Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Down with Captcha!!!

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Tired of proving you're NOT a robot?

Frustrated that flesh and blood, beating heart, and a few fairly active brain cells aren't enough to grant you the ability to comment?

And those Captcha codes?

Good lord, it's not bomb diffusion! We just want to add a morsel of wisdom to your blog!

So, if you're worn out and wanting to put off bifocals as long as you can (my selfish reason for adding my voice to the outrage)...then spread the word.

Turn off Captcha. I know, I will have to manually delete spam...but hey, aren't your readers worth it?

Use Your Words...
Proudly Captcha free since 2011.


  1. HA! Well said. (I hardly EVER get those silly word verification thingies right on the first shot.)

    1. Me neither, and once I'm ready to comment, I have to keep trying and trying. I mean, how can I keep an opinion to myself?!

  2. Replies
    1. I sure do! I am a comment junkie. I love to yack, live or on the net.

  3. THANK YOU!!! I hate Captcha. I think a lot of people who have it don't even realize. I didn't know it was on my blog until someone told me. Luckily, someone told me when my blog had only been up about a week and I immediately turned it off.

    I always tell people now, cause I can't see why anyone would want the damn thing!!

    1. I have been Captcha free since I started (just but luck, not wisdom!) and I have had about 4 or 5 spam comments. No biggie, especially when you consider the pain it is to deal with it for the readers.

  4. I love Captcha like I love getting a sharp stick in the eye...

    1. You're pretty twisted my good man, so maybe I better turn it back on for you?

  5. I don't like Captcha AT ALL. Hard to read! If you're worried about spam, turn on comment moderation instead of word verification. It's much easier!

    I had captcha on for the first few months of blogging because I was finding a community to belong to. Then I stumbled upon you guys - the PERFECT community for me, made me feel welcome and all and then, turned it off once I knew I belong here. You're great folks! Glad I met you :)

    1. We ARE the perfect community. I mean you just know, if we lived close enough and could meet, we'd be like the kind of group that takes turns bring cookies, right?
      Love right back at ya Livia! You're a wonderful addition. :)

  6. I could not agree more! I hate that damn word verification!

    1. I seriously groan when I see one,and if you have it and I keep coming back to your blog...I must seriously love you.

  7. Boo captchas! :)

    Yo, Elizabeth. How's it going? Hope you're doing well!

    1. I'm still alive Emily. Still doing edits, but found the lure of the blog was too much to ignore. I write (and edit) better when I don't feel like I'm in detention. :)

  8. captchas suck! i just had to do one on a comment and had to refresh to get a new code because i couldn't read the last the way, you totally beat me up with the morgan interview. loved it! you guys are hilarious!!

    1. You are an awesome interviewer! Totally had me laughing my booty off. Where do you come up with those questions? As a lame interviewer myself, totally jealous!

  9. Yes, they're worth it. :)

    If I ever have a major spam problem I'll use comment moderation, never verification.

    I would've joined this hop if I saw it earlier.

    1. I joined a little late, but I am such a rule breaker I figured what the heck!

  10. Yes yes, I am a total CAPTCHA hater!

    1. I hate anything that slows to flow...speed people, we need speed!

  11. I have a love-hate thing going on with them. I find them annoying, but I still think they're valuable.

    1. One day I may get spammed to death and regret my choice, but I keep my fingers crossed.

  12. Yes! Captcha's are worse than spam! It's rude to make people jump through hoops just to comment on your blog. Sometimes blogger plays with your settings and turns them back on (forgivable) but those that have captcha on intentionally can count on instant delete from my blogroll.

    So sharing this!

    1. Some of those codes are nearly impossible. So frustrating!

  13. I've never had Captcha on, and Blogger does a good job of catching most of the spam - it's just the odd occasion where I have to do it myself.

    1. Same here. Never had much of a problem with it turned off.

  14. Ha, ha. I'm with you on this one! I go cross-eyed trying to figure those *#@ letters and numbers out :)

    1. sometimes I just put down anything I feel like until I can get one I can actually read. Ugh!

  15. I LOVE that sign out. I'm thinking about putting it on my side bar :)

  16. Yes, thank you. I NEVER get the letters right until the 3rd or 4th try. It's so frustrating! There's not nearly enough spam to make it worth it.

    Nice to meet you, Elizabeth. Thanks for the follow, and I'm glad to do the same.


    1. My pleasure...well, my pleasure to stop by, not the captcha. Total hate the Captcha.

  17. Oh how I hear you! I hate having to refresh until I see those darned numbers which look like they've been taken with telephoto lens like they use when stalking celebrities. LOL

    It's great to meet you! Have a wonderful week.

    1. Great to meet you too! Blogfests are such a great way to meet! And yes, those Captchas are so hard to read. Heck, I've seen pictures of Bigfoot that have better clarity!

  18. Oh CAPTCHA, CAPTCHA, CAPTCHA! Spreading misery and frustration wherever you go! Its good to see so many bloggers highlighting this because I am sure lots of people don't even know they have it on!

    I got so frustrated with CAPTCHAs interrupting my blogging that i started using this neat program called RUMOLA. You download it as a browser extension and it just automatically enters all of the CAPTCHAs it comes across for you! I couldn't believe it worked so well!

    If any of you CAPTCHA haters are intereted you can download it at and give it a go. Hope this helps someone with their CAPTCHA woes!

