Begging for Pennies

1:22 PM Elizabeth Seckman 55 Comments

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Bella's Point by Elizabeth Seckman

Bella's Point

by Elizabeth Seckman

Giveaway ends December 12, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
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Can I get a Huzzah?

Seriously...can I buy one or do I have to beg?

I'm jousting at M Pax's blog. No, I'm not picking up the spear looking thingy and poking knights in the chest. I'm just asking you guys to go on over to Mary's and say this in a comment- by say this, I mean copy and paste the following in a comment or just mention the words that are in bold print:

Lady Margaret and her trusty spear thingy, Bella's Point, says fare-thee-anon!

(Or use those words in any combo to gain me points. No wonder I am so fluffy, right? I joust with words from my comfy chair!)

Now, for the begs and bribes...for all of my huzzah-eers, I will reward you with a chance at showers of ale!**

                                    Begging over...onto the post! 

No more pennies?

While cleaning out my mom's house* to get it ready for sale, I picked up a pocket full of pennies. They were hiding everywhere- under furniture, in boxes of letters, and in their favorite place- in drawers full of junk. My husband pointed out that pennies may be on the way out.

On the way out?

Yes, on the way out- like no longer minted.

Seriously? How can we do without the penny? I mean if you want to get rid of something, ditch that bulky, awkward, quarter wanna-be nickel. Nobody gives a plug about the nickel, right?

Come on, we all know pennies are from Heaven. If you find a penny and pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck.

Without the penny, how will you make wishes? It's a penny well people! A quarter doesn't get you twenty-five wishes, it gets you less bubble gum. You have to toss a penny to get the wish.

And how will you buy someone's thoughts? I mean a penny for your thoughts is like, a really good bargain. A dime for those same thoughts just shows we have a sad inflation issue.

Stop the change in change! 


*My mom is alive and well and living in Alaska- don't anyone panic.
**By showers of ale, I mean this Amazon gift card valued at $10.00

 photo credit: Jeannette E. Spaghetti via photopin cc


  1. I visited Mary this morning - are you jousting on Wednesday?

    1. I sharpened my spear thingy this morning Alex! Ninjas beware!

  2. I didn't know that about pennies. Why in the world would they want to get rid of pennies? I love your take on it—a dime proves inflation, haha!

    I will head over to Mary's right now!! Also, I bought Bella's Point a few days ago, but haven't had a chance to delve into it yet. Can't wait until I have a few "quiet days." :)

    1. I will nervously await your feedback. Thanks for getting a copy- you're such a sweetie :)

  3. Liz, you crack me up. I seriously love you. Soooooooooooo much. <3

  4. So, so funny. "And how will you buy someone's thoughts? I mean a penny for your thoughts is like, a really good bargain. A dime for those same thoughts just shows we have a sad inflation issue."

  5. I'm so confused.

    Are you a huzzwhatever, or a jouster?

    I got a jar of pennies. You can't have them.

    1. Causing confusion is what I do best, Mac. I'm jousting, but posted my joust brag a day early. Needed to get a jump on the ninja competition. Huzzah!!
      Offering me a whole jar of wishes? You are a good friend!

  6. Pennies became obsolete in Canada about a year ago. It's bit of a pain as you have to round things up or down all over the place. Will check out the jousting.

  7. Replies
    1. Yay!!! I will make note and put you in the running for the ale shower.

  8. Sadly we are already screwed, no penny for my thoughts as Canada ditched them a year or so ago.

    1. Poor Pat. I'd offer you an inflated dime to know what's on your mind.

  9. I came; I copied the comment; I posted it on Mary's blog. Best wishes.


  10. Good luck! I commented for you :) xx

  11. I tried to comment for you but didn't know which one you were or where or how! So I'm going back over to Mary's to see if I can figure it out. And I'm with you. Not ready to get rid of pennies yet!! Didn't know that Canada already had!

