Playoffs and Roses...

3:01 PM Elizabeth Seckman 26 Comments

What's new with you?

Me? I'm hanging on. Still waiting for a release date for Fate Intended. I keep checking my inbox for that, "Here's the final for your approval" email.

I say I designed this...really Willie White of
Lisa White Embroidery did all the work. 

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not checking more than twice or thrice a day. Because I have been busy.

My boys' football team made it into the playoffs.

Go Blue!!

Such an exciting (and busy) time. Spent yesterday pricing and designing signs. Then had a booster budget meeting.

Exciting, I know!

Psst...want to know a secret?

I loathe meetings.

I know. I know. You need them.

It's just this: I often find it quicker to just do something myself than have a meeting about how to get it done.

Time is precious and I feel its tick tock as loudly as a peri-menopausal childless chick who hears her ovaries withering on the fallopian vine.

Another secret? The same people will end up doing all the work. Every. Time.

I say skip the meeting and just get to work.

Okay, I'll quit belly aching and tell you about something I do have time for!

A good read! 

Buy Run for the Roses Here!
I read Rachel's novella Secondary Characters.

It was such a wonderful read.

So, I am pretty certain this story will be as good, if not better.

And Rachel is giving things away to celebrate, so be sure to check out her blog and see how you can get freebies!


  1. Congratulations to your son!
    Meetings are evil. An hour to decide on five minutes worth of material.
    Excited for Rachel.
    And hope your final for-your-approval arrives soon.

    1. You said it exactly! One hour for five minutes of decisions. Like I said, bleh.

  2. Meetings... Ugh! Our meetings for the writing guild take foooreevvvvverrr and accomplish next to nothing. And I hated staff meetings at work. They were pointless. Woo hoo for your son! Hope you get that final soon!

    1. I hope so too! But I am know what they say about good things...

  3. Yay - go the Blues! And I hope you get your email soon. Sounds as though you're keeping busy!

  4. Congratulations to your son and his team!! Our local team is in the playoffs this year, too! First time in fourteen years! (My senior year.) ;) Good luck to them, I'm sure they've all worked their butts off!
    And thank you so much for posting about Roses! You're so sweet. :) :)

    1. I am sweet...pass that along to mu hubs who gets the pleasure of my irritability when my life feels out of control!

      I just make myself part of blog tours sometimes. It's my blog; I do what I want ;)

  5. I hope to read Rachel's writing.

    So many meetings are pointless.

  6. I'm with you on every way with meetings. I'd rather spend the time getting things done.

    And wahoo for your son!

    I'll have to check out Rachel's book, thanks for the rec. :)

    1. I think there should be a meeting timer...set it ffor like a half hour and say go...whatever isn't accomplished is decided by coin toss.

  7. TWINNY!!!

    I was going to suggest a meeting with you and The Tammy to see what's going on with Charlie's Angels, but I'll tabulate that for now:)

    Go nephew!!!

    And saying a prayer for your upcoming email :)

    1. I'm going to get that picture Mark! I swear!!! Because that is going to be sooo much fun!! The season is almost over. Two more games and then we will be champs. Then I will rest...oh golly, Christmas? Oy. I feel the need for a nap!

  8. "...a peri-menopausal childless chick who hears her ovaries withering on the fallopian vine." GUFFAW!

    I don't like meetings, either. :)

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  9. Meetings can be annoying especially when it seems to just point out the obvious.

    1. I think we all agree, but then this is a site where great minds gather...

  10. Meetings are a pain but people/organizations LOVE to have them. Weird huh?

    1. I see the point of them. It's good to share opinions, but usually (and I am guiltiest!) they become chat sessions. Oh lordy, I do talk a lot!!

  11. Can't say I'm a big fan of meeting, either. They take a lot of time. But sometimes several heads are better than one!

    1. That is true. And the other night, I actually went to one where we had a sticky decision to make and it was decided by the it also provides cover for unpopular decisions. "Not my fault...decided in a meeting..."

  12. My work day consists of so many meetings I couldn't bear the thought of more elsewhere. You're a brave woman. You're apparently quite patient as well. Just thrice?

  13. Meetings are not fun. Nothing ever gets decided, they run over, and they descend into argument at the drop of a hat... in my experience. Well, I guess I should stop arguing :-)

    1. Once the donuts run out, it's just best to clear the room.


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