Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Thunder and Soaps!

The blog tour continues. Today, I'm over at Heather Gardner's talking about soap opera wisdom.  Be sure to come and comment!!

You know you want  need to help out the Ninja Master!

Join the Thunderclap campaign, Unleash the Dragon, to share on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Tumblr on April 7th!

Thunderclap campaigns are easy. They're easy to sign up for and even easier to complete. Just do nothing...Thunderclap posts for you! And only once....about the campaign you signed up to help. It's not like they start spamming book tweets and posts every hour on the hour under your name.

Oh, so I was the only one paranoid about allowing Thunderclap to tweet for me?

So, go Thunderclap NOW!!


  1. haha I guess there is something good about soap operas

  2. No soaps thank you. Did do the Thunderclap.

  3. I thunderclapped for him yesterday--that was my second one for a blogger. I always hesitate when I see that notification that an app will be able to take over my account, see my tweets, etc. Off to check out your guest post now.

  4. I was a little paranoid about that too. But then I went crazy signing up for tons of them and couldn't even remember what I'd supported LOL. I have looked at my Twitter page and thought, what the heck?? For a minute I thought I was hacked then remembered the TC LOL.

  5. "Thunderclapped" last week. I don't watch soaps!

  6. Thunderclap sounds exciting. I need to give that a look. Plus I'll gladly help Alex any day of the week. Oh yes Liz, the soaps so let you sit back and forget about your own problems.

  7. Hey Elizabeth,

    All duly noted here and I have taken the liberty of sharing your post, even of "Farcebook"!

    I had "Thunderclap" one time. A bit of ointment and hey presto, all gone.

    "Ninja Master"? Sounds kinda' kinky!

    Gary :)

  8. Thunderclap is an awfully epic term for what it is :P

  9. Never thought of soaps that way but it's true! Ha ha. I've done my duty to the Ninja Captain! Now I'm off to visit Heather...

  10. When I got my married, I promised to give up General Hospital if hubs would give up WWE, so I haven't watched a soap in 17 years :-)
