Friday, March 30, 2012

All Write…It’s Friday!!!

Happy Blogoversary to ME!!!!!

And you know how it is…when you reach a milestone, you look ahead and choose another.

Me?  I want to give my poor little schizophrenic blog a bit more direction.

So, I have decided…drum roll…my first post of the week…I’ll do whatever I want.

Buuuutttt on Friday I’m going to try to give back to my writing community.

Why? “Cause I’d still be mailing queries to “whom it may concern” if it weren’t for you guys…yeah…you know who you are!

All Write…It’s Friday!!!  Post #1

~Joining the Blogosphere~
When I first started this blog, I had boy#2 (Cole) as tech support, boy #1 (Caleb) as proof reader, boy #3 (Carter) as content monitor…and yes it’s about time I tell the world…Carter Seckman is sexy…I keep receiving poor content reviews because I have not made this fact public and until I do the blog will lack the hard core honesty it needs to grow… and boy #4 (Conner), who told his teacher….you think her school notes are funny…read her blog…as promoter.

That was my team. I didn’t know too many other bloggers and honestly, I had NO idea what I was doing.
Then I met this lady…Cassie Mae!!! (Sup.) Since I’ve met Cassie, I no longer feel like I am wandering around the internet all alone (no offense to my old team…though honestly, they are probably getting tired of being bugged.)

So, for whatever reasons…you want to start a blog…here’s Cassie to get you started…
*hehe…I asked Cassie if she would contribute…little did she know I’m giving her the whole post! (For real! Now there’s a ton of pressure!)

Cassie…I will so owe you a Mt. Dew if you will answer just one question…
What advice do you have for a new blogger?

Deal! I’ll be expecting that drink in the mail. ;)   you betcha chick!

(oh yeah, that’s me in black, cause I am a chatty little interrupter!)

Okay, so I’ll give ya the basics… and pretend to know what I’m talking about, lol.

I bullet things so people read them. (Hey! That’s a tip right there!) (woe there reader, that’s the little dot before each topic…she’s not threatening you…relax.)

*Easiest thing you can do? Put your followers and your ‘About Me’ up top. Up there. ^ Know why???

(Hey Cassie...whatcha think? I’m considering going with the existential me def…I am a flower, my petals dropping with the wind…fine I won’t…stop rolling your eyes! Good grief...continue please...)

Think about when you visit a blog you haven’t been to before.   You read the post and dude, it’s awesome. You wanna follow this blogger. But who is this blogger?

Scroll, scroll, scroll.

Mmmkay, I see awards, twitter button, bloghops, quotes, current wip, current pageviews… where the heck are they?

Oh! There they are!  Sweet! Okay, now how can I follow?

Where are their followers???

Do they have any?

Or do I just gotta click the little button at the top of the blog that only works about half the time.

Scroll, scroll, scroll.

Ah ha! Found them.

Okay. Now, let’s do this scenario again.

Dude! This blog rocks! Who is this person?

No scrolling necessary, it’s right there! Right next to the followers button. Sweet! *clicks Join This Site*

Done and done.

*Font and background

(I instinctually did this right, cause I have 40 year old eyes )

Super dark blog. I can read it (thank heavens) cuz the font is in white.

*spends a few minutes reading, commenting… blah blah blah.*

*Clicks back over to google reader.*

Agh! My freakin’ eyes! Dude that is bright!

Word of advice. Dark blogs: Okay, as long as it’s not all dark. Same thing with bright blogs. And always, ALWAYS, make the font color, size, and font itself readable. No one likes to squint.


Monday’s post: Holy crap, life sucks and everything about it is just crap. I’d crawl into a hole, but no one would know I went missing, so what’s the point?

Tuesday’s post: Guess what? I discovered that every religion is one big piece o’ sh**. I dare you to disagree with me. I’ve got proof.

Wednesday’s post: I don’t get why agents don’t just read what’s right in front of them. I’m a freakin’ brilliant writer. I’d make them a ton of money! And they keep sending me forms? Screw them. All of them.

Thursday’s post:  Guess who’s better than every single person who commented on my Tuesday post? That’s right suckas! Kiss my a**!

Friday’s post: I don’t understand why no one comes around anymore.

Ahem… need I say more?

(but this might work if you want a small, but loyal  group of negative Nellie followers, people who understand life sucks, you’ll never make it as a writer, and it’s because the whole world is out to get you…NO, sweets, never getting anything beyond a form rejection has nothing to do with your charming personality or your refusal to learn!)

