Friday, May 30, 2014

Goal Update

Misha Gericke and Beth Fred host a monthly blog hop that's meant to support each other and keep ourselves looking forward and staying on track.

The last Friday of each month, tell the hop members how you've done- like a Weight Watchers weigh in. Time to put the cookies down and tell us how well you've done.

Okay, so here were my plans for May:

1. Get Cole graduated.
         a) Have party- check. Ordered pizza. No one ever said I was a cook.
         b) Announcements sent!! Only a few came back with bad addresses. Que sera sera.
         c) I planned to skip painting the kitchen and bath- but I did it! OCD me couldn't look past the smudges and chipped paint.

2. Switch to summer blog schedule to spend more time with kids. Um well, not yet. Too many friends needing shout outs and promos, so sticking to two posts a week...some weeks three. But setting a time for visits and doing the best I can. That's my new idea of pacing!

3. Bella's Point will not launch until July 1st, so I did nothing to plan it. But publisher and I did agree to place Past Due on sale for .99 for the month of June, so I did get that set up. Thanks Alex Cavanaugh for this so very easy to follow post linked here.

4. Finish first draft of Defying Reason- done! Stick a fork in me, I did it! 

5. Finish up beta and friend reads- half done. Finished Jay's, working on Celeste's. I did manage to read some awesome books:
Christine Rain's Thirteenth Floor Collection
Mediea Shariffe's Snip, Snip Revenge
Stephanie Faris's 30 Days of No Gossip
Georgia St. Mane's (our lovely Rachel Schiffelbein) Over the Ocean
*These are all excellent them all!!

Now what's up for June?

1. Decide what to do to launch Bella's Point...suggestions in the comments is greatly appreciated ;)
2. Get Bella edited...remind editor to edit...just joking. He's a pro, he'll remember.
3. Get ready for vacation. Two weeks at the beach!!! Woot woot. Might even beg Dixie Browning (my retired novel writing hero) to get a picture with me.
4. Do some promos for Past Due while on the Outer Banks and while it is on sale.
5. Add some exercise to my life. Graduation pics glaringly prove that my eight hour days on the computer are catching up with me!! I am naturally sedentary, so this will be a challenge!
6. Break down the plot of Defying Reason. Must do this to make sure the story makes sense and every character has an arc (is that what you call a beginning and an ending?)
7. Start thinking about what to do on Cherries, the collab with that-Tammy Theriault. I am the weakest link here. I can't wrap my brain around a story until it starts to paint a plot picture in head and so far, this story looks a bit like a Picasso. But it's a great premise with such wonderful promise, so I have to start thinking it out. 

Now, let's see if I accomplish my goals next month! Need a group to keep you on track?
Join us HERE!

Have you seen this?!!!

Shadow Warrior!!

The agony of a failed quest haunts Kanze Zenjiro, but the betrayal by those he once trusted has turned his world upside down. With a heart full of hatred and defeat, Zen is desperate to return home and demand the truth from his father.
Meanwhile, the Iberian Empire sends their soaring airships and steam-powered giants into the Orient. They threaten to upset the balance of power, hoping to exploit the faraway land in their greed for the resources needed to power their machines. Zen and his companions must fight to keep the world from plunging into total destruction.
And at the center of it all is a nine year old boy with the power of a god.

Shadow Warrior's release date is scheduled for August 4, 2014.

Jay Noel Blog
Official Author Website

And how about this?!

R. Mac Wheeler has published his 24th book!
The self-described hermit spends his time writing, taking care of rescue dogs, and snapping the most beautiful photos. If you haven't checked out Mac's Sunday Safari on his blog, you need to. If you haven't read his books- you should. This romance loving, fluffy-girl-read devouring gal read New Order Apocalypse and it was EXCELLENT. Not even my genre, but the story still drew me in. Mac has a writing style as straight to the point and unique as the man himself.


