Slowing Down...Catching Up

8:32 PM Elizabeth Seckman 25 Comments


Image by Christina Zetterberg from Pixabay

It's been a Busy (note the capital B) couple of days. Work stuff. Writer stuff. Writer/work stuff. In the last five days, there has been the Writers Conference of Northern Appalachia, WATCH Youth Young Writers' book launch, a magic show, and a housing fair. 

First up:  WCoNA, the Writers Conference of Northern Appalachia. I signed up for it on a bit of a whim and as soon as I paid, I regretted it. I told my husband I needed a swift kick in the posterior for adding a trip out of town to an already packed schedule with back-to-back work events sandwiching the weekend. I seriously considered being a no-show, but then Boy #4, who is living in Pittsburgh, suggested I take him shopping one evening while I was in the area for the conference. 

Hmm...writer stuff and time spent with my baby? Time to pack!

So, was it worth it? Absolutely. It was good to be among writers and think more about books and less about work. It's very easy to get out of the writer mindset. It's also easy, once books are written and marketing takes center stage, to stop thinking about the craft and mechanics of writing. On Saturday, I attended classes and learned a lot. I have the notes from this weekend in my still unpacked suitcase. I'll look over my notes later and if there are any knowledge gems, I'll share them later.  

But there is this I can share now...

For those of you have been reading Appalachia as Apple-ate-cha throughout this post...

It's Apple-at-cha. See? I done made ya smarter. You're welcome. 

Have you done anything writerly lately? 


  1. Well, I learned the correct pronunciation of Appalachia. Hope I remember it and annoy people with my knowledge!

  2. At least you did get a lot out of the conference. Plus a visit with your son!

  3. A conference and time spent with your son. Win win.

  4. You can't say no to your son.

    I'm just finishing a week like that, but it was also worth it.

  5. I wish I had more opportunities for writing conferences here. There doesn't seem to be much, and I'd probably be too far away to attend anyway. You know what I liked about the COVID lockdowns - there was loads of writing conferences online! (That was the only upside, but it's a good one.)

    1. We had all of our kids at home again, so that was a big upside for us.

  6. Your kids have you wrapped around their fingers for more clothes. Haha.
    I love that you're getting doses of young writer energy. What fun. And they're lucky to learn from an expert. Hint: You!

    1. Yeah, I'm a little wrapped! Me an expert? Poor kids. LOL

  7. I'm so glad you got to go the conference and see the boy:) Writer Conferences are good for the soul, aren't they?

  8. Yay for a writing conference and time with your son! Glad you got to make the trip.

  9. A magic show? That sounds like fun.

  10. Nice to know/learn the correct pronunciation. I am so glad you had fun when you so nearly didn't go...

  11. Apple-ate-cha. Apple-at-ya. Hehe. Pretty funny.

  12. Thanks for the correction! Had no idea

  13. Sounds amazing! I wish I could go to a writing conference, but I'm in the wrong country for that.


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