*Be a Friend

Someone follows you, follow back. Follow your bloggy buddies’ buds. Respond to the comments left on your posts, whether in email or comment thread. Let them know they are important to you, and you appreciate them reading what you’ve had to say, and giving their input. Comment on their blogs. Create folders in Google Reader and make sure you visit the people who visit you. Blogging is not something you do halfway if you want to be a successful blogger. You gotta go full out! And you won’t regret it either. I have met some great people through blogging. (Miss Elizabeth included ;) (right back at ya chick!)) Take advantage of the opportunity here.

*There are a ton more things, but advice number… uh, I forget what number I’m on… Try not to be too lengthy. (I suck at this BTW) I’m gonna say it, though you all are gonna deny it. People skim. I skim sometimes. It sucks, but it’s true. So keep it real, but also try to keep it short. (I know… hypocrite speaking here!) And if you are going to be long-winded, keep it entertaining. (Again, not sure how I do at this either.)

See! There’s stuff even I need to work on!

(yeah, we broke the rule on this one…but cause you’re here…it’s uber entertaining!)

Okay, so that’s enough spewage. BUT! I’ll be here all day people! So if you have any questions, leave them in the comment section and I’ll pretend to know the answer.

Thanks Elizabeth! You are freakin’ awesome! (as are you!!!!!)  *waits patiently for Mountain Dew* LOL…didn’t it already arrive? Did you check your mailbox…it was there…with a check…for like, um a million dollars…cause of course that is what your priceless advice is worth!

Thanks Cassie! And you, the hardy little dedicated wonderful lovable person that read this far...
CLICK HERE meet Cassie on her own turf. :)


  1. I love Cassie! She helped me (unknowingly) while I was starting out, and now I feel like a part of this lovely writey, bloggy family!

    There is a "thank you" post in my future, I think! :D

    1. I did? Wow Kyra, you are like uber popular so I'm totally freakin' out that *I* helped *you*! Thanks girl!

    2. Cassie you are the best!
      @Kyra, this is a wonderful family. You're the the cousin across the pond we actually look forward to seeing at reunions!

  2. Great advice, Cassie! Who would've thunk...follow those who follow me! LOL

    1. I know right? Beat them at their own game! Haha!

  3. Great post I couldn't stop cracking up at the Mon-Fri posts. They were awesome! And I couldn't agree more about having your followers be at the top of your blog. I get so sad when I can't find it! Then I get determined and it's like a scavenger hunt.

    1. Lol, maybe I should move my followers so it'll be an adventure when people try to find it! LOL.

  4. Great advice. Came over from Cassie's blog. Nice to "meet" you. :)

    1. thanks for following me over here girl!

    2. Nice to meet you too Jessica! I wish I hadn't been driving yesterday, looks like you guys had a lot of fun here!

  5. awesome tips Cassie. I love commenting on a blog and then getting a response from the blogger, so I have started to do that on my own blog and it really does make it feel more like a conversation then just me talking to the air.

    the other thing I'm trying to be better at is commenting on people's blogs that comment on mine... I still need work on that, sometimes there's just not enough hours in the day. But I'm getting there!

    1. Me too! I love that subscribe button so I can see when people have responded to one of my comments. But they took it off the pop up window!

      Oh blogger! Why does thou hate me????

    2. I agree. I enjoy posting, but it's the 'getting to know' the people we're connecting with that makes it the most addictive!

  6. Trying to follow, but having trobles with the dumb computer I'm on. I'll come back later. :)

    1. I ahd problems yesterday too! Blogger kept giving me error messages every time I tried to comment. Grrr. So, I have a lot of actching up to do today!

  7. The content one is spot on! I actually follow a couple people like that. Don't comment though. Wonder why?
    Good stuff, Cassie! Especially about getting that follower widget up where we can find it. And a link to one's profile.

    1. Oh, you comment on mine! *wipes forehead free of perspiration*

      And yes on the profile link! That def. needs to be up there :)

    2. @Alex, glad you took the time to comment here. You're a bit of a blogging legend...I feel special...even if you came for Cassie :)

  8. I wish I would've used blogspot so I could have followers too. Wordpress sucks (sometimes).

    Happy Blogoversary Elizabeth!

    1. You can use networked blogs. That one should be compatible with it :D

    2. Thank you Suzi!
      Come on over to Blogger...we'll have you a welcome party!

  9. A bunch of wonderful common sense tips. Thanks. And you are oh-so-right about the negative Nellies. Everybody has a bad day now and then, but a constant stream of negative whines and complaints gets old real fast. Ditto the "I'm THE best writer ever blah blah blah."

