Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Going Home: An IWSG Post

 I helped out at a charity auction last weekend in my hometown. I donated an autographed book to the cause and when its turn came to be auctioned, I had a moment of panic. What if during its turn it's about as wanted as a gym membership in Fat Town? How humiliating would that be? I felt like yelling for them to skip it- move on to the next item. I made a mental note to only donate autographed books when I am NOT there to watch them crash and burn.

But it wasn't so bad. It did all right. Fortunately, I was in friendly territory. Insecurity crisis averted.

*Another upside from the day:

Summer Writer Fuel! 

 My cousin offered me an iced coffee. I told her no thanks. I couldn't get that addiction started again. The summer McDonald's offered iced coffees for .99 cents, I gained 5 pounds and slept an average of 5 hours a night from May to September. I broke my addiction and couldn't return to that delicious dark side.

She assured me these were a lower calorie, healthier option. I was sold, especially after tasting it.

Iced Coffee

1 pot of coffee (about 4 cups)
1 eleven ounce vanilla flavored meal replacement drink
a dash of sugar free vanilla syrup (or more, if you prefer it sweet)
skim milk

Pour the cooled coffee into a 2 quart pitcher. Add one meal replacement drink and the vanilla syrup. Top off with the skim milk. Stick it in the fridge and you have enough delicious, satisfying drink to last an entire writing day.

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July 3 question: What personal traits have you written into your character(s)? I had never really thought about it, but after some consideration- most of my MC's either can't cook or hate to cook. That's my reality seeping into my fiction. 

Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh and this month's awesome co-hosts!  Erika Beebe, Natalie Aguirre, Jennifer Lane, MJ Fifield, Lisa Buie-Collard, and Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor!

Guidelines and rules: 
Word count: 3500-5000
Genre: Middle Grade Historical – Adventure/Fantasy
Theme: Voyagers
Submissions accepted: May 1 - September 4, 2019
How to enter: Send your polished, formatted (double-spaced, no footers or headers), previously unpublished story to admin @ before the deadline passes. Please include your contact details, your social links, and if you are part of the Blogging, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter IWSG group. 
Middle grade – suitable for 9 – 14 year-old children. 
Historical – it must have historical aspects and be set in a time before 2000 or earlier. It just needs to be set in the past. 
Adventure/fantasy – the subgenre can be either adventure OR fantasy. The fantasy genre is acceptable as there are many ancient cultures and times that believed in supernatural occurrences.

Welcome Ellen Jacobson! 
I beta read this story. It's clever, humorous and completely enjoyable. 

One of the fun things about being a writer is creating characters. Two of my favorite characters in my Mollie McGhie Cozy Sailing Mystery series are seven-year-old Katy and her younger brother, Sam. Their grandparents own the Palm Tree Marina where my books take place and they love spending time with my main character, Mollie, and her adorable cat, Mrs. Moto.

I love writing things from a kid’s perspective—they say and do things that make me laugh out loud. Not only do they bring up memories of my own childhood, they’re a reminder of how we need to nurture the inner child inside of all of us.

I really enjoyed writing the scene below, especially the part about Mollie loving stickers as much as the kids do.

What fond memories do you have of school? Did you like crayons and stickers? There’s another fun scene in my latest book, Poisoned by the Pier, where the chief of police and Mollie discuss her love of stickers. Let’s just say that he’s not impressed.

Poisoned by the Pier Now Available! 

Poisoned by the Pier, the third book in the Mollie McGhie Cozy Sailing Mystery series, is now available in ebook, paperback, and large print.

Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Google Play

When Mollie's husband signs the two of them up for an extreme diet, she's not amused. When someone ends up poisoned by a cake, things get even worse.

While she tries to identify the killer, Coconut Cove’s annual boating festival is in full swing. In between getting ready for her first sailing race and cheating on her diet, Mollie and her cat, Mrs. Moto, uncover clues, interview suspects, and do their best to avoid rutabagas.

Can Mollie nab the killer before someone else is poisoned?

If you like quirky characters, adorable cats, and plenty of chocolate, you'll love this cozy mystery. Pick up a copy of Poisoned by the Pier and laugh out loud from the first page to the last.

New to the Series? 

