Wednesday, March 6, 2019

IWSG Birthday Edition

Young Cole

Today is my little boy's birthday! Okay, so to the rest of the world, he's not a little boy, he's a grown man. But to me, he'll always be my little fella. 

In honor of Cole's birthday, for this month's IWSG post, I'll share a Cole pep talk. 

Many years ago, when I first decided to give the blogging thing a go, I was very tech illiterate (as opposed to the half-assed skills I now enjoy). I was getting frustrated trying to not only write a coherent post, but deal with formatting, pictures, and the total insecurity of finally stepping out of the writer closet into the public world of writing. 


What if people made fun of me?
What if I'm boring?
What if this is a complete waste of time? 
What if I waste my life boring the hell out of people, besides when they are laughing at me?

Cole, a teen at the time, helped me with the tech stuff and gave me the best advice...
Who cares about all that? Do you think Poe stopped writing just because he was stoned out of his mind and living in a gutter?

Happy Birthday, Cole! 
(Thanks for the support and encouragement over the years.) 

Present day Cole

March 6th  IWSG question - Whose perspective do you like to write from best, the hero (protagonist) or the villain (antagonist)? And why? The hero! I'm all about the good guys winning in life. Since reality doesn't always cooperate, but fiction does, I like to stick with the good guy (or gal) to the happily-ever-end.

Thanks to our leader, Alex Cavanaugh and this month's awesome co-hosts for the March 6 posting of the IWSG are Fundy Blue, Beverly Stowe McClure, Erika Beebe, and Lisa Buie-Collard!

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. 

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Our Twitter is @TheIWSG and hashtag #IWSG.


  1. That is a cute picture of your "baby!" Happy Birthday, Cole!! (He who obviously is good at giving his Mama sage advice :)

    1. Isn't that a great picture? His personality shines through.

  2. Hi.
    Happy Birthday to your son, Cole!
    I like your response to this month question. I too write from the protagonist viewpoint. I am an optimist that sees my protagonists as world changers.
    Wishing you all the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  3. He was your little hero - happy birthday to Cole!

  4. What a wonderful son - hope he has a fabulous birthday! I'm more of a hero kind of gal too. Although, I'd like to try my hand and writing a truly evil villain one of these days. That could be an interesting challenge.

    1. I think the hardest part about writing from the villain POV would be making them both evil and likable enough to want to be in their head.

  5. Happy Birthday to Cole! And what great advice he gave you.

  6. Good stuff! Hope he has a great birthday!

    1. He has big plans for the weekend, so I think he's happy with the festivities.

  7. I hope your baby boy has a wonderful birthday. (And no matter HOW big they are, they're ALWAYS our babies!) Your "baby" gives very good advise. Funny, too!

    Thanks for your oh-so-sweet comment on my blog. You made my day. (Now if I could only figure out how to cut-and-paste what you said about my characters and turn it into a "review"... HA!)

    1. Did I forget to leave a review!? I must rectify that!!

  8. Happy birthday to Cole! Where would we be without our tech-savy kids ;)

  9. Happy Birthday Cole. He isn't too much of a baby these days though. By the way, I never really understood half of what Poe wrote, I can understand every word you write and I enjoy your books.

    1. Well, that's all the praise I need to keep me writing!! Thanks, Jo. As always, you're the bomb.

  10. Happy Birthday Cole! I love the advice he gave you! :) It made me laugh and reminded me of my youngest and her bluntness. Last night I whined about my current book revisions to her and she said, "well, fix it! You know what's wrong. Just get it done." (Ah yes, thanks kid, give me the kick in the pants I needed - and it actually was the right thing at the right moment.)

    1. Isn't it amazing that we got to give birth to such inspiring, motivating wonder children? We're so blessed!

  11. Happy Birthday, Cole! And he gave you good advice!!

  12. Happy birthday to your son - he's good at this advice thing! :)
    I'm all about the HEA mostly too - but the villain's have their own kind of allure!

    1. I like villains too, but they never get to have the spotlight.

  13. Happy birthday to your son. He gave very good advice!

  14. Happy birthday to Cole! Hehehe, awesome pep talk. :)

  15. Happy birthday to Cole! He is sooo cute, even grown up! I like your "villain" in Second Chances. You do him so well. Have to really love that saying about EAP!!! Thank goodness you're not living in a gutter!

    1. Tag is a pretty good villain. But I'm not sure he'll ever get his own chapter, though I have thought about it.

      And nope, no gutter. Tiny house, no gutter. LOL

  16. Haha, "Do you think Poe stopped writing just because he was stoned out of his mind and living in a gutter?" Gave me a laugh and something to think about for today, so win-win! Happy IWSG day.

  17. Happy birthday, Cole.

    The hero! The yummy, yummy hero! LOL

  18. Ha! That's a great pep talk. Happy birthday to your baby! :)

  19. Our son's will always be our little boys, even when they are fathers themselves. Happy Birthday to you guy. It's great he was able to give you perspective when you started your blog.

    1. They are always our babies. Just ask them to cook dinner and you'll see...

  20. Love it when kids grow up and become our wonderful friends too. Happy Birthday, Cole.

    1. Any time I miss the babies they were, I remind myself of what wonderful men they are to know.

  21. Happy birthday to your baby--they will always be babies to moms!

    And that baby give darn good advice!

  22. That was good advice from your teen!

  23. Great advice from him indeed. Hope he had a happy birthday.

    1. He's headed for a bar crawl tonight. I think that pretty well covers the party portion of the birthday.

  24. Happy Birthday to Cole. Its such an adorable photo of him!

    1. It's one of my favorites. It shows his personality so well.

  25. Happy belated IWSG & Birthday Cole

  26. I love Cole's thoughts on Poe and writing. That was awesome!

  27. Our kids are our treasures, and they will always be our kids no matter what :)