  1. Congratulations to Jay on his book. And well done on achieving so many goals. I can wait for Bella's Point to be on sale - great story! I think a fancy dress launch party would be awesome, but less easy to organise on line :-)

    1. Wouldn't that be fun? Oh if only I had an unlimited budget!

  2. Beach time sounds great! Those are some fantastic goals. :)
    Grats to Jay!
    BTW, the link to Alex's post didn't work for me.

    1. Thanks Loni...I'll double check the link. I probably messed it up.
      I'll email it to you, if this doesn't work.

  3. Two weeks at the beach sounds divine - especially if I had a to-do list like yours!

    1. The to do lists never really seem that long until I start doing them. But yeah, I am so ready for a break!

  4. 2 weeks at the beach, wow that would be nice indeed. Good luck with the goals, but cut down on blog time? pffft never

  5. What to do for your launch...well you already seem to have the online marketing thing down pretty well! My biggest success came from sending bookmarks to libraries and schools...but that was a lot of work and I'm not sure the ROI was worth it. I got a few events out of it, which is great, but if it sells 8 books and I spent $200, is that an ROI? Hardly! I think next time I'll just mail postcards to locals and offer bookmarks upon request.

    1. I loved the book marks. I was thinking of nabbing the idea. I got post cards for Fate Intended, but didn't mail them all. Ran out of addresses! I'm better online than in reality. But I need to do more of the mailing and foot work. I think it's an important component.

  6. Wow. That's quite a list. I'm exhausted just reading it. Ironically, I read it while eating a cookie and thinking, hmmm, I really should put down the cookie and get more accomplished around here!! LOL

    My wish for you is a wonderful summer spent with your boys and your hubs with lots of fun and laughs.

    Big congrat to Jay on his book launch.

    1. Mmmm. Cookie. I'd love a cookie about now.

      I hope you have a marvelous summer too. I know you and the girls will have adventures!

  7. I love Jay's cover for his next book.

    Good luck with all your goals! Two weeks at the beach sounds like so much fun. I haven't been to the beach in probably ten years.

    1. It is an awesome cover! You should get to the beach. Ten years is way too long.

  8. Way to keep achieving goals and staying busy! Very cool cover as well. And definitely spend time with your kids this summer :)

    1. Staying busy keeps me out of trouble, I guess. And yes, time with the kids is very important!

  9. I'm tired from just reading your list. *passes out*

    Good for you! Go, Go, Go!!! :D

    1. Ha! You do that in a day. I've seen what all you get done. You just do it without breaking a sweat so it looks easy.

  10. I think that you are one of those Busier You Are the Better It Is types. Not a bad thing. I used to be one of those types until my migraines threw me to the floor and kicked me... repeatedly. I am now working on Kicking Back and writing in the spaces. I look forward to getting back to Busier The Better.

    That said, enjoy your vacation. Soak it up. Your kids are only young once!

    1. I do prefer to be busy. I hate being bored and my idea of fun is to work. Migraines are awful. My mother and grandmother were sufferers. I missed the gene, thankfully. I do get the cluster migraines where I get the light flashes and distorted vision, but they have little pain and if I hit them quickly with ibuprofen and caffeine, they go away.

  11. As your page loaded it stalled just after "Get Cole Graduated." I thought that's one amazing goal. Then the rest of your goals popped up. Do you have a clone, Elizabeth? If not, get one ASAP. You've got a lot to do. :-)

    1. Ah Lee, you flatter me. No clone. As a matter of fact, I forgot to pay my property taxes, my hair looks like Orphan Annie got zapped by a lightning bolt and my closets could be considered disaster zones.

  12. You tired me out just reading the list! Two weeks at the beach is much deserved. Good Luck getting everything accomplished!

    1. Yep, I am ready for my beach time!!! Though I am adding some work to the vacay, I will still be at the beach and that makes work feel like play!

  13. Have a fun vacation. Sounds like you earned it! Have a great book launch, no matter what you decide to do to promote it.