    1. I already checked- you rocked it Lisa!!

      We can start a keep the keep the penny campaign. People have run on dumber things ;)

  12. I was behind a lad in the shop the other day who paid with pennies. All 275 of them - poor cashier!

    1. Oh my. When I was working as a cashier, I just took them, assumed they were enough and kept my line moving. Then at the end of the shift, I'd sometimes have to toss a bit of change in the till, but it was worth not counting when busy!

  13. Okay, I'm headed over to support you in the joust. (I hope I'm not too late!) You know, pennies saved us when we moved to Florida. True story. My hubby's penny collection allowed us to squeak by while in between jobs. Thank goodness for pennies.

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

    1. See? Pennies are from Heaven! I think you have all week to vote, so you're golden Crystal!

  14. Hey girl- sorry it's been so long. Computer issues...sigh. Anyhoo- I NEVER throw away money, not even pennies. If you save them, they add up.

    1. I've missed you!! Glad you're back :)

      I don't throw them away either. And hey, those penny jars could become collectors items one day!

  15. I'm glad you're not poking knights in the chest. My HR department would have a field day.

    The problem isn't the penny. It's inflation. Keep the penny! :)

    1. I'm not the violent type David, I swear. No real pokes with anything sharp.

      Totally agree-let's eliminate inflation, not the penny.

  16. I have a gallon glass jar filled with pennies! It's quite the heavy thing.

    I cheered you on, my lady! May you win the joust!

    1. Thank you Lady Loni! I raise my ale, but not the jug of pennies to you!

  17. Bribery is awesome and encouraged. :) The joust is quite spirited today. I would miss the penny if it went away. I suppose you can no longer buy a gumball for a penny.

    1. Nope, they charge you a quarter for a gumball. I remember the penny candy counter at my hometown grocery store. Back then finding a penny was an awesome event.

  18. The poor penny. I see someone already mention that it's gone in Canada. I cheered for you today! Good luck and just remember to point the pointy end at your opponent. :)

    1. Yay!! I would feign surprise, but I'm stalking the comments and sending mental high fives and blessings to my huzzah-eers!!

  19. I read somewhere that people are throwing pennies away. I wonder how that's going to work, though. What if someone's paying $3.49 by cash? There would be no way to make change. Companies could round up, but with sales tax that could be almost impossible, unless registers are set to round up...or we just do away with cash altogether.

    1. I say just keep the penny and keep life simple. ;)

      Jo says they round up in Canada. Boo on ever paying a penny m ore than I have to.

  20. Say it isn't so. I like to dig into my coin purse and pay the change in pennies. A penny saved is a penny earned. How will us writers make any money without pennies?
    xo =)

    1. You are so right there!! I count my precious pennies every single night.

  21. I tried to, but comments were closed. :(

    1. It's a conspiracy! Not really, Mary shuts them down to count them up for the day and pick winners for the daily give away. Your effort counts toward my appreciation :)

  22. I'm standing tall and shouting Hooray! Save the penny at all costs! Great blog. Made me smile and glad to know your mom is just fine.

    1. Thanks! So happy you stopped by and put your two cents in. ;)

  23. No penny! That'd be awful! I mean, how sad would it be not to find those lying in the parking lot??? Seriously, that little thrill of life has to stay.

    1. I love finding pennies, I just feel like there's an angel in the area offering me little wishes!

  24. I gave you a huzzah/cheer yesterday Liz. The joust is amazing fun. Thank you for showing me the power of the penny.

    1. You're welcome. Best of luck you in the joust. If I lose to you, I will still feel like a winner :)

  25. The Realms Faire is awesome. But I can't keep up. Is it too late to give you a shoutout?

    1. It is now, but it's the thought that counts. I understand that whole not being able to keep up thing!

  26. Joust a minute, Elizabeth. Ah yes, save the Penny. Penny will appreciate your thoughts. A Faire posting by thee, my kind friend.

    Gary :)

    1. Yes, another great reason to save the penny, for Penny's sake!! Glad to see you out and about my friend. :)

  27. I believe in the penny and hope it sticks around despite the naysayers. Even if they become overwhelming, I throw them in a jar and and later into a coin machine in exchange for bills.


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