity is probably a blessing. It helps us keep both feet on the ground and to remember that we're human beings with imperfections.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. I'm glad I could be of help.

      I think you're right about insecurity. It does keep us humble so we keep learning- and so we don't get all uppity to those around us.

  9. Replies
    1. No worries for me. My actual home is land locked. The beach is my dream home.

  10. If I went to the beach, I'd pick the Pacific Northwest's coastline over our flat beaches. So much personality.

    1. I love your beaches. NC beaches are the best. The other beaches are pretty, though. I will admit that. I've never been to the Pacific, but the North East's beaches like Rhode Island are gorgeous.

  11. Stay safe in the hurricane. I love how you compare the process of writing to gardening. So true!

  12. Hope that hurricane ignores you!!
    I've got a WIP section that is just destroying me right now - I think I need to just write some crap and then write some more and then the solution will come! :)

    1. I've hit those walls in WIPs. When I let the pressure get to me, I'll not be able to spit out a single cohesive sentence. Telling myself to just write whatever crap comes to mind takes the pressure off and I'm able to get the words out. Sometimes, there is a usable gem in the midst of the poo. That's the best sort of discovery.

  13. Love the analogy! Writing is a dirty business, and how I hate those never ending weeds. A blank wall probably would be the best writing spot, but not the most fun.

    1. I'm too easily distracted. Give me a beautiful setting, I'm gonna be staring at that!

  14. Yes! Crap is good sometimes! Love this post! Made me laugh with commiseration!

    1. Commiseration is good. We should do it more often, over lunch, only this time, with selfies.

  15. Hey, I think they're my flowers if I transplanted them and keep them alive. lol

    1. Good point. Though, in our analogy, that could be plagiarism. hehe

  16. I like that visual of planting the seeds and having to fertilize with a little crap. Inelegant maybe, but wow, so true!

    1. I used to think writing was an elegant business. The first time I forgot to brush my teeth because I was on a roll, I realized it's not quite as elegant as I presumed. lol

  17. Allowing myself to write crap really helped me when it came to first drafts. I kept getting caught up by trying to keep from being repetitious and worrying about details that my progress was a snail's pace.

    1. That's me! I kept worrying myself into writer's block.

  18. AMEN! As long as it's not hurricane season. :) I love the ocean so much. The feel of water spilling around your toes, the waves rushing the sand and the seagulls. I could live a very happy life in a hut on the beach :)

    1. A hut would work. If it didn't survive the hurricanes, surely it would be easy enough to rebuild.

  19. I definitely need some pest repellent in my writing garden! Love your analogy and I hope your writing is going awesome!

  20. I love the planting analogy! It's terrific.

    The beach would be a nice place to write. Maybe aim for the other coast to avoid the hurricane?

    1. I'll take any ocean on any coast, though the drive to the west coast would be quite tiresome.

  21. You love the beach? My ideal spot is a beach location... on my doorstep... literally.

    Hope you are safe from the hurricane...
    Writer In Transit

    1. So, you looking to rent out rooms? LOL

      Unfortunately, I don't live near the beach- just dream of it.

  22. Well you'd have the beach to yourself right about now. True, indeed. Takes some crap to grow and bloom.

  23. LOL! I write a lot of crap. Fortunately, I don't let anyone see it.

    Beaches are amazing for stirring the writing juices.

  24. I've got a lot of weed-pulling to do in my writing garden!

    Beaches can be awe-inspiring. I favor the craggy, Northeastern type, where a windbreaker and hiking shoes are needed for a walk. No basking in the sun for me.

    1. I'll take either one, though I do love the sun. You're way is much better for the skin.

  25. You're title made me snicker. Yeah, the ocean inspires me. I would rather be on a boat on it e.g. Sunset cruise. I'd be happy going on one every day, then an evening cruise on a boat--not Cruise ship, although I like those too. What I really want is that feeling I feel when do that to write, to be able to harness that feeling in those places and just go there no matter where I am or problems... Yeah that would be the ticket.

    1. That would be wonderful, though I'd probably not write a single word. I'd be too busy watching the scenery.

  26. Heh. Great minds on the beach. So when do we leave?
    Thanks for the offer to help. I'll definitely be in touch:) Much appreciated.

    1. A writers retreat at the beach...sounds like a plan. Or something that should be planned.

  27. Lots of people going to the beach to write. Are we having mai tais too? I think so. Will writing get done if we drink those mai tais? ...maybe. :-)

    1. Most definitely having mai tais. Sure, we can write while drinking. That's what the sober editing is for.

  28. I think the beach definitely wins with the mountains being a close second.
    When I'm feeling insecure, I help another writer. It always works to help me too.
    Happy writing.

    1. Excellent way to feel better. It's good to have writer friends.

  29. My writing desk is in front of a window and I often have to close the curtains to get my "blank wall". Otherwise, the chipmunks and squirrels would distract me with their antics.

    1. I could never ignore chipmunks and squirrels. Good idea to close the curtains!

  30. I love and miss the beach, but I'm insecure about getting any writing done there.

    1. On the bright side, even if you never write a word, you're still at the beach.

  31. I needed to read this today as I feel like I have been writing nothing but crap for ages now. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

    1. I doubt it's all crap. I bet there is good fruit growing there!

  32. Great choice! Anywhere with water is a great choice. The sound, the smell, the breeze, the warm sand. Sounds great!

  33. That was my favorite spot for a long time. Now, I can't handle the sun and heat! I am imagining you happily writing there.

    1. I hope I never get sensitive to the sun and heat. That would be a sad day. Or I could go there in November when it's cool.

  34. Great choice. It is relaxing being close to the ocean. Maybe its the crashing of the waves. But a great choice.

  35. Writing is tough. It certainly keeps us humble.
    YOU have a pleasant, productive day. I trust you got that ending whipped into shape.

  36. You are so right! We do have to start from 'seeds' and HOPE our little flowers will bloom beautifully for us. UGh. Sadly it takes me more than one season to write a finished novel... maybe four or five. LOL and by that point I am ready to MOW the suckers down! LOL. But I curb from that action and continue on...

    The beach... always a lovely place to rejuvenate the soul.
