Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Medeia and Bella Looking Pretty

That's not Vivien Leigh!*
Super excited today! I am a HUGE fan of Gone with the Wind. I read that book every couple of years. As a matter of fact, it's the only book besides the Bible and Dr. Suess that I have read until the cover is tattered. 

I love Scarlet O'Hara's spunk. That lady is a survivor. And a bit of a bitch. I mean come on, she doesn't even really like her kids (if you've only seen the movie, frankly my dear, you don't know damn...as in all stories- the book is soooo much better!)

I love Melanie Wilke's tender spirit. She is the epitome of all things good, sees the postive in all things...including the husband clutching Scarlet.

Anyhow. I always wanted to write a book along the same vein (not even going to pretend I think I can even walk in Margaret Mitchell's tiny shoes...read her biography, chick was a mini human with small feet). And I wondered, what if there was a character with the heart of Melanie Wilkes and the passion of Scarlet O'Hara? 

The result? 

Tell you in a minute.

First, I want to let you know about, what I am certain will be, a great read. Medeia is one smart lady and she never does anything by halves, so this is a must read:

SNIP, SNIP REVENGE by Medeia Sharif
YA Contemporary, Evernight Teen
Release Date April 25, 2014

Beautiful, confident Tabby Karim has plans for the winter: nab a role in her school’s dramatic production, make the new boy Michael hers, and keep bigoted Heather—with her relentless Ay-rab comments—at bay. When a teacher’s lie and her father’s hastiness rob her of her beautiful hair, her dreams are dashed. The fastest barber in Miami Beach has made her look practically bald. 

With all her pretty hair gone, Tabby doesn’t believe she fits the feminine role she’s auditioning for. Michael is still interested in her, but he’s playing it cool. Heather has taken to bullying her online, which is easier to do with Tabby’s ugly haircut. Tabby spearheads Operation Revenge, which proves satisfying until all of her problems deepen. After messing up, she sets to make things right.

Author Bio
I’m a Kurdish-American author who was born in New York City, and I presently call Miami my home. I received my master’s degree in psychology from Florida Atlantic University. After becoming a voracious reader in high school and a relentless writer dabbling in many genres in college, I found my niche writing for young people. Today I'm a MG and YA writer published through various presses. In addition to being a writer, I'm a middle school English teacher. My memberships include Mensa, ALAN, and SCBWI.

Find Medeia

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Now, about that Gone with the Wind inspired story....

What do you get when you blend Miss Mellie with the high-spirited Scarlet?

 I'm so excited, I'm almost giddy. The story is in edit and coming soon. I've been working on this story for years. Yes, years. But it was a labor of love- proof that the best part of being a writer is the power to make whatever story we want to read come true.  


This lovely cover art is courtesy of  Sprinkles on Top Studios. Sarah is a wonderfully sweet lady to work with and so creative! I actually won a free cover while at the Novel Experience...I think it was fate ;)

 *That iconic movie poster features an artist's depiction of Scarlet taken from the descriptions in the book. Vivien Leigh was one of the last people to be cast in the film. That's a little known fact for ya, there Naumie. 

Join Medeia's giveaway to celebrate the release of her latest novel.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Your book is so pretty. :) I can't wait to read it.

    Thank you for spreading the word about my book.

    I love Gone with the Wind.

  2. Can you believe I've never actually read Gone With the Wind? Even worse, I don't think I ever even saw the movie! Eeeeek!
    Your new book looks AMAZING, Elizabeth!! That cover is GORGEOUS!! Are you doing a book tour for the release? Coz I want to feature you :D
    Medeia's book looks and sounds AWESOME too. That is one gorgeous cover as well. (I LOVE that eye makeup lol!).

    1. I can guarantee Medeia's book will be a good one!

      You've never seen or read GWTW? Oh no! You must rectify that ASAP. I suggest book first, movie second. I mean that's just the natural order, right?

  3. I can't tell you how much I love your cover - it's stunning!

    I am looking forward to Medeia's book too! :D

  4. Congratulations to Medeia!

    And your cover is beautiful! I definitely got that Gone with the Wind vibe when I was beta-ing :-)

  5. Congrats to Medeia. Both books have lovely covers.
    I need to read the book I have by you before this one comes out.

    1. Yep. Get reading chick. LOL. I really want to read Saving Sam, especially after reading Medeia's review of it.

  6. Congrats once more to Medeia.

    Awesome cover too, as you go all Gone with the wind at your zoo

  7. Congratulations to Medeia and to you!!

  8. I love Medeia's cover - so awesome!

    Yours is amazing as well! Congrats! :)

    1. Medeia's is amazing. I agree with Suzy...the eye make-up is so perfect!

  9. Enjoyed the book, not the movie so much. I have only read it once, not a book I would ever want to read again. Now Shogun is a book I do read often.

