Saturday, April 27, 2013

A-Z Trivia Challenge: X Marks the Spot

Read about the Challenge Here!

The Encyclopedia,

Social Media, 

& Me!!

It's challenge day twenty-four! Can I manage to post twenty-six times in April? Can YOU answer the questions I ripped  gathered from my handy dandy, old-school, flip through paper pages encyclopedia?

Get them all (or a few) right and you could win the boobie prize!

     X marks the spot-
          where you gain treasure-
             or walk the itty bitty plastic plank!

Beware Cap'n...these are soap scum infested bath waters!

1. This famous novel by Robert Louis Stevenson was the first place to mention a treasure map where "X marks the spot". 

2. This name for a pirate flag sounds all happy and fun, but the flying of a pirate's colors wasn't meant to spread joy, but rather fear.

3. This lady took to piracy after falling in love with Captain Calico Jack Rackham.

4. This wicked pirate, legally named Edward Teach, would light the fuses that hung from his beard to scare victims.

5.On a pirate ship, punishments often included flogging, marooning, keel hauling (being dragged under the boat) but this infamous punishment never really happened.

Bonus: Pirates might have worn ear rings to prevent what condition while sailing turbulent seas?

photo credit: Joriel "Joz" Jimenez via photopin cc

(1. Treasure Island; 2. Jolly Riger; 3. Anne Bonny; 4. Black Beard; 5. walking the plank; Bonus: seas sickness


  1. Woohoo! Five out of six, today. :)

  2. I didn't know #2 & 3. I love the Lego minifigures in the picture.

  3. Only one wrong. I don't know much about pirates.

    1. Only one wrong? I'd say you know a lot about pirates!

  4. Got #4 and 5. The lego picture was a cool addition.

    1. Aren't they cute? I wouldn't fear meeting them on the high seas!

  5. Cool, I used to have Lego pirates just like them! Ah, innocent days.

    1. I never did legos, but my boys loved them. I still find them laying around the house.

  6. I knew none but I might try pierce my ears and see if that way I can get myself on a boat.

    1. When I was pregnant, someone gave me these clips to put on my ears to help with morning sickness. It didn't work...but I was willing to try anything!

  7. Four again today. I think that's my average.

  8. I only knew three today....obviously, I need to study up more on my pirates.

    Yarrrrr!! :)

  9. Only got two today, obviously I am not well versed on pirates.
    I didn't know that walking the plank wasn't actually really used. How interesting!

    Loved the intro to your book over at Michael's place today, the book sounds like a great read!

    1. Thanks Julie. Michael is a sweetheart!

      That walking the plank thing comes from NatGeo for kids...I hope they're right!

  10. Yay... I got all but number 3

    I am SOOOO Happy you enjoyed my intro for your book. It was my pleasure and I am really looking forward to reading it.

    It has been such a pleasure forging a blogger friendship with you Elizabeth. I'm looking forward to many more years of friendship...

    1. Loved it Michael! And I feel blessed to be able to call you friend. Hugs and love to you!

  11. Yay, got numbers 1, 2 and 5. However, I've never actually heard of the "Jolly Riger" :) Roger that one!

    Oooh hearties, time to swab the poopdeck, me thinks....

    Gary! :)

    1. He he...I'm a good speeler!!

      Oh wait, that's the death flag...the Jolly Rigormortus (and no, I don't know how to spell rigormortus and I'm not looking it up!)

      Thanks for the laugh Gary!
