Tuesday, June 5, 2012

You Launch at the Beach Right?

Top row: Caleb Seckman; James Long; Conner Seckman; Chase Croasman; Mitchell Goodwin
Front row: Bentley Knight; Cole Seckman; Nick Blatt; Carter Seckman; Andrew Stackpole

This isn't a sport's team...it's my launch team.

At 3:00 AM I googled myself (yes, I am that weird) and found out my book, PAST DUE, had a CLICK TO BUY button.

Gone was the COMING SOON...replaced by CLICK TO BUY!!! Be still my beating heart...it's for sale!

I contacted the publisher; she informed me it was for me to get the books ahead of the launch...which was slated for mid-June.

Buuuuttt....I wondered...since the story takes place on the Outer Banks and I'm currently lounging around the Outer Banks, can I launch it now and use this trip as a tax deduction?

Launch my dream and write it off? I'm feeling dizzy.

"Sure crazy lady," Karen, the publisher says. "You want to take it public, you go girl." (She didn't really say that, I'm paraphrasing...and just down right putting unsaid words in her mouth!)

Anyhow...the book is available in print from Amazon and in print and E-Book from World Castle.

Now. I must go happy dance by the seashore. :)


  1. This is so cool! Congrats on your book launch! :D

  2. Thanks Kyra!!! Thanks for keeping me awake with your own good read!

    1. Lol, that's okay! Glad you're enjoying it! :D

      P.S That is one fine-looking launch team you have there! ;)

  3. This is so cool! I'm excited for you!


  4. Yay! Let me know when the other sellers have it and I'll write a celebratory post for you. :)

    1. I most certainly will. :)
      Thanks for the help Emily!

  5. Oh wow, I didn't know your story took place in the OBX...that is one of my favorite places! We went there 3 summers in a row, but the past 2 summers we couldn't afford to vaca. We've stayed in Rodanthe, Salvo, and Frisco. When I lived in Va. my parents had a house in Corolla which we went to every few weeks. So that place is very near and dear to my heart. Wild horses, buffalo, sand dunes,the sound, deep-sea fishing, SURFING...oohh I'm weak with envy. I hope you are having a blast!!! And I am so excited about your book launching :) I guess I should have put that first but you wrote Outer Banks and I swooned. I love the island feel of that place.

  6. YAY!!
    All three of my books launched early. Well... and the one my friend Steph and I did, we put out early as well.

    And YES to the tax decuct!! WOOHOO!!

    I'm writing a book set in Paris (or have started, and WANT to finish) I told the hubs that the trip would be TAX DEDUCTIBLE!!
    We still can't afford it, but it's now officially on the "list"

    1. Jolene, I have no idea how you do it all! Hope you get to make that trip to Paris soon!

  7. Super Congrats, Elizabeth... I am so happy for you... super happy:)

    (PS... the boys probably want you to stop the Happy Dance now... it's been twenty-four hours... :)~

    1. 5 minutes of my happy dance is 4 minutes 59 seconds too long! Thanks Mark. (I'm still holding out for that caption contest...that will be my crowning glory)

  8. Replies
    1. You can dance with me Jessie.

      Jessie's book will be available June 14th! Great YA read!!

  9. AGH!!! How exciting and dude, I want a whole bunch of strapping young boys as my launch team. You know, if I ever need one. :)

  10. Hey,

    Your Crowning Glory has arrived.... seen my post today :)

  11. Whoot-whoot! Happy Dancing with you! Congrats!!!
