I Miss You...

7:59 AM Elizabeth Seckman 63 Comments

It's fall...the time for homecomings and holidays, memories and remember whens.

And the blogosphere is no different. There are bloggers who come and wiggle their way into your circle of friends, then they disappear. Their website is still there, but their last post was months ago.

This blogfest is to recognize those buddies who might have been swallowed up by the big bad world of reality and the rest of us, the survivors, have united to say, "Screw reality! Come back to fantasy land!"


(Thanks to Ninja Captain Alex CavanaughAndrew LeonMatthew MacNish.

My missing blogger (if you see her, feel free to poke her):

Once upon a time, many adjectives and adverbs ago, there was this agent who requested fulls from some very talented people (yep, tootin' my horn!) and this agent would post progress updates on on her facebook page.

Well, you all know how writers are...calm, patient people who would never stalk a page or hit refresh every thirty seconds for an answer. But maybe we would check in at legal, restraining order compliant levels to know whether or not said agent had hit our magic number (or date of submission).

And since writers are as quiet as little mice in a room, hiding in the shadows waiting for morsels...oh, wait scratch that...maybe they are more like birds on a wire squawking as they wait for scattered crumbs. Anyhow, comments were made, friend requests sent and pretty soon we had a support group, of sorts.

Patiently, oh so patiently, we all waited. And waited. And then waited some more.

Weeks became months, and then one day came a strange blog post about lost hair and chewed off finger nails and an apology that the agent was exiting the literary field.

Like sad, but far from broken, employees of a bankrupt business, we walked away together, our manuscripts and hopes in our virtual little hands. We shared tales of chocolate and cajoled those who tried to quit.

We forged ahead. Started blogs. Wrote and wrote some more.

And then one day...one disappeared. Her pretty little blog was still there, but she wasn't.

Grapevine told tales of a move and lack of internet connection...but the why doesn't matter when a friend is missed. No more Friday funnies? No more home videos? No more posts written by her teen with the hacker abilities of James Bond?

All of it...gone?!

NO!! It cannot be! Someone find her, tell her to come back.

Yes, I am talking to you  Kristen Prysbathingy at Fairies and Pirates... I miss you.

Come on back and I'll give you a yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

*Miss Leigh Covington...you're walking a thin line! I fully blame your evil twin, Abby! Tell her to name her price and we'll pay it to have you set free!!


  1. I love the passion and ho ho's and rum! Wow... oh, yo ho, ho, lol I thought you were sharing Swiss cake rolls... ;D

    I have to come up with T-shirt, if one of my fav bloggers comes back. "I survived the Dismal Swamp Canal" whatever works, right!

    1. Yep, whatever works! And I'm a huge fan of Swiss Rolls...Kristin can't have mine, she'll have to get her own!

  2. Leigh is making a comeback though. Hopefully she'll be full strength soon. Wow I don't know Kristen and now I miss her. Touching post Liz.

    1. We will click our heels like Dorothy and make it happen..."I want Leigh to post; I want Leigh to visit."
      (that will work, I swear!)

  3. Replies
    1. I know...she's so stinking happy! The world needs happy!!

  4. Hi Elizabeth .. sounds as though Kirsten was a sure fire thing - let's hope she returns ..

    Cheers Hilary

    1. I will keep bugging her and surely she will cave to pressure!

  5. Leigh rocks da hooouse :)

    But you know her real name is "LeiBBY, right :)

    I blame it all on that pixie haircut she got a few months back :)

    1. Oh my goodness, why didn't I think of that? You can't trust fairies...especially not to cut your hair!!!

  6. I hope she comes back!
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest.

  7. what a cool blogfest! I hope she returns!

  8. How sad :( I hope she comes back.

    1. You can sign the petition...well, once we start it!~

  9. Oh I love it! Evil twin Abby! That is the most hilarious thing I've read all day! Yes, name your price Abby :)

    1. I knew we could gather enough support to provide the ransom. Evidently, according to Mark Koopmans, we will have to pay off the pixies who cut her hair.

