Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Yee Haw...This Hillbilly is Moving!!!

Angie Cothran asked me to be her neighbor!!!

Now, for most of you, that simply means she wants an interview for her blog: Live to Write...Edit When Necessary.

But I'm pretty sure she wants me to pack my bags and come enjoy the Florida sun and surf with her.

Given the cost of real estate in Florida, this little gem is all I could afford. Whew, the lot in Ang's neighborhood alone about made me cry. But I have a plan to make sunshine state living a breeze.

I'm bringing extension cords to plug in at Angie's. I won't need water because I'm taking the sage advice of my twelve-year-old and considering a dip in the pool a perfectly acceptable alternative to a bath.

I'm so excited!!! Come on over and visit me as my bestest new neighbor and I sit down and have a chat. Read it by clicking HERE!!!!!

Thanks lady...for the interview...the voltage...and the chlorinated garden tub.


photo credit: ldandersen via photopin


  1. You crazy girl! Totally had me fooled, LOL! Off to check it out! :-D

    1. If I can get a good price on that trailer, I just might be going. ;)

  2. I totally want to move to Florida and live in Harry Potter World. One of these days :)

  3. You are almost certifiable Liz. Heading over and Cassie's such a card. *Whispers* But I'll still get a sleeping bag and join her.

  4. It is actually pretty cheap here in Florida :) But I do like your trailer. Its classy. Thanks for coming over, you were awesome today!

    1. I live in West Virginia, Angie. Anything over a $100,000 is fancy livin'.

  5. Replies
    1. Woot woot. If we ever get together to party, you've got to come too Emily!!

  6. Hey,

    That's some fine mighty looking Trailer... too much for me and way above my pay grade!

    Especially when I read comments from one West Virginian on Morgan's Blog... and discover I'm not the prettiest of them all :)

    1. Be jealous Mark...you know you're green at heart! Hehe

  7. Great picture, and I agree... why can't the pool be considered a bath? :)

    1. I was all for it till my hairdresser told me the chlorine could turned my unnatural blond hair green! Now I have to wash that out ASAP!

  8. Headed over to see what you two get up to!

  9. Your hairdresser is right. Take care with those "baths" in chlorine! Have a great time.

    1. I most certainly will...I don't want to look like a creature from the dark lagoon!

  10. Funny! That's about the looks of things most of us can afford in so.cal. too.

    1. But you do have awesome weather, or so I've heard! (But yeah, I watch House Hunters...the prices boggle my mind!)

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Susan. Angie is an awesome interviewer! If she ever gets tired of writing, she can go take over Barbara Walters' position.
