
2:04 PM Elizabeth Seckman 56 Comments

I'm Baaaackkk!!!

Every week I tell myself, "This week I will get my stuff together. I will blog, write, edit, market. All of it... like a pro!"

Then I fail.

And I plan for the next week to be the week

So far, that week has never arrived.

I suppose I'm getting there...slowly. 

Ever. So. Slowly.

So, what have I been doing?

There are games, fund raisers, feeds, and tees. And since I'm sleeping with the booster president, I end up with my hand in all the pots. 

But I don't mind. In the years I've been volunteering, I've noticed a marked decline in parental involvement and seriously...that's sad. I know everyone is busy and everyone has a life, but they're our kids. Of all the balls we can drop, our children shouldn't be the ones to get the bounce. 

Lecture over. Just sayin'...my kids...and other people's kids are always a big priority, so it eats up a lot of my time. 

On the writing front...I have the edits for "Fate Intended" sitting in my in-box. I was going to start on them yesterday, but my Microsoft Word wouldn't work!

 It stubbornly refused to open all documents. So, off to the tech helpline I went...and spent the afternoon with Carl. 

Carl is an advanced specialist from the lovely Philippines.  He works the night shift (which is day time- US Eastern) and small talk and laughter help him stay awake. Chatty me and tech savvy Carl had my software updated and debugged in time for me to shut everything down and go get Conner from football practice. 

But have no fear! I am off to edit land in a bit. 

Fingers crossed...I'm hoping this is a quick process. My editor was amazingly impressed with the book and told me I didn't have much work to do.

Shocking. I know. 

Honestly, I'd pat myself on the back until I got an arm sprain, but truly...I give the credit to my wonderful, wise betas. Tammy Theriault (Super Beta Woman), Emily King, and Annalisa Crawford...you gals rock!! 

Once I get the edits down, I will have to start thinking about blog tours. I feel like everyone gets worn out, so I have been trying to think of something fun to do. (If anyone has any great ideas...leave them in the comment box and I will HAPPILY steal it ;)

If not...tell me...how the heck have you been and what's new with you? 

*Cute pictures totally not related to the post. Just consider them an attempt at suck up points for a lazy blogger. 

photo credit: Sebastián-Dario via photopin cc
photo credit: Sergiu Bacioiu via photopin cc
photo credit: Gossamer1013 via photopin cc
photo credit: Chris Pirillo via photopin cc


  1. Welcome back! Tech problems are always a barrel of laughs. But you're doing something right to get the thumbs up from your editor and betas (who are a great bunch of ladies!) Don't stress on trying to do a certain amount per week. Good luck with your edits!

    1. Nick, you're a sweetheart! I feel better knowing you give me a pass. And speaking of parents...you could teach the world a thing or two about being a good dad!

  2. Hope he can fix your computer problem.
    For a successful tour, you have to do something different. Like how so many just do an announcement, which is the same boring thing on every site, but I added the interview question and sent different information to everyone. Something like that.
    And that is sad parents are less involved. And then they wonder what's wrong with their kids...

    1. Carl worked relentlessly and I have full capacity today. Talk about patience!

      Yes, I do need something different. Loved your question idea. You are the master of freshness!

      And yeah. I get tired of hearing, "What's wrong with kids these days?" We've got to make them a priority...it's just that simple!

  3. Glad to hear your back on it. I've been feeling a bit the same lately, lots of things taking me away from writing and blogging. I'm gradually getting back to it though and all will be happy again soon.

    I loved the Star Wars piccie too!

    1. Well then I feel even happier to see you here today! I feel special. :)

      Isn't that the cutest picture? And honestly, it's hard to take my work seriously when it means perusing the net for cute puppy and kitten pics!

  4. You know, I say that about "Next week" every week too. So much so that it's in the manuscript I'm working on right now.

    And I know what you mean about the kids. I see more and more of that the further we get into the whole school situation.

    1. We could write a book on writing Rena titled, Next Week! Well, as soon as I think I know what I'm doing...that could take more than a few weeks!