    1. I need to read Shogun. I remember watching the mini-series years ago. Don't know why I never thought of it as a book! I'll have to check that out.

  10. Congratulations to Medeia and you! Medeia's book looks good in a tough teen dealing with troubles kind of way. And yours look and sounds really good too. Way to go, ladies!

  11. You're making a great splash today with your launch! Congratulations. Same to Medeia. I've seen her everywhere as well.

    1. I'm in good company...hanging out with Medeia all over!

  12. I love your story synopsis. I would never think to buy a husband from jail, it helps she him already. It sounds like a very interesting read. Congratulations.

  13. Congratulations to both of you ladies. They both sound like wonderful stories!

  14. OMG! Look at that gorgeous cover! That looks like such a fun read! And can I just say again how pretty that cover is??? So much love!

  15. Congratulations, Elizabeth! That's an elegant, gorgeous cover. She looks like the author. Woohoo! Much success with Bella's point.

    Medeia's looks to be packed with intrigue. Congrats, Medeia!


    1. Robyn, my favorite lady in the world. I shall dip a copy in chocolate just for you!

  16. Grats Media! And Elizabeth, your cover is so pretty. It looks like it should be trimmed in lace.

  17. Both covers are gorgeous!
    Congrats to you and Medeia!

  18. Hey Elizabeth,

    What can I say? A doubly fantastic situation here. Both Medeia and your lovely self getting revealed. Sorry, both Medeia and your lovely self, revealing your book covers. Congrats are in order to the both of you :)


    1. LOL. I don't reveal much the other way Gary. I believe there should certainly be an age limit on those sort of reveals ;)

  19. Congrats to both you and Media. Clearly I have been out on the blogosphere news. How did I not know about your cover reveal Liz? Anyway the cover is very beautiful and congrats again.

    1. It was put together last minute Sheena-kay. I wasn't sure if I should do a reveal with A-Z going on, so I just ask people on facebook if they could help and just kept it simple. (But if you hadn't been taking your break, I would have been bugging you via email!!!)

  20. Yay for Medeia! And congrats on your cover, Elizabeth. It's gorgeous. :)

  21. Your cover is stunning! I absolutely love it! And I love the premise of your story-sounds amazing! Can I feature your latest novel and cover on my blog? I'd love to!

    Congrats to Medeia!!

  22. Elizabeth, I've seen your cover all over the blogosphere this week, and I'm sorry it took me so darn long to get over here and say CONGRATULATIONS 'in person'!!!! It IS gorgeous. And congratulations to Medeia, too!!!

    1. Thank you Liz! I've been slow to getting around this week also. Spring busy-ness has slowed me down quite a bit!

  23. Your cover is lovely!! Congrats, friend :-)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Elizabeth,
    I never had the opportunity to read the book "Gone with the wind" yet I've watched more than once the movie. And what a great job it was! I also love books and I admire the authors; however at the present time I am reading very little as a consequence of my sight.
    Gongrats to Media and for your presentation.
    Have a great 1ยบ of may.

    1. It was a great movie. I love it.

      Sad about your sight. That is something we really take for granted. They do make the audio books. There are even free sites you can get books from...though I have never checked them out.

      Hope you have a great May also!

  26. Really excited about Medeia's book AND yours!!! Two such talented women!

    1. Thanks Leigh. You're always the bright spot in a rainy day. It has rained here all week long, ugh!

  27. Lovely cover, Elizabeth. :-D

    Best of luck with the new release, Medeia.

  28. I'm incorporating yours and Medeia's covers in my blog tomorrow. So excited for you guys!

    1. Thanks so much Stephanie. I really appreciate that :)

  29. YAAAYYY!!! So happy for you, Elizabeth. It looks beautiful!

  30. Sorry to be so late to the party. AtoZ has been burying post in Feedly, and I'm discovering a lot of things I've missed. Thank goodness it's May! :D

    Medeia's book sounds good, and so does yours. I wanted to read 'Bella' from the moment I laid eyes on the blurb. Ooo! Feisty, southern heroine and plenty of conflict! Count me in! LOL

    Best of luck to you both. :)

    1. I totally know what you mean by being buried. Every day I think I will get caught up,but I never do. Ugh.

      I can't wait for you to read it. I had a lot of fun writing it :)

  31. What a beautiful cover!!! Exciting!!

  32. The cover is beautiful, Elizabeth! Same to Medeia.

    I love Gone With the Wind too (book not the movie), so it's extra exciting to know that your book was inspired by Miss Scarlett & Miss Melanie.

    1. The books are always better. I can't think of any time the movie was better than the book.