    1. Every now and then yes, a woe is me post is totally fine. Shows us there is a real person posting, lol.

    2. @Susan- those people who think they're the best annoy me. I mean, how can they be the best when they're not me?
      LOL...just joking. I have so much to learn and I am so grateful to all the people who help me out (like Miss Cassie!)

  10. Great interview! Glad Cassie sent me over here cause I'm now a follower ;) You two are hilarious!

    1. Oh I didn't know you didn't know Elizabeth already! She's amazing Hope! I would've introduced you sooner :D

    2. Yay!!!!!! And thank you Hope!! Always excited to have new friends. :)

  11. Aren't you full of cheer today, Cassie Mae! Between this post and your one at the Dojo, I am feeling the love.

    Let's cuddle.

    Thanks for interviewing Cassie Mae, Elizabeth! *waving*

    1. Totally let's cuddle! Don't mind the boob slap and butt grab.

      OR! I may just rub your belly cuz you're prego. Ya, I'm one of those weird people who do that, lol.

    2. You're welcome Emily. :)
      Just wanted to bring some vavoom to the blog!

  12. You girls are the bestest!!! I loved this, and I think Cassie is a blog master :)

    Elizabeth- as always, your wit cracks me up :)

    1. Thanks Amber. Always glad to see you drop by. You're such an uplifting spirit. :)

  13. I love your fake blog schedule. Hehe. Negative Nellie. We call my son Debbie Downer when he gets like that.

    Nice advice Cassie!

    1. Thanks for manning the ship Cassie! I'm traveling to SC, so I'm just sneaking peaks when I get a chance at an Internet connection.
      Can't wait to read them all better tomorrow!

    2. LOL...Debbie Downer...I'm seeing a children's book...

  14. Great interview ladies! Love both of you! :)

  15. Hey Elizabeth,

    So Carole hacked into your account, too, and made it look like she was invited, huh :)

    The things that woman will do to get a free Mt. Dew... at least she'll never make it onto *my* blog...... oh...

    Great job, Claire, and I'm glad you mentioned brevity as one of your weak areas... otherwise I was going to do a Hula and sing "liar, liar, pants sooooo on fire :)~

    Elizabeth, thanks for hosting Cici and my best wishes as you begin the recovery process :)

    1. oh my goodness, you caught me! Don't tell anyone in the blogoverse I know how to hack in their account!

      I should've not mentioned the weakness. I think I would've liked to have seen the liar hula dance. :D

      And are you still recovering from my interview on Monday? I was wondering the real reason why you've decided to step back ;)

    2. I know Mark. I'm just sooooooo popular, she just had to come bask in my glory. Ha!

  16. Lovely to meet you Elizabeth....and welcome back have me racing for the Thesaurus. I think why you are so successful (and there are too many reasons to mention here)- is because you are so sincere and genuine...people really like that!! Have a great weekend ladies.

    1. Thanks Jeff! And I'm pretty sure most of the words I've used are made up. :D

    2. I can't agree more Jeff (being forward enough to assume we are on a first name basis)! Cassie is all that she appears to be. She has been so helpful to me, I am forever grateful. And I'm glad you're sticking around! I just love *meeting* new talented people!

  17. That was the funniest advice post I've read :-)

    And something worked, because I'm following Elizabeth now :-)

    1. Yay!!! And thanks Sarah. I'm always excited to get new peeps. One more brain to pick when I'm in a jam!

    2. Sarah, do you have a blog? I was trying to check it out and couldn't find one.

    3. She does have a blog. It's called Empty White Pages :)

      Hmm... let me find the link...

    4. Thanks Cassie! Now, I must go check it out.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Very nice that you had Cassie by. And thanks for adding me to your blog list.

  21. Hello Elizabeth, visiting over from Alex's. Happy blog anniversary.

  22. Lovely interview, ladies. So glad to visit your blog, Elizabeth! Following...

  23. I feel like a bad blogger cause really, it's a 24-hour job keeping up with followers/commenting/writing blog posts. I was really good for about 2 weeks, then life (college) hit. lol. Great advice!!

    1. I know what you're saying Ashley! I just try to read up when I get some time, but I feel like I'm letting people down. :(

  24. How did I miss this post? Bad Angie! You two are both all kinds of awesome!

  25. How in the world did I miss this? I mean for real? It must be because it was last week and I was MIA. Agh! See what happens when I skip a week? It's horrible! BTW - I agree with this 110%. That's why Cassie rocks it and why you do too! I love it! Keep it up ladies. I love you both!!!