If you're new to the series, you might want to start with Murder at the Marina. Now is the perfect opportunity as the ebook is on sale for 99c/99p for a limited time.

Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Google Play

About the Author 

Ellen Jacobson lives on a sailboat with her husband and an imaginary cat named Simon. When she isn't working on boat projects or seeking out deserted islands, she writes cozy mysteries and sci-fi/fantasy stories.

Connect with Ellen on her Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | BookBub | Blog

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay


  1. Thank you so much for the coffee recipe! I have tapered off my sugar too in the last few years, but I'll never give up the coffee. It's been a hot start to the summer in Kansas City so iced coffee works great! Congratulations Ellen! I wish everyone the best :)

    1. I have also tapered off the sugar addiction, though chocolate still gets me every time. Coffee is sooo good. I also agree it can't be abandoned.

  2. Hi,
    It's good to meet someone else that doesn't cook well. I'm not a fan of cooking either. So I usually make sure there is a character in my books that can cook.
    Have a great fourth.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. I forgot to say, since I 've got a couple of your mystery books and I am looking forward to the one about the cats because I love cats.
      All the best with your launch.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    2. I love hanging out with people who love to cook, because I enjoy eating good food. I just don't want to be the one doing the cooking. I'm happier with dish clean up.

      Ellen will be happy you got her book. You won't be disappointed.

  3. I wouldn't want to be there when they were auctioning off my book.
    You have a family of six and you don't like to cook? How did all of you survive?

    1. I cook constantly, I just don't enjoy it. Fortunately, my youngest son is quite the chef, so if I supply him with ingredients and clean up the mess, he will cook me tasty food. I keep trying to lure Grandma Dragon to my town. I tell her it's so she has support...little does she know, I'm looking for sources of good food.

  4. Thanks so much for featuring Poisoned by the Pier today and for beta reading it :)

    I remember when McDonalds was running that 99c special. It was my downfall as well. So delicious! Your alternative coffee drink sounds like a winner.

    1. I think I had the shakes once I decided I had to stop drinking them by the gallon.

  5. I would've been so nervous to see something I wrote auctioned off. You are a brave woman! Glad it went well!

    Love iced coffee, especially the dark roast from Dunkin Donuts. I stopped putting sugar in it years ago. Now I add a little cream and sometimes an expresso shot. :)

    1. I was always a black coffee drinker. No sugar. No cream. Damn you, McDonalds! Now, I love the French vanilla flavor in both hot and cold.

  6. Haha Delicious dark side. Hilarious! I'm glad your book did well. That's scary!

    Happy 4th of July tomorrow!

  7. I'm a coffee addict, so thanks so much for the iced coffee recipe. I'd be nervous if I was present when my (non-existent) book was auctioned too.

    1. My books live in my head long before they hit the paper. They're still your books.

  8. Oh, now that sounds like summer fuel I can get behind. Yummy!

    Hi, Ellen! Congratulations on your release!

  9. You don't even have to put all that in for me to love an iced coffee. Dunkin Donuts cold brew coffee is the best.

    1. I'm not a fan of cold coffee plain, though I drink it all the time because I'm too lazy to warm it back up.

  10. Thanks for the iced coffee recipe! I have to be careful on the caffeine intake, but I still like to have some. :) And ugh, cooking. If I only had to create one meal a week, it might not be so bad, but every night - what's for dinner? Well, if I didn't stick in the crockpot, it's going to be grilled or ordered.
    Congrats to Ellen! I loved the stickers in school, too.

    1. I keep planning to do a menu and be prepared for that much-hated, what's for dinner question. I did get an instant pot and that has made my constant lack of planning a little better.

  11. It is amazing how many times writers put their heart and soul on the line. Kudos to you! I would have taken along two or three "designated bidders" for backup!

    I love iced coffee and keep a pitcher in the fridge year round. I mix a pot of hazelnut coffee with four ounces half and half. So, so good!

    Yaaay Ellen on her new book! I loved it!

    1. I think it's feeling only other writers can understand. I always tell people that book criticism is as provacative as telling someone their kid is ugly.

  12. I've had items in an auction too and I always get that fear.

  13. Hi Elizabeth...

    I had to laugh about you can't cook or that you hate cooking. I always though you loved cooking and baking. Not sure why....I just thought it. I'm not wild about cooking, but I LOVE to bake....