  5. Life is what happens while we are writing. Glad to know you're back online-- that can really put a cramp in things.

    1. That is true. While I'm not writing, I am thinking (that will be a shock to some!)

      And being online is time consuming, but trust me, my numbers show that I have been lazy! And I just miss you guys. I feel more writerly when I am writing and hanging with writers!

  6. You sound like me, I make this same promise to myself every single week and next thing I know it's Friday and I haven't made a single dent in my goals. One of these days.... :D

    Good luck with your editing! And the pics are totally precious. You can't go wrong with puppy and kitten pics. :)

    1. I though of you when I was searching the files! I knew you'd like them. And yes, my intentions always outweigh my execution!

  7. I've been feeling very similar myself this last month. Not enough hours in the day! Way to go with the editing, sounds like you shouldn't have too much to do with such positive feedback.

    Love the pics, so cute!

    1. Maybe it's the summer hang over and still getting used to the fall busy-ness. It does make me feel better that it's not just me!

  8. I do that too, thinking I'll really get things done "next week". Somehow it just doesn't always happen. Not that I'm glad that you don't get stuff done either, but it is nice to know I'm not alone!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog for Alex's interview. It's nice to meet you! :)

    1. It was my pleasure Karen!

      No, you're not alone! Maybe next week will be our week. ;)

  9. Hey Elizabeth,

    The next week is this week and this week I see that the week has started out very good by seeing that you have done a blog this week as opposed to next week and yes next week would be also good and yes I've written a run-on sentence without any commas....

    And editing. Should I edit this comment in this new format that skips all over the place when you go to check out what you've typed. Nah. In regards to those three wise women, oh never mind, don't want to aggravate Tammy!

    If I stop commenting for awhile, I might even break down and do a posting. Of course, in my case, I shall most likely apologise for doing a posting.

    Great pics! Great posting! Following!

    Your starstruck fan,

    Gary :)

    1. I love it when you stop by Gary! You ALWAYS bring me smiles and they are priceless!

  10. Good luck with edits!! I always find them to be the toughest!! I've thought about incorporating different media into a blog tour--like doing videos and things like that.

    1. I feel overwhelmed with just the standard tour ideas, I can only imagine trying to do videos too. Technology doesn't come easy to me.

  11. Being 3 months ahead in posts works for me

    1. I am so jealous Pat! One day, when I grow up...I will be ahead also!

  12. I loved the cute pictures. It's where my eyes go first, and then I read you blog. Sounds like your edits will be a snap, hope all goes well.

    1. They have been too easy. That made me nervous, so I have been doing extra read throughs!

  13. Adorable pictures! I try to stay at least a few weeks ahead with blog posts. A month feels better. This month, I'm touring. At least I have all those posts done!

    1. I'm jealous! But it gives me a goal...to one day be caught up. Oh, and I NEVER get bored. That's a plus!

  14. They're your betas? How wonderful. that's great to have them on your side.

    My to-do list builds up when I make promises to myself. I eventually get things crossed off, though.

    Cute pics.

    1. Yep, I'm lucky to have such talented people chime in on my work. I imagine you as being very goal oriented and organized. I respect that. One day, I might be like that. Maybe?

  15. OMG I can't believe you found that picture of me in the Princess Leia outfit! :D
    Glad you're back but sorry you had to deal with computer glitches. Carl sounded nice though. And good luck with the rewrites. (:

    1. You really should start waxing a little more often Elise...I've always heard rumors about French armpits, but never knew if it was true or not. ;)

  16. Okay I need to have that first puppy like right NOW! I so want to snuggle him.
    Good luck with your edits. I am so thankful to be out of that revision purgatory for a while. It has a way of consuming me. But awesome yours doesn't need much work! That's a huge relief!
    I feel all guilty now with the parent volunteer thing. I've slacked off a lot this year with my kids' school--not with my kids, but with school functions. I always volunteer at their classrooms, but other school activities I've had to sneak away from. Just too much on my plate. And I feel like there are so many moms who dont work that could step up more... but who am I to judge, right? Ok, confession over. Sorry about that. lol

    1. No need to feel guilty. I do things in waves...always kind of there, but sometimes I'm more active than at other times. We all need breaks! Like now, I have taken a step back and finishing up my edits and trying to get caught up. But we all know those parents who do diddly squat...and that's sad.

