Monday, September 17, 2012

Little Bit of This and That...

I'm visiting Suzy Turner today over at her blog answering some questions!! So, if you miss me click your heals or this LINK and you'll find me. ;)

The cover reveal for Kyra Lennon's new novella, "If I Let You Go"...a right up my alley and I can't wait to read it!

Kyra is hosting a blog hop to celebrate the release of her new book on October 22, 2012

Get all the deets  HERE!!

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to a long time writer friend, Mr. Joshua Mims.

He just published his second book... which jumped to the top of my reading list!

Jay is the kind of guy and the kind of writer who is best described by his own facebook wall post:

And his special notes to his gentle readers can be found at his blog Please Don't Feed the Mimsey:

Best of luck Jay!

Check it Out on Amazon!!!

And since an author LOVES to see it circle the internet, I'll add a picture of the cover too!


  1. My best days involve a little of the silly and ridulous. :) Good luck to Jay as he moves up the charts.

    1. He's a funny guy...and a sweetheart. I wish him well too. :)

  2. Good luck to Jay! Hadn't heard of this. Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Yay for Jay! I just read his post. It was wonderful.

    I'm off to Suzy's!

  4. Oooo... I'm so popping over at Suzy's... and how neat for your friend! Go Jay! <3

  5. Always nice to learn about books and the people who craft them. Here's to Jay and his success.

  6. I like that cover too! And Jay's book title is so intriguing!

  7. Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for dropping by the blog today. I just added you to my blogroll so I can keep up with your posts! Good luck to Jay!

    1. Thanks! I could all day reading blogs. I'm such a junkie, I set a timer and go to as many as I can.