    Glad to hear that you book did well at the auction! I have my signed copies of a few of your books proudly displayed with my other blogger friends' books.... Something you should NEVER be anxious about....

    1. I cook and bake a lot and I do share recipes that I think are easy, so I can understand where you would think I enjoy it. It's more like a necessary evil I do to stay out of the fast food line. My son loves to cook, so I happily turn the kitchen over to him until clean-up.

  14. I'm glad your book did well at the auction. I'd be afraid to see what one of mine would do. A writer pal in Canada asked me to donate a couple of my books for an auction that was being held for the animal shelter where she volunteers. I have no idea how much they sold for, but I have a sneaky feeling they would've gotten more if I'd simply sent them the amount of money it cost me to ship 'em up there. HA!

    Don't like to cook, huh? Well, at least you can make strawberry jam!

    I'm so impressed with how professionally Ellen has handled the launch of her first three books. She's doing an awesome job, and I wish her much success.

    1. International shipping is awful! I had to stop shipping outside the country.

      I can follow a recipe and end up with good results about 50% of the time. I suppose I know how to do it. I just find any excuse not to do it.

      Ellen is very good at this book stuff. Love the covers too.

  15. I can see how auctioning off a book could be nerve wracking indeed. Writing from a kid's perspective is always fun.

    1. Yeah, that's never the time you want to hear crickets. LOL

  16. I would be mortified if no one wanted something I donated. I'm glad your book did you proud.


    1. I'm not sure if it was the book. More like generous people were there.

  17. Coffee! I don't think I can get rid of this addiction. I don't think I want to.
    So nice to realize that someone wants to buy your book enough to bid on it. Congrats!

    1. Why get rid of it? Surely, it's good for us, right?

  18. That must have been so nerve-wracking to watch your book being auctioned!
    I'm definitely addicted to iced coffee and I drink it all year, even in the winter.

    1. I'm addicted to this stuff. So delicious and easy.

  19. A great coffee recipe just in time for the summer! Thanks, Elizabeth. And another congratulation to Ellen on her latest book.

  20. Congrats to Ellen! I'm seeing her book everywhere. :)
    LOL I can't cook either so I'm glad I'm not alone. I would have been feeling the same way about that auction - so glad it went well (and not at all surprised!)

  21. I love coffee. I have not had iced coffee will have to try the recipe. Happy IWSG
    Writer's Gamibt

  22. a fond memory I have of school is kindergarten when we made lots of art projects using glue, scissors. I loved the paper money and crayons. I'm not sure if I liked nap time, thought! lol

  23. Just read you want to eat someone else's cooking and would be happy with clean up. Definitely got to move closer, I could do without the clean up thanks. I like the sound of Ellen's books so I too will get that first one on special. Sounds fun. Just re-read my Christmas replies post, had forgotten all about it. Glad your book didn't crash and burn, obviously they knew your work. Iced coffee sounds good, there are quite a few calories in the meal replacement drinks though, I know, I virtually lived on them when I came out of hospital. Need to start dieting myself. I have been eating myself silly for months now.

    No fond memories of school really, it was the war years and I went to 10 different schools. I hated school and they didn't have stickers in those far off days. Trouble was I was 10 going on 20 most of my life.

    1. Jo, why do you think I try too lure you so far south of the border? To get some good food. You cook; I'll clean. It's the perfect arrangement!

      I've done fair-to-middling on the eating. I have avoided fast food, for the most part. But when life gets busy, I'm sorely tempted to grab a burger and go.

  24. I've never heard of a coffee protein drink! What a great idea. And go you, to have put your book in the auction. Thanks for the marketing idea!

    1. Add some powdered fiber and it's almost a health drink. LOL

  25. Nice Iced coffee hack. At least you didn't buy your own book.

    1. If it had been a silent auction, I probably would have. LOL

  26. You're brave, and I'm glad your book was a hit. When I've donated my signed books, I add something of obvious value to the package, so I don't take a big ego knock-down.

    That iced coffee recipe sounds and looks divine.

    Congratulations to Ellen!

    1. That thought went through my mind...I should have added an Amazon gift card to the basket.