  10. I second the motion to pay the random that Abby has on Leigh. Thanks for participating! :)

    1. My pleasure! Yay! another contributor to the ransom fund!

  11. Loved this! fairies and Pirates is a seriously cool name for a blog v:)

    1. Seriously, Kristin is totally going to be a pirate when she grows up.

  12. Perfect way to describe what it feels when our friends go bye bye!

    Make sure to stop by my place ;)

    1. You're too kind. Any real estate nearby? I can just move into the neighborhood. Or better yet, we can go live with my twin in Hawaii.

    2. HA!!

      I've no money left... using it for a Pixie Ransom Fund :)~

    3. :) You're the best kind of friend, Koopmans.

  13. I hope your friend comes back!! And I love her blog name!

    1. She is so twisted and demented in the best sort of way. Yep, sorely missed.

  14. Replies
    1. Place just isn't the same without her. Sometimes I go around adding extra !!!!!!'s just to feel like she's been there.

  15. I feel so loved! Last night I had the blog open, trying to plan a post but ended up falling asleep first. I do have a cache of hysterical home videos that need editing before I can post them...and speaking of editing, my mss need them too. I'll try to get a new post up, maybe tonight!

    Where'd Leigh go? I see her now and then on Facebook. *flounces away, Jack Sparrow-style*

    1. Oh man, if you had posted last night, I'd have looked like such a loser. You falling asleep was serendipitous!

      And oh goodie...off to check your blog! My plea worked!!!

  16. Thanks for sharing the links to these blogs. It's been a lot of fun today;$

    1. I still need to go around and read other people's choices.

  17. I love the way you wrote your blogfest post! Fun. :)

  18. Thanks for sharing these awesome bloggers, Elizabeth. The more the merrier, eh!

  19. Aww! So ingenious how you went about this blogfest!

  20. Hi, Elizabeth,

    How wonderful to meet you. Your take on this blogfest was unique and executed beautifully. Of all the posts I've read for the fest, yours is by far the most original and inspiring.

    Thank you for sharing your plea with us.

    Have a great weekend.


    1. Gosh, I'm super flattered and blushing a little. Thanks for the kind words! And thanks for stopping by!

  21. Love how interesting you made this post. Now I wish she was still here cause she sounds so intriguing! LOL. Well done!

    1. She is one of a kind! And I think she'll be back. This blogfest prompted her to post...and one post leads to another and another, right?

  22. Darn! Now I want to read Kristen's blog, too.

    1. Because of this blogfest, she posted to her blog! And I think she'll be back to full steam soon.

  23. Come back Kristen!! Come back to blogland!! You are loved and missed and wanted!!! Hope you are ok! Take care

    1. I thinks she's fine. A new job, a new home...heck pretty much a new life to adjust to and she'll be back. :)

  24. Here's to hoping Kristen comes back!

  25. Thanks for sharing this story and for popping by my blog. This blogfest has been a warm fuzzy heart fest!

    1. Yes it has been. But as writers who get to enjoy rejection for lunch and dinner, we need some warm fuzzies every now and then!

  26. They call this world virtual and sometimes dangerous, but the warm feelings can actually be real.

    1. You're so right. And there are friends on the net I can rely on for help faster than people I see every day.

  27. Funny post. That must have been frustrating.

    Oh Leigh, good choice. I totally blame Abby as well. Did you know Leigh has a drug problem? I guess that breaks confidentiality but I'm not really licensed so I never really signed anything. If none of this makes sense check out this post. http://writingwithshellyandchad.blogspot.com/2011/11/shellys-therapy-hour-leigh-covington.html

    1. I never knew about Abby and her drug problem. ;)

      I'll have to go check that out!

  28. Touching tribute to your friend...and it looks like it reached her. Bravo!


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