    1. Thanks Lenni! I think I have come up with a decent idea. Fingers crossed I can pull it off!

  14. Wow! 24 books! Way to go Mac! And Jay!

    And Elizabeth!!! You rock! You've raised amazing kids, painted house, written awesome books - you deserve that vacation! Have fun!

    1. Thanks Tyrean! Isn't Mac amazing? He's good at it too!

      Yes, I am ready for vacation!

  15. Hey Elizabeth,

    Good grief, I cannot possibly keep up. I shall duly check out your launch and enjoy your time away. That's an great deal of info on here to make note of. So, congrats to everybody!

    See, no mention of me ranting about blog hops and blog fests and...arggghhhh!!!....make them STOP! LOL

    Take care,

    Gary :)

    1. My dearest Gary, forgive me ahead of time, but I may be planning a hop as a promo.

      But I don't worry. Gary with the heart of gold could never hate me, even if I do one that lasts an entire month.

      There is so much to tell and so many people to promote, but they are all deserving and wonderful!

  16. Wow. Just.... you did great this month! Have a wonderful vacation. You deserve it. :-)

  17. I love reading about your goals. It's inspiring.

  18. Shadow Warrior is already on my TBR (so excited.) Bella's Point too ;) Wow! You are one busy woman. My mouth is really dropped open. You definitely deserve an awesome vacation! :)

    1. Oh right. I know all about your goats, your cows, and your new agent!! You're no slacker lady :)

  19. Yay! You did great! Well done you!

  20. Well done. A long list of goals and some great achievements.

  21. You're doing great! Releasing, writing, editing... wish I could do all that at once! Congrats to Cole for his graduation and congrats to Jay and Mac. More and more cool books to read. I hope your collab comes together, because I have a feeling writing with Tammy would be a crazy ride! :)

    1. Indeed! Tammy is full of energy and fun. If it makes you feel better Nick, I totally forgot to pay my property taxes in April. Being busy causes some balls to be dropped!

  22. Congrats to Jay and Mac.

    Fantastic goals and updates. You've done so much already.

    1. I just need your organizational skills. You seem so organized. I want that!

  23. Wow, what a list! It's good to be busy, though, and anyone who says writing is easy needs to read this list to see what we go through. Juggling writing, blogging, and real life is not easy. Enjoy that 2 weeks at the beach!

    1. Amen!!! Beer toast to that, though I hate beer.

  24. I belong to a goals group, too. They're awesome. Keeps me on track when nothing else will. You accomplished a lot! Congrats.

  25. You got a lot done - good job Elizabeth!

    I love the sound of your 2-week vacation. Though I do live nearish the beach, so kind of take that part for granted. ;)

    Exciting that it's not too long until your launch! woo!

    1. We could do a house swap. You can enjoy the green hills of West Virginia and I'll come appreciate your beach!

  26. WAY TO GO, ELIZABETH!!! You have had your hands full, and you still hold your title as Super Woman!

    And I'm excited about Jay's book. Very cool!

    1. I got to wear the Super Woman cape until I went to the DMV and was told I couldn't get my sticker because my taxes were delinquent. Super Woman fail :(

  27. Whew! Busy woman. You're handling it all like a rock star. :D

    1. More like a rolling rock, but I do have you as a role model for how efficient I will be when I grow up.

  28. I need a nap after reading your list. Actually...I always need a nap. Good planning for a busy summer. Did you put some fun in there?

    1. I rarely nap. I just do the head bob over the computer and snore through TV shows ;)

  29. You are super busy! You deserve that vacation coming up. Thanks for reviewing my book for me. I'm so happy you liked it. Have a great week! :)

  30. Thank you for dropping by my blog for the Blitz. What a surprise that was! I hope you enjoy your vacation. Summer is my favorite season and I relish every warm breeze and grilled meal. I admire your dedication to your monthly goals. Since I retired I'm much less goal oriented, but also much more content.

    1. I love summer. Absoultely, hands down my favorite season!!! Your blog stop was a pleasure. It was nice to meet you :)
