Wednesday, October 1, 2014

You May Be a Writer...

I know the ninja master is busy putting the ISWG Anthology together, but fortunately, he has the awesomeness of Kristin Smith, Elsie, Suzanne Furness, and Fundy Blue to be our wise co-hosts :)
You can join the IWSG by following the magic link HERE! and signing up. Easy, right? 

And look for this great read coming soon!

You may be a writer if…

You read a great book and it depresses you with its stellar brilliance that you fear you lack

You read a horrible book and it depresses you because it got a contract and you didn’t

You consider eavesdropping research

You Spend hours wrestling, no searching…ooh wait…possibly hunting? No, no rifling…yes! You spend hours rifling through words for the perfect one for each sentence

You have visons of book covers dancing in your head

Your hope to money ratio is 100:1…AKA you dream big, and cash out small

Your characters pester you day and night to tell their story because their imaginary fingers can’t hold a pen

You often get asked if you’re an epileptic having a petit mal seizure when you stop mid conversation to think

You love the smell of a library, and agree it’s so unique, words cannot describe it

You get excited when faced with a blank page, and then get a little more excited when it’s filled

You feel as nervous sending your word baby out into the world as you did sending your human baby to kindergarten

You never know when to quit. Rejection after rejection, you keep coming back like a junkie looking for a fix

*Really seriously, what does a library smell like?  

(I emailed my submission, this post is for fun) 


  1. Different libraries even have different smells. Eavesdropping is, of course, an excellent form of research. Great list!

  2. It was certainly a lot of fun for me to read :)

  3. I loved this, Elizabeth! Reading your list I think I must be a writer :)

  4. Yes, I do pretty much of all those!! Library smell mmmm ;)

  5. Yes to all of these! Fun post. :)

  6. I'm so glad it's not just me that notices the smell of a library. I agree with Steven that they all smell differently, but they are all very similar too. When I walk into a library, I really miss working in one *sigh*

  7. haha that hope with 100:1 is the one I would sure like

  8. Ha, I loved this. So many points that made me laugh. My characters pestering me might be my main reason for writing.

  9. You read a horrible book... yeah, that's happened!
    Thanks for contributing to the book.

  10. Ha! I'm with you, especially on hunting for the perfect word. :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  11. Hmmm.... I seem to recognize some of those signs. I guess that means I must be a writer after all.

  12. A library smells like worlds unvisited and new acquaintances mixed with favorite places with old friends . . . but that still doesn't capture it. :)
    And oh yes . . . hunting for a perfect word, and having a "petit mal" daydream/thinking experience in the midst of a conversation or public place . . . fun times. :)

  13. Lol! That list is scary ;) My hubs and kids think I have a hearing issue - they don't believe I can really zone out like that.

  14. I did something like this for my A-Z challenge. :)

    "You read a horrible book and it depresses you because it got a contract and you didn’t." This one does it for me every time!

  15. Hi, Elizabeth...

    EEEK! I'm a writer!!!!! OH NO! Is there some kind of pill I can take to stop the voices...the endless chatter?! LOL

    Thanks for the laugh~

  16. What a fun post! I'm definitely a writer, and libraries smell like books. Old books most of the time!

  17. Fantastic!! I was nodding right along with your post. Great fun!

  18. so glad I'm not alone in the world... I love smelly libraries!!

  19. Love this! I especially love the last one. Rejection is definitely not something you can explain to non-writers.

  20. Hope big and cash out small. LOL. I love your list and it was fun.

  21. You're too funny . . . LOVE this!!

  22. This was hilarious Elizabeth. I'm dealing with book covers right now so you literally hit the nail on the head for me.

  23. Ha! I love this. And to me, Libraries smell like home. My aunt is a librarian, and every house I've lived in has had a room with enough books to put a small school library to shame.

    I love books.

  24. Haha! Love it! Thanks so much for the laugh. And you are right on with all of these. I think this one is my favorite:
    "You never know when to quit. Rejection after rejection, you keep coming back like a junkie looking for a fix" LOL!

  25. I love that list. Since I started writing I read differently. Granted, there is a part of me that reads for *fun.* But there is another part that analyzes everything. Sometimes I finish and think, "I will never be able to do this. This was brilliant. Funny. Serious. Just amazing." Other times, I struggle to make it through (finding errors that I wouldn't even make) and think, "How did this get published????"

  26. It may be for fun, but it has the ring of truth! Thanks for the laugh.

  27. This is great! Looks like I'm a writer. #2 made me laugh!

  28. I love the smell of a library! All of these are perfect but the first two are my favorites LOL.

  29. Yeeep, I'm a writer. LOL. In so many ways!
