Thursday, July 31, 2014

The End...

It's the last day of the Bella's Point Challenge! Just when you think you've read it all- the romantic,  ghostly, mysterious, and's challengers add something a little different...ensuring the end is as amazing as the beginning.

Christine Rains adds a democratic twist to her entry. We all love the freedom to choose, right?

Michelle Wallace raps things up with a timely rhyme.

JL Campbell wrote up a story that reminds me quite a lot of young me...though I was a girl growing up in 1970's America.

Fellow West Virginia native, Cassandra Jones, makes it in under the wire with some heartfelt poetry that is sure to touch readers' hearts.

Bella's Point was dreamed up when I asked myself- what would a character be like if she had the spirit of Scarlet O'Hara, but the heart of Melanie Wilkes? 

 In memory of the lady who inspires the imagination with her epic tale of  of cavaliers and cotton fields...

*Margaret (Peggy) Mitchell died at the age of 49 on August 16, 1949 after being hit by a drunk driver. She was crossing Peachtree Street on her way to see a movie with her husband.
*Peggy had notes for a sequel to GWTW, but after it was released, she felt the story belonged to the readers and everyone imagined a different ending, so she ordered her heirs to burn all notes and the original manuscript, with the exception of a few numbered pages that were to be sealed and put in a vault in Atlanta.
*She was adamantly opposed to anyone writing a sequel to GWTW and charged her heirs with maintaining the copy right.  
*Her family was certain that her obituary made no mention of her first husband, Berrien Kinnard Upshaw, or "Red" as the notorious rogue was better known.
*The last Mitchell heir, her nephew Joseph, bequeathed half of the GWTW estate to the Catholic Diocese. 

photo credit: fliegender via photopin cc


  1. Can't beat a rhyme any old time

  2. Well I still haven't come up with anything to submit for your challenge. However, my hat is off to all those creative souls who did.

  3. Great job everyone! I'm a little sad this is over, so much great flash fiction!

  4. If only we could choose the ending to any story we wanted! :) Have a great weekend.

    1. I like that idea! I remember when I was in junior high and loved those fantasy books with the pick the path opportunities.

  5. What a great challenge. I read many of the entries.

  6. What a challenge!
    I even got to do research.... discovered some interesting stuff along the way!

    1. I love to do research. And I loved your poem! It was great and informative.

  7. Margaret Mitchell was a feature of a A to Z entry last year. Fascinating woman. Somebody did write a sequel. I've read it.

    1. She was fascinating. I never read the sequel- felt like I was cheating on Margaret to read it; like that would lose me my uber fan card. But I did read the plot outline on wikipedia, just out of curiosity.

  8. I had a blast. You're such a creative marketer!

  9. So sorry I missed out. Bet it was a blast.

    1. It was a lot of fun Sheena-kay! I'm sorry you missed it too :(

  10. This turned out so well! Congratulations. :D

    1. It was the best fun. So appreciative of all the help. Your buttons and badges were perfect!

  11. Now that is unique marketing! Loving the rhyming.

    1. It was fun. I think I will try to think of some awesome prizes and make it an annual thing.
