Friday, February 15, 2019

News and Updates

50 Best Writing Blogs in 2018
The Insecure Writer's Support Group is in the UK WritersHub top 50 for the Best Writing blogs!

It's great to see the reach of the IWSG is growing! 
Kudos to Alex Cavanaugh, our founder and leader. Alex puts in countless hours maintaining and growing a site that is focused solely on the needs of writers. 

Also in IWSG news, we need a co-host for March. If anyone can help out, please let me know in the comments and Alex will be in touch. 

On the book front...

I have a cover for Hoosier Dad! 
Looking forward to releasing a new book. It's been so long, it almost feels like a first. 

I'm so excited! I enjoyed writing this story. It has some humor, some drama, and of course some love. Sarah, the MC, isn't your typical heroine. She's a tough attorney who doesn't have too many soft spots...though one weakness is Rich Cooper. He's a love from her past who not only didn't have the consideration to grow old and ugly, but he upped his adorable factor by adding two amazing daughters to the deal. 


  1. Awesome about the cover! When does it come out?
    Really stoked the IWSG made another list.

    1. I'm not sure of a date...the spring? That's not really a date...

  2. Another accolade for IWSG. Congrats on the new release!

  3. whoot whoot happy dance for the release


  4. Yeh for the IWSG! And congrats on the new release!

  5. The book cover looks great. Congrats on the release.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS to all of the folks who've worked so hard to make the IWSG such a success. I know you'll do your best to keep it that way. :)

    And SUPER congratulations for having a new book ready to release. Can't wait! Great cover, too.

    1. (I'm a little nervous about keeping up, but don't tell I told you that. LOL)

      By the time it comes out, it will be so long, you'll probably have forgotten what it's about. Thanks again for your help getting it publication ready.

  7. Great cover indeed. Congrats! Gotta enjoy getting on top lists too.

  8. Great cover and blurb! You rock, Elizabeth!

  9. Congratulations both to you on the new book (can't wait to read it!) and for IWSG getting onto yet another list! Yay to both of you!!!

    1. You know you're awesome, right? If not, well you are.

  10. FANTASTIC! Congrats IWSG, Alex, and the amazing people who keep it going! All the best on your new release, Elizabeth!

  11. Love that cover! :) And yay for the IWSG!

    1. Me too! I had a lot of help from friends and was a bit of a pain in the butt to my publisher, but the end results were worth it.

  12. Woohoo! Love the cover. So excited for you.

    And congrats to IWSG!

  13. IWSG is really going places - and you're awesome for stepping up kicking butt!!

    Yes, congrats on the cover. Definitely excited for you and the new addition to your writing family :)
