Monday, October 15, 2012

It's About the Apples and the Trees...

                        photo credit: LexnGer via photopin cc

The week end always brings revelations...

Our town is hosting a natural gas boom. The place is crawling with out of state workers...mostly men from oil states like South Dakota, New Orleans, and TEXAS.

Well, last weekend WVU beat the Texas Longhorns in football.

Then this weekend, Texas Tech beat WVU.

At the end of the game, boy #2 says,"This sucks. Especially after last weekend."

I have to ask, "Why after last weekend?"

Boy #2 says, "After WVU won, my friends and I drove around town and yelled loser to all the Longhorn fans."

Mu husband asks, "How many Longhorn fans are in West Virginia?"

Boy #2, "Almost every truck with a Texas license plate."

Being a good mom, I toss in a scolding, "COLE! That's not nice!"

Boy #2, "But it was funny."

More concerned, I add, "Are you an idiot? Some, hell, most, of those guys are huge. You're lucky they didn't whip your, um, derriere."

Boy #2 assures, "We're not stupid...we only yelled at skinny white guys."

Unable to resist, I have to know. "Why only white guys?"

Boy #2, "Didn't want anyone to think it was racial thing, when it was just a Longhorns suck thing. But now that Tech beat us, now we'll here about it."

I turn to their dad, the father figure, assuming he'll set the youth straight. "Are you hearing this?"

My husband nods and says to his son, "Don't worry. No one's a Tech fan."

Hello, my name's Elizabeth...I live in a house with four boys...and they all act like their father.

**Adding a footnote...just so people don't think I'm raising delinquents...Cole is a good boy, who does bad things sometimes. But he's honest and he self-reports his behavior...then he gets nagged at so he doesn't become a criminal and stays his sweet, football playing, 4.0, hopes to go to med school self. 

Oh, and on the writing front...I put "Past Due" in the Kindle Direct Program. So, if you have a Kindle and are a prime member, you can download book one in the Coulter Men serie now...before the second book, "Healing Summer", comes out! Tis almost the season!

Get "Past Due" Here


  1. "No one's a Tech Fan" !!!!!!!!!!

    I laughed pretty hard when I read that. Absolutely hilarious. Here in NM, there's a huge Tech vs. UNM Rivalry (though they do beat us in just about everything, sigh).

    1. Tech did look doggone good. They'd be a tough team to beat.

  2. Hahahaha! Sounds like your house is always a riot! :)

  3. Hmm, sports can be a real powder keg. I've personally seen riots start over sports. I can't say I would condone this kind of behavior, and I think I would do my best to quash it.

  4. I agree Michael. I do my best to soften the male edges in my family. And trust me, I understand the ignorance of some sport's fans, but I also understand the good-natured, sometimes misguided, energy of youth. And maybe if we all stopped taking EVERYTHING so seriously, we could live in a better world.

  5. I help the Kindle Prime thing works well for you. And I sympathize. I had 3 brothers growing up. Sheesh.

    1. I hope it does too. My biggest goal is to get as many to read book one as I can get and hopefully hook them for book 2!

      Three brothers? Oh my. I had two. They are creative in their rottenness, so I feel for you!

  6. Lol, sounds just like my family - at least I'll know what to expect when they grow up!

  7. I'm not much of a football fan (meaning not at all) so most of this went over my head. BUT as for the Amazon Prime thing, awesome! Great way to grab your audience before book 2 comes out!

  8. I get nervous about sports enthusiasts getting violent. Maybe more of an issue with soccer overseas, but still. I'd be worried about that stuff!

    1. When I was in college, we added extra security and hands on deck in the dorms to deal with the "surge" of emotion. The biggest problem in our town wouldn't be the sport's would be the in-town vs. out- of-town folks. I did have to explain to my son that there have been fights between people who live here and people coming in to get a horrible economy and people feeling pushed out of jobs and you have a powder keg. For that reason primarily, I warned him to NEVER do this again...but that part of the story isn't funny, so it got edited out.

  9. Ahh, that made me crack up Liz! Does anybody call ya Liz online? Don't want to make you feel unfomfortable. But seriously, yes, some people act like their father but sometimes, it can be a good thing. I act more like my mom, it's ridiculous - very much a worry-wart. :)

    1. I am constantly battling my husband's influence! I am a bit of a worry wart first image when he said this was a truck load of beefy oil riggers dragging my baby out of a car and pounding on him. But he came home safe, so all he got was a lecture.

      And yes, Liz is just fine. :)

  10. That was a funny post Liz. They are like their dad but since the boy sounds real smart I'm sure you have a spot there too. Thanks for popping by my blog today.

    1. My pleasure! And yes, they do get their smarts from me. :)

  11. Hi Liz...( I'm just following the gang:)

    fun post as always and I use your post as eyes to my future!

    1. Keep the lines of communication open Mark. Talk to them now (which you do!) My kids have never feared me and they tell me things most kids would hide. I sleep pretty well knowing the worst thing my 16-year-old did over the weekend was razz visitors over a football game.
      I'm sure yours will be just as good.

  12. I don't watch sports, but I've heard the talk. :)

    I'll have to check out Past Due.

    1. Talking smack seems to go hand in hand with the game in our area.

      I won a copy of Bestest Ramadan Ever...I'm such a lucky girl! Can't wait to start reading. :)

  13. Wow I can only imagine a house with 4 boys and sports. I've never been a sports fan but I grew up with 2 brothers who lived and breathed it. Ugh. lol

    1. It helps them burn off energy...which my guys have quite a lot of!

  14. Hey, even this guy thinks that was dumb! Even skinny men carry guns.

    1. LOL. I said that very thing!! (But I didn't want to add that to the post...might be insulting and people would think just because they were roughnecks I was assuming they were packing heat!)

  15. It's times like this when I worry what is going to happen when my husband and I have children. That is exactly what my husband would say.

  16. Replies
    1. In the moment, I wanted to spank the 290 pound kid, but when all was said and was funny.

  17. They sound like normal boys to me. My three behave just like that. Naturally they take after their mother. :)

    1. LOL!!! I'd like to have her stop by and verify that. :)