  17. The only true failure is giving up.

    Sounds like you needed a tech on site the other day--like my amazing hubby. So glad you got it straightened out, and wahoo! On to editing.

    1. I would love to have a tech onsite!! People will say if I was rich I'd hire a house keeper...if I was rich, I'd have a techy at my beck and call. You're one lucky lady!

  18. I hear what you're saying! I'm there all the time, so take heart in the fact you're not alone. Besides, I've come to believe that catching up isn't all it's cracked up to be. :-)

    1. Catching up might be over rated, but just once I'd like to experience it. I remember, a long time ago...probably decades ago, I had this feeling of boredom. It's a vague memory, not sure if it's just a creation of an over worked brain!

  19. Seems like a recurring theme and I'm right there with you! I'm sure you'll figure it all out, though......you're smart like that :)

    1. You have more faith than I do, but hey, negativity gets us nowhere faster than a positive attitude, right?

  20. hey :-)

    I literally had to take a double take when I read you were sleeping with the booster president, and then I got it... one is very slow sometimes...
    I'm sure Carl thinks you are the coolest customer around, cuz you really are one of the coolest people around here (aahhhh :)

    good luck with edits and welcome back :-)

    1. I just put that in there to see if people read. My cyber brother is a reader!
      Me cool? ah shucks, can I get that in writing, so I can show it to my kiddos?

  21. I, too, am having to drag myself kicking and screaming back into my creative habits. I have been a near-total slacker the last few months since moving house & acquiring my very first mortgage. ;) Thankfully I do seem to be emerging from the moving blues stupor at last, but it's still taking a long time. :)

    Welcome back, Elizabeth!

    1. Moving is such work! I don't blame you for needing a break. I love to look at houses, but all of them get measured against, is this place worth packing all my stuff up for? No place is ever good enough!
      Enjoy your new home :)

  22. Hi, Elizabeth...

    YAY for being back.... I know I've missed your delightful humor!

    Adorable pics by the way... high fives for such up points.... LOL.

    Good luck with the edits and have a great weekend!

    1. Double the suck up points! Anyone who calls me delightful is super in my book :)

  23. "...sleeping with the booster president..."

    Now there's a book title! LOL

    1. That would make a good title! Now to come up with a story for it...

  24. Wishing you lots of luck with the book and editing, Elizabeth. We're so lucky that our son is a computer tech. I'd be totally lost without him
    Have a great weekend.

    1. You are so lucky! I wonder if I could talk any of my sons into becoming a tech?

  25. Whew, I get tired just reading about your life! I'll help with your release whenever you need it! :)

    1. You're a busy lady yourself Kelley!

      I'll put you on the list. Thanks much!

  26. Promos are definitely not my forte. I also will have to pay attention to Ninja Alex's suggestions;)
    Good luck with the edits. Love the pics:)

    1. Alex is a great asset to know and role model to follow!

  27. Your suck up posters totally worked. ;) Very cute!
    And I agree, our kids should not be the ball that gets dropped. It's sad that seems to be happening more. I'm sure your kids, and the others, appreciate the time you put in!

    1. I was at a ball game the other night and about ten players stopped by my spot in the bleachers and thanked me. Our kids may not always say it, but I believe when they look back on their youth, the fun stuff sticks out and they are thankful.

  28. Always enjoy the pics! Volunteering is wonderful. I was an endless volunteer at my kids schools and their activities.(since I have 5, it was like a full time job, without pay) It's good for the parent and good for your children. Let's them know how special they are.

    1. I know what you're saying. I have four and I have often thought if I actually got paid for all the work I do, we'd be living way better! But you're right, it matters to the kids. That's the most important thing.